genius evil

Chapter 718 People will be shy

Chapter 718 People will be shy
Huang Chan shot, it was too sudden, Qin Wenyan didn't even have time to react, he just flew out, Jiang Chen saw Qin Wenyan was blown away, and with a big hand, he grabbed Qin Wenyan's hand , pulled Qin Wenyan back into his arms, preventing Qin Wenyan from falling to the ground.

It's not that he feels sorry for Qin Wenyan who will smash the flowers and plants on the ground, but that if Qin Wenyan is such a beautiful woman, if he smashes it, he will definitely feel distressed to death.

"Despicable...shameless..." Opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Qin Wenyan's face turned pale, and he said bitterly.

"Why am I mean and shameless? Is it possible that you are allowed to use small tricks, but I am not allowed to use them? If you want to say mean and shameless words, I also learned from you. As for me, I am called Yihezhidao Huanzhi Over there." Huang Chan said confidently.


Qin Wenyan had the urge to vomit blood again. On the one hand, under Huang Chan's blow, he shot with all his strength and did not retain his strength at all. On the other hand, he was angered by Huang Chan. But he still said it so righteously, which made Qin Wen very angry.

"Miss Wenyan, calm down first, don't argue with her, let me talk to her." Jiang Chen said, one hand, seemingly casually, patted Qin Wenyan's back a few times, looking like Like comfort.

Following Jiang Chen's big hand clapping a few times, Qin Wenyan suddenly realized that his visceral organs were miraculously calmed down.

Although he was still extremely uncomfortable, he no longer couldn't suppress the surge of qi and blood, and his complexion also looked much better all of a sudden.

With some surprise, Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen.

"I heard that when girls get angry, they are easy to grow old, especially beautiful girls, the probability of getting angry is the highest. Ask Miss Yan, you listen to me, you are right." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Qin Wenyan knew that Jiang Chen's words were intended for her, so he glanced at Huang Chan and nodded stiffly.

"By the way, be good like this." Jiang Chen patted Qin Wenyan's back a few more times with his big hand to calm Qin Wenyan's blood, and then put Qin Wenyan down.

"It's really embarrassing... It's really a concubine's love. It's very touching to look at it. Good brother, am I really not as beautiful as this woman? Otherwise, why didn't you treat her the same and treat me so well?" What about it?" Huang Chan said.

She was going to say that she was in collusion, but when the words came to her lips, she quickly took them back, then blinked her eyes, pretending to be innocent.

"Good sister, do you still have the face to say this? Did we agree that if you don't kill beautiful women or handsome men, you promise me." Jiang Chen accused very angrily.

"Good brother, for a woman, you scold me like this, I'm so sad." Huang Chan said weeping.

"Don't pretend, explain to me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Good brother, what did I promise you? I didn't say it. I only kill handsome men and not beautiful women. Or, think about it carefully and see if I have said it?" Huang Chan smiled like a little vixen .

"You mean, you're lying to me?" Jiang Chen was very angry.

"Brother, I didn't intend to lie to you. This woman is really disgusting. I don't like her very much." Huang Chan pointed at Qin Wenyan and said.

"Even if you don't like to ask Miss Yan, you can't lie to me. Do you know what it means? Steal needles when you are young, and steal gold when you are old. Why don't you learn to be good, but you have to learn to be bad." Jiang Chen Na is a man who hates iron but not steel.

Huang Chan stared at Jiang Chen in astonishment, a bit like watching a psychopath.

Don't look at her good brother, good brother, screaming very happily, that's just yelling casually, Jiang Chen said it so seriously, it seems that she is really his sister.

Do you understand acting?
Do you want to fall so deep?
"My good brother, I've already been told that I didn't intend to lie to you." Huang Chan's acting skills were top-notch, and she didn't show any thoughts.

"It wasn't intentional this time, but it will definitely be intentional next time. Come here, I have to teach you a lesson today, let you have a longer memory, and see if you dare to lie to others in the future." Jiang Chen Said angrily.

"Good brother, he has delicate skin and tender flesh, can you bear it?" Huang Chan winked.

"I called you here, are you deaf?" Jiang Chen angrily shouted.

"Okay." Huang Chan took a deep look at Jiang Chen and walked over.

"Bend down, stick your butt up." Jiang Chen looked very angry.

"Good brother, don't you want to spank his ass, right? He is so old, he will be shy." Huang Chan said delicately, but obeyed Jiang Chen's words, bent over and pouted her butt.

As soon as he bent down, at an angle that Jiang Chen couldn't see, a sharp cold light flashed in Huang Chan's eyes.

She grew up so big, her buttocks had never been touched by a man, let alone spanked, if Jiang Chen really wanted to spank her butt, not just pretending, she would definitely kill him.

"A little higher." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Good brother, don't embarrass him, you are really shy." Huang Chan's voice sounded extremely shy.

"Shy?" Jiang Chen sneered, and said, "Don't think I don't know what your plan is, you must be thinking, if I dare to spank your ass, you will kill me."

"Good brother, what are you kidding, you are my good brother, I will not kill you if I kill anyone." Huang Chan flatly denied it.

"But I'm still worried about you killing me. You are so powerful, killing me is not like killing a chicken, so I won't spank your ass anymore." Jiang Chen said worriedly.

"Good brother, I was wrong, you fight, I will not resist." Huang Chan said hastily.

"Good sister, this is what you said, if you dare to do something to your good brother, I will be very angry." Jiang Chen warned.

"Definitely not." Huang Chan was extremely obedient.

While talking, Huang Chan suddenly felt a slight pain on her buttocks, as if she was bitten by a mosquito.

In broad daylight, it is naturally impossible to have mosquitoes, even if there are mosquitoes that want to bite, with her cultivation base, it is impossible for her to be bitten by mosquitoes while awake.

Turning back in astonishment, Huang Chan looked at Jiang Chen in amazement, and suddenly saw that Jiang Chen was looking at her with a strange smile on his face.

"My good sister, in order to avoid being killed by you, I made a temporary decision just now. I will not spank your butt, but give you an injection instead. Does it hurt?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You bastard!" Huang Chan screamed.

Huang Chan clearly noticed that her two legs became as heavy as lead, as if they were growing on the ground.

She also didn't know how Jiang Chen got that injection. Apart from that, she was even more aware that her upper body was also rapidly becoming stiff, as if it was about to turn into a log.

"My good sister, how can you scold people? Even if it's a good brother like me, I haven't taught you how to behave, but it's wrong to scold people, understand?" Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"What did you do to me?" Huang Chan said sharply, all the disguises were gone, she straightened up, stared at Jiang Chen angrily, and had the urge to run away every minute.

"Didn't I just say that? It's just an injection for you. However, if you like it, it's okay if I give you a few more injections." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I will kill you." Huang Chan gritted her teeth.

The reason why she cooperated with Jiang Chen like that just now was because she thought it was fun, she was purely teasing Jiang Chen, it was impossible for her to be spanked by Jiang Chen, and she was absolutely sure that in Jiang Chen's hands, Before touching her butt, Jiang Chen had to pay an extremely heavy price.

What Huang Chan didn't expect was that she couldn't tease Jiang Chen, but was played by Jiang Chen viciously. Feeling her gradually stiff body, Huang Chan was about to go crazy.

"Good sister, I have to tell you that it's wrong to scold people, beating and killing people is even worse, as your brother, I feel very sad." Jiang Chen said with self-blame.

"Go to hell with me." Huang Chan couldn't take it any longer, and Fei Xiu shot instantly. She swore that even if she died here today, Jiang Chen would definitely be buried with him.

"It's all wrong, why are you still doing it? It's too bad." Jiang Chen sighed, grabbed Fei Xiu with his big hand.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jiang Chen pulled Huang Chan in front of him, and slapped Huang Chan's butt with his big hand.

"You hit me." Huang Chan was shocked.


Jiang Chen raised his hand, and slapped Huang Chan's butt again.

"The effect of the injection doesn't look very good. I guess you'll have to spank your butt, so you'll have a long memory." Jiang Chen said to himself. down.

"Kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, I will execute you Ling Chi." Huang Chan was mad with hatred, her charming face was covered with a ferocious look.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

It's okay not to say Huang Chan's words, but when he said it, Jiang Chen hit more vigorously, pumping more than a dozen in a row, almost swollen Huang Chan's buttocks.

Feeling the burning pain coming from her buttocks, Huang Chan was ashamed and angry. She wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but she was powerless and could only passively accept Jiang Chen's bullying, because her limbs were completely stiff now. I can't even move my body.

Except for a mouth that can speak, other parts of the body can be said to be completely out of control.

"Jiang Chen, I said, if you have the ability, you can kill me." This situation made Huang Chan terrified and uncomfortable, and even wished that Jiang Chen could kill her directly.

"Good sister, do you know what is the biggest difference between me and you? That is, I only kill handsome men, never beautiful women." Jiang Chen said with a hippie smile, secretly lamenting that the hand feels good, so he smoked a few more. Down.

"Ah... ah..." Huang Chan couldn't help moaning after being whipped by Jiang Chen.

"Huang Chan, have you ever thought that you will have today?" Qin Wenyan watched from the sidelines, he didn't have the slightest bit of pity for Huang Chan's fate, only endless pleasure.

Who made Huang Chan sneak up on her in a mean and shameless way just now, and now it's finally Huang Chan's turn to be bullied by Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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