genius evil

Chapter 676 Acting too realistically

Chapter 676 Acting too realistically
"Jiang Chen, what are you crazy about, are you crazy?" Ye Siran stared at Jiang Chen with his eyes widened.

"Woman, it seems that you are not pretending to be stupid, but really stupid." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Could it be that I'm not stupid if I obey your advice and take the initiative to go to bed?" Ye Siran sneered.

She is not wearing any clothes right now, but she is only wrapped in a bath towel, and there is still a vacuum under the bath towel, any small movement may have the possibility of having a good time.

If you really want to climb into bed, wouldn't you take the initiative to give Jiang Chen an advantage?
Ye Siran felt that he must have lost his mind and was hopelessly stupid to do such a stupid thing.

"If you don't go to bed, how do you make noise?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"Go to bed...make noise...Jiang Chen, you mean..." With a swipe, Ye Siran blushed.

Even if he has never experienced the relationship between men and women, or even has a half-knowledge about the relationship between men and women, but Jiang Chen's words are so straightforward, how can Ye Siran not understand, what Jiang Chen said What does it mean to go to bed and make a sound.

"That's what you understand." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Obviously you said that." Ye Siran snorted coldly, so she wouldn't admit that she had deliberately thought about it, otherwise she might not know how Jiang Chen would treat her.

"Okay, no matter who it means, it's pretty much what it means anyway, don't babble, go to bed quickly, let's get started." Jiang Chen seemed a little impatient.

"Jiang Chen, do you really think I'm a fool?" Ye Siran said in a deep voice with a cold face.

Even if you want to make a little noise for Qiao Yiqing and Qiao Dongqing to hear, then you don't need to go to bed, there are ways to make all kinds of sounds.

Jiang Chen chose to have sex with her, which made Ye Siran wonder whether Jiang Chen had ulterior motives, or pretended to be helping her, but in fact, was taking advantage of it.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you don't appreciate it, then forget it." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Wait a minute, please speak clearly first, why are you doing it for me?" Ye Siran said in confusion, wanting to hear what Jiang Chen could say.

Otherwise, when this matter is over, she must show Jiang Chen some color, lest Jiang Chen think that she is the kind of woman who can be bullied casually.

"Well, have you ever heard of a word called Ganchai Lihuo?" Jiang Chen asked.

"..." Ye Siran gritted his teeth.

"Young couples, opening a room in a hotel is like dry firewood meeting a raging fire, which will instantly ignite. For such a simple truth, please don't tell me, you don't understand." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You understand very well." Ye Siran clenched his teeth even tighter.

"Ashamed, ashamed, I really understand." Jiang Chen is not ashamed, but proud.

"You know it's your business, don't think that everyone is as dirty as you think." Ye Siran said angrily.

"It's only natural for a man to love a woman." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Does it have to be like this?" Ye Siran hesitated.

Although she was extremely resistant from the bottom of her heart, there was one thing she had to admit, that is, what Jiang Chen said was very reasonable.

What else can young couples do if they don't have sex?
It's just that Jiang Chen didn't discuss with her beforehand, he just made his own decision, which made Ye Siran feel unacceptable.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word.

Seeing the smirk on Jiang Chen's face, Ye Siran's heart sank, and he said, "Okay, just do as you said, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen still smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this, Ye Siran simply didn't do anything else, climbed onto the bed, and asked, "Is this okay for the head office?"

"You say no, but your body is quite honest." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you dare to talk nonsense again, you will die." Ye Siran was very angry. What does it mean to be physically honest? Does she look very hungry and thirsty?

"Okay, I won't say anything, we just need to do it." Jiang Chen chuckled, jumped up, got on the bed, and lay down next to Ye Siran.

Ye Siran moved his body a little bit away from Jiang Chen, and asked, "And then?"

It was almost like Ye Siran's voice, just after falling, Ye Siran felt his body shaking... No, it wasn't her body shaking, but the bed shaking.

"Call." Jiang Chen urged.

"What's your name?" Ye Siran was confused.

"Call~ bed." Jiang Chen said, trying to control the strength so that when the bed was shaking, the rhythm sounded exactly the same as when it was doing something.

"I won't." Ye Siran said indifferently.

Of course she knew that she was going to call ~ bed, but she couldn't do it at all, and she had never called before. You know, she thought it was Jiang Chen who was responsible for the call.

"You can't, I'll teach you." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and stretched out a hand, gently pinched Ye Siran's waist.

"Ah—" Suffering from the pain, Ye Siran couldn't restrain himself from screaming softly.

"Very good, it's like this, continue." Jiang Chen signaled.

Ye Siran only felt that her face was so hot that it was about to burn, she gritted her teeth slightly, and with one hand, she gently pinched her thigh.

When the pain hit, the corners of Ye Siran's mouth twitched slightly, and he let out an inaudible moaning sound, and so on, after the third sound, perhaps because of gradually adapting and relaxing, Ye Siran's moaning sound The voice gradually became louder, and it sounded very similar to that.

"That's right, hold on." Jiang Chen shook the bed vigorously.

Ye Siran rolled his eyes, followed the rhythm of the bed shaking, and moaned lightly...

"Brother, you have no hope at all." In the next room, Qiao Yiqing blushed, dropped these words, and fled in despair.


He clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the table, only to hear a bang, a dull sound came out, and a deep fist mark was impressively left on a thick solid wooden table.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve to die!"

After one punch, Qiao Dongqing let out a low growl, and punched again, hitting the table. With a bang, the table was torn apart and scattered all over the ground...


"Jiang Chen, is it alright?" Ye Siran was so focused on controlling his voice that he didn't notice the movement in the next room at all.

"It's only five minutes, at least an hour is enough." Jiang Chen said.

He could hear the movements in the next room clearly, but at this time, it was impossible to tell Ye Siran about it.

Not to mention, don't look at Ye Siran's serious appearance in normal times, but his voice is charming to the bone, even if he knows he is acting, Jiang Chen's heart is inadvertently, once Teased again.

"One hour? So long?" Ye Siran was dumbfounded.

If she continued calling like this, wouldn't her voice be hoarse in an hour?

"Normally, two hours is my style." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Jiang Chen, will you die if you don't brag?" Ye Siran was speechless.

Although she has never eaten pork, can she still run without seeing a pig?

"Women, without practice, you have no right to speak. If you don't believe me, we can give it a try." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Stop it, don't even think about it." Ye Siran said hastily.

Just kidding, who is going to try Jiang Chen? Does Jiang Chen have anything to do with her whether he is good or not?
Time passes little by little.

10 minutes……

15 minutes……

Two 10 minutes...


After 10 minutes passed, for Ye Siran, every minute and every second became so long and so difficult.

Her throat was dry, and every time she groaned, she felt that her throat was about to smoke when it came out from the depths of her throat.

It was hard for Ye Siran to imagine what Jiang Chen was talking about for two hours. This made Ye Siran even more sure of one thing, that is, Jiang Chen was bragging.

It is said that the more a person lacks something, the more he likes to brag about it. Ye Siran couldn't help but doubt this. Otherwise, why would Jiang Chen care about the length of time so much.

Didn't it all say on the Internet that time is not important, technology is important!

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Siran quickly put an end to such thoughts, these are some messy things, they must have been taught badly by Jiang Chen.

Yes, it was taught badly by Jiang Chen.

After confirming this point, Ye Siran felt a little better in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, is that enough?" Panting, Ye Siran asked.

"Woman, your physical strength is not good enough, you need to strengthen your training." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Ah—" Ye Siran took a deep breath, but it was Jiang Chen who pinched her hard while he was speaking.

"Jiang Chen--" Ye Siran raised his brows upside down.

"You, you are inexperienced at first glance. Women always call this when they are in the happiest state." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Resisting the urge to tear Jiang Chen into pieces, Ye Siran knew it was over, he crawled off the bed, and rushed towards the bathroom as if fleeing from famine.

"Jiang Chen, no matter what, you must not spread the word about what happened today." A few minutes later, Ye Siran, who was dressed, appeared by the bed, and said to Jiang Chen in a tone that could not be refused.

Jiang Chen jokingly chuckled, and said: "No problem, but I have a suggestion, have you considered, like Silly Baitian, switching to the entertainment industry?"

"Entering the entertainment circle?" Ye Siran was confused.

"Maybe you don't even know how good your acting skills are. It looks like you're acting, but it's just like the real thing...Really, I won't lie to you, it's exactly the same, so realistic... Just You look like this, this figure... If you enter the show business circle, it will not be a matter of minutes to get a queen..."

"Jiang Chen, go to hell with me." Ye Siran couldn't listen any longer, he kicked towards Jiang Chen, whether he could get the movie queen every minute or not, she just ran away every minute anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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