genius evil

Chapter 812 Full of Routines

Chapter 812 Full of Routines
The room was so big, even if Jiang Chen wanted to stand a little further away, there was no place to stand, so Jiang Chen was very smart, he didn't stand far away at all, but ran to Ye Sichen's side and sat down.

"Have you guys finished talking? Let me say a few words after you finish talking." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you have an opinion?" Ye Siran asked.

"I don't have any opinions, I just want to go shopping with Silly Baitian." Jiang Chen said.

"Lead the snake out of the hole?" Ye Siran's heart moved slightly.

It's the same when I think about it. Many things are in the cloud now. Sitting in a hotel room is too passive. It may be a good way to take the initiative to find clues.

As for personal safety, Ye Siran was not worried at all.

The target has already been erected, and now the four big characters "Fire at me" are written on Jiang Chen's face.

"Actually, I just want to buy some clothes." Jiang Chen said coyly, looking very embarrassed.

Hearing this, Ye Siran almost vomited blood, is it because her associative ability is too rich?
Ye Sichen's heart was moved when he heard Jiang Chen say that he was going to go shopping, and he was even more delighted when he remembered that he had never bought clothes for Jiang Chen.

So, no matter how reluctant Ye Siran and Mi Jie were, they could only go shopping with Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen.

"I want a car, um, a good car." In the hotel lobby, Jiang Chen said to the lobby manager.

"Okay, sir." These people are all distinguished guests, the lobby manager didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly arranged to go. After a while, a very high-handed and overbearing car drove over.

"I can understand if you want a car. What's the situation if you want a good car?" After getting in the car, Mi Jie asked.

"For a man, what he pursues is nothing more than career and ideals." Jiang Chen said.

"Speak human." Sister Mi sneered, who wants to listen to such nonsense?
"Well, for a man, what he pursues is nothing more than money and beauties. Now that there are beauties, there are two more...well, three." With a heartbeat, she was also added.

Hearing Jiang Chen say there were three of them, Miss Mi's complexion finally looked a little better, and she signaled Jiang Chen to continue.

"Three stunning beauties accompany me to go shopping. The problem of beauties is solved. Then there is the problem of money. After all, I can never write on my face that I am rich. I have to use other things. It shows that I am rich, and the car is undoubtedly the best." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"So, are you going to pretend to be aggressive?" Miss Mi was speechless.

"Pretending to be too vulgar, there is a saying that goes, riches and honors do not return to their hometowns, such as night walks in brocade clothes, rich and beautiful women are not known to others, so what is the meaning of life? Why waste time shopping and simply shut down in a hotel?" Wouldn't it be better to open the door and sleep?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"Pfft..." Ye Sichen laughed out loud. Xu felt that it was indecent, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, but he still laughed loudly.

"Sichen, is it funny?" Ye Siran asked depressedly, her sister's smile is a bit low.

"Jiang Chen is really fun." Ye Sichen said with a smile.

"Sister Mi, what do you think?" Ye Siran asked Sister Mi.

"Bad taste." Sister Mi said coldly.

"Sichen, do you hear me? It's not funny at all." Ye Siran reminded, feeling that he had to establish correct values ​​and outlook on life for Ye Sichen, otherwise it would be really easy to be judged by Jiang Chen. Get cheated.

"But I still want to laugh." Ye Sichen said, laughing louder.

The place to go shopping was designated by Ye Sichen, because when Ye Sichen came to the West Mansion before, he had sneaked around for a few times, so he knew the way very well, so Jiang Chen drove the car and went to the place designated by Ye Sichen. That mall.

"It's over, I forgot to bring my wallet." After getting off the car, the four of them were walking towards the mall, Jiang Chen suddenly said in surprise.

"I have no money." Ye Siran said.

Not to mention that he really has no money, even if he has money, it is impossible to spend it on Jiang Chen. After all, it is fine to treat guests to dinner, and this is to buy clothes.

Seemingly normal things, in fact, contain countless small ambiguities. It is estimated that only husband and wife or young lovers will have such small interests.

"I don't have any money either." Sister Mi said afterwards.

Sister Mi is in the entertainment industry, she has never seen anyone before, she has already cultivated a pair of piercing eyes, Jiang Chen can see through such a little trick at a glance.

"Hee hee, I brought it." Ye Sichen said.

"Very good, I will swipe your card in a while." Jiang Chen said.

Ye Siran and Miss Mi looked at each other, both of them had black lines all over their heads, and Miss Mi said in a low voice, "Sichen, I remember that you have no money in this card, right?"

"Miss Mi, you told me that my credit card can be overdrawn indefinitely." Ye Sichen said sternly.

"I'm not talking about this card." Sister Mi said.

"Sister Mi, you remember wrongly. It's this card. I always carry it with me." Ye Sichen replied seriously.

Sister Mi put her hand on her forehead, no wonder Jiang Chen always called Ye Sichen silly, white and sweet, and he really was silly, white and sweet.

Ye Siran really had the urge to snatch the card from Ye Sichen's hand and break it. After thinking about it, he didn't do that. There was no way, her younger sister was not really stupid, she was only focused on Jiang Chen.

If she did that, Ye Sichen would definitely be very upset.

Just when Ye Siran was thinking this way, Jiang Chen suddenly took out a wallet, and said to himself: "So I brought a wallet, silly, put your cards away, I will Just swipe your own card."

Ye Sichen was disappointed for a while, she still wanted to use her own money to buy clothes for Jiang Chen, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually brought a wallet.

Ye Siran and Miss Mi looked at each other again, how could they not understand that they were fooled.

Where did Jiang Chen forget to bring his wallet? He simply said that on purpose. In this way, because the two of them were unwilling to pay, Jiang Chen must have a good reason not to give the two of them money when they were shopping later. It's a bill.

"Cunning guy." Ye Siran gritted his teeth in hatred.

Sister Mi also rolled her eyes, secretly slandering Jiang Chen for being too scheming and having too many routines, just buying a piece of clothes, but he can play so many tricks!
He said he was taking three stunning beauties for shopping, but in fact, Ye Siran was the only one.

It's not that Ye Sichen and Miss Mi are not beautiful enough, but that the two girls have been fully armed and wrapped themselves tightly since they left the hotel room.

Such an approach is undoubtedly very conspicuous, but at the same time as conspicuous, it makes people doubt his identity and cannot guess who it is, it is full of routines.

Entering the shopping mall, Ye Sichen took Jiang Chen to a men's clothing store with ease. The clerk saw Jiang Chen bringing three women, two of whom were equipped with masks, hats and sunglasses. While being weird, he hurriedly greeted him warmly.

"Jiang Chen, try this one... this one... and this one..." After a while, Ye Sichen took off several clothes and handed them to Jiang Chen.

It was the first time in his life that he bought clothes for a man, Ye Sichen looked very excited, but Ye Siran and Mi Jie were not excited at all, because there was nothing wrong with them.

"Wait, you have a piece of clothing in your hand, I've taken a fancy to it." Someone was picking clothes, and even though he swiped his own card for a while, Jiang Chen was still very happy, and planned to go to the fitting room, when a voice suddenly rang up.

"Yes, it's the sky blue one, bring it here." The person who spoke came over, pointed at the clothes on Jiang Chen's hand, and said.

"Sir, this dress is still in stock in the warehouse. What size do you want? I'll get it for you now, and it will be delivered in a while." Seeing the situation, the clerk said.

"Don't be so troublesome, I want this one, and he can't afford it anyway." The speaker said, this is a little fat man, about 1.6 meters tall.

Beside him is a woman who is nearly 1.7 meters tall, one tall and one short, and the contrast is great.

Of course, the most important thing is that this little fat man is wearing a very thick gold necklace and several rings on his hands, including gold and emeralds. In short, people can tell that he is rich at the first sight of him.

Jiang Chen looked at this little fat man, and suddenly felt that he was acting too subtle. This little fat man was the king of pretending.

"Who said we couldn't afford it anymore, we bought them all." Ye Sichen said angrily.

She took so many clothes for Jiang Chen to try on, the sky blue one was her favorite, and she thought about buying it even if Jiang Chen didn't like it.

The appearance of this little fat man immediately made Ye Sichen very unhappy.

"I said you can't afford it if you can't afford it. Do you know how much this dress costs?" the little fat man said mockingly.

"Buy..." Ye Sichen couldn't help but feel that this little fat man was too condescending, so he wanted to ask the clerk to pay the bill.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hands with a smile, and said to the little fat man, "It looks like you're rich, right?"

"That's right, I'm rich, but obviously, it has nothing to do with you." The little fat man smiled, and he liked this strong taste of pretense very much.

It's not that he must have that dress, but he likes the pleasure of snatching things from others, especially, why is Jiang Chen so handsome while he is short and frustrated?

Do you need a reason to look down on someone?

Sometimes it is unnecessary, but right now, the little fat man has a very good reason to dislike Jiang Chen.

"It really has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and said, "Don't be nervous, relax, I will definitely not steal your money."

"With ten guts, do you dare to snatch it?" The little fat man said dismissively, if he dared to walk all over the street with such equipment, he would never worry about being robbed, unless the other party was impatient.

"Of course I don't dare. Besides, how could I do things like stealing money? That's not my style." Jiang Chen said seriously, and then he greeted the clerk: "Pay the bill."

"Boy, what do you mean, I've taken a fancy to this dress, you don't know what's good." The little fat man's face darkened, and he said displeased.

"Don't worry, if you like it, it's yours. I just help to pay the bill and deliver it to you." Jiang Chen said calmly.

The little fat man grinned, and suddenly felt that Jiang Chen's handsome face was extremely kind and lovely.

What is knowing the current affairs? This is called knowing the current affairs.

Swiping the card to pay the bill, the clothes were packed and delivered to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen stuffed the bag into the little fat man's hand and said, "Take it."

"Then I won't be polite." The little fat man smiled openly, and held it unceremoniously.

"The dog chain around your neck is really good. It just so happens that I have a dog at home without a chain. I think you don't mind giving it to me at all, do you?" After the little fat man took the bag, Jiang Chen Said seriously.

Hearing this, Ye Siran and Sister Mi looked at each other for the third time, and sure enough, everything was a trick, this little fat man was accidentally tricked by Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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