genius evil

Chapter 819 Chaos has become a pot of porridge

Chapter 819
"I'm so ashamed." Ren Nanzheng said.

That's what he said, but when Ren Nanzheng moved his feet, he was extremely crisp and neat, kicking Ren Minxing like a rolling gourd, rolling him on the ground.

"You've lost all the face of our Ren family, you useless bastard." Ren Nanzheng growled.

"As expected of a big family, even teaching the family's children is so imposing." Jiang Chen said.

I don't know if it was because Jiang Chen's praise was too sincere, so Ren Nanzheng once again showed his imposing side, kicking Ren Minxing several times one after another, crying and howling.

"Dad, don't touch me, I'm about to be beaten to death." Ren Qichao wailed in grief.

Ren Nanzheng was beating Ren Minxing, and Ren Junlin was beating Ren Qichao wildly. As for the specific method of beating, it is estimated that they can only be described in four words: imposing manner.

Hearing Ren Qichao's voice, Ren Nanzheng looked at Ren Qichao, and saw that Ren Qichao's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, with blood flowing. Compared with Ren Minxing, the beating was worse.

"Brother, I'll help you teach your son a lesson. What are you doing?" Ren Nanzheng's face was very ugly.

You know, when he beat Ren Minxing, he seemed cruel, but in fact he showed mercy, but right now, when Ren Junlin beat Ren Qichao, he spared no effort at all, and wanted to beat Ren Qichao to death.

Ren Nanzheng's mood suddenly became extremely unbalanced.

Unbalanced in his heart, Ren Nanzheng naturally had to regain his balance, raised his foot, and kicked Ren Minxing viciously.

Ren Junlin has been watching Ren Nanzheng's every move all the time. When he sees Ren Nanzheng's killing hands, he is so polite and beats up Ren Qichao with great joy.

"What's the situation?" Sister Mi asked in confusion after watching the scene for a long time.

"Beating a child on a rainy day is nothing but idle time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Sister Mi turned her head, looked outside the door, and said quietly: "The weather is very good today, the sun is shining brightly, and there is no cloud in the sky. There should be no possibility of rain in a few days."

"Beating children on a sunny day has the same effect." Jiang Chen said calmly.


"I'm really ashamed."

Ren Nanzheng and Ren Junlin kicked and beat Ren Minxing and Ren Qichao violently respectively. They probably felt that they had had enough beatings, and they were extremely worried that their son would be accidentally beaten to death by the other party. Finally, they stopped their hands and feet, politely. to entertain Jiang Chen.

"If I said I haven't seen enough, you wouldn't beat me up too, would you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm just kidding." Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng blushed, and invited Jiang Chen to sit down. Ye Siran and his three daughters sat down afterward, and tea and snacks were quickly brought over.

The atmosphere is rather subtle.

Ye Siran found out that apart from Ren Minxing, Ren Qichao and the housekeeper Zhang Shan who were beaten, the rest of the people had also been beaten before, and the situation was a mess.

After considering his words, Ye Siran said, "Uncle and Uncle, did someone do something wrong?"

"It's not that bitch Ren Minxing." Ren Nanzheng sighed and scolded.

"Second Uncle, it's fine if you hit me, but you still scold me, do you really think I'm easy to bully?" Ren Minxing rubbed his swollen cheeks and said sinisterly.

"I scolded you a bitch, was it wrong?" Ren Nanzheng said angrily.

"You are a shameless old and disrespectful scum, but I just robbed you of two women. Is it necessary for you to beat me up so badly? The big deal is that I don't want to touch those two women anymore." Ren Minxing Said angrily.

"What woman?" Ren Junlin's face changed slightly.

Ren Junlin originally thought that the reason why his son was beaten by Ren Nanzheng was because he got into trouble outside.

Because Ren Minxing often caused troubles and was often punished by Ren Nanzheng, Ren Junlin didn't take it very seriously.

After all, Ren Nanzheng was Ren Minxing's second uncle, and it was only natural for him to teach Ren Minxing a lesson. As a father, he couldn't say much.

It's really too hard today. Ren Junlin can't help but take Ren Qichao. Anyway, whoever sons hurts, this bowl of water must be flat.

Anyway, Ren Qichao's ability to cause trouble is no less than Ren Minxing's. After this beating, if Ren Nanzheng is not convinced, there is some reason to reason.

It never occurred to Ren Junlin that Ren Nanzheng beat Ren Minxing because of a woman.

Letting what Ren Minxing said, the two of them had a conflict because of robbing women, which made Ren Junlin's face darken instantly.

"Where did the woman come from? Don't talk nonsense here, little bastard." Ren Nanzheng said with a beard and a stare.

"Second uncle, you beat me too hard today, but I can't do anything to you, but don't even think about disgusting me, Wen Heng, tell me what's going on." Ren Minxing panted heavily. Said angrily.

Wen Heng was standing in a corner, looking very non-existent.

Being named by Ren Minxing, Wen Heng's eyes flickered slightly, he stood up reluctantly, and said, "Minxing, what kind of woman are you talking about?"

"It's the pair of Russian twin sisters you gave me." Ren Minxing said.

Wen Heng smiled wryly, and said, "Min Xing, stop making trouble."

"What's wrong with me, tell me quickly." Ren Minxing stared at Wen Heng.urged.

"Minxing, I have no idea what you're talking about." Wen Heng said dumbfounded.

"Wen Heng, are you looking for death?" Ren Minxing stared at Wen Heng with a murderous look in his eyes.

It was Wen Heng who called him and said that he had got a pair of Russian twin sisters, so he rushed over in a hurry and had a conflict with Ren Nanzheng.

It can be said that this matter was caused by Wen Heng, but right now, Wen Heng is pretending to be a fool in front of him, denying it categorically, which made Ren Minxing resent Wen Heng to the extreme.

"Minxing, your temper is too outrageous, it's a good thing for the second master to beat you up." Wen Heng sighed and walked back to the corner.

"Damn you bastard." Ren Minxing was furious, pointed at Ren Nanzheng, and said, "You two are so good at harming me, right? This matter is not over today."

"Dog thing, it's fine for you to goof around outside every day and stir up trouble. I'll beat you up and expect you to be honest, but you actually poured dirty water on me. I must beat you to death today." Ren Nanzheng blew his beard and stared, He rushed forward and kicked Ren Minxing to the ground again.

"Ren Nanzheng, are you guilty?" Ren Junlin didn't do anything to Ren Qichao this time, he went over, helped Ren Minxing up with his own hands, and said coldly.

"Brother, it's not that I'm talking about you, a loving father with many failures. It's because you dote on Min Xing too much that makes Min Xing so lawless." Ren Nanzheng said earnestly.

"Let's talk about the two Russian women first." Ren Junlin said indifferently.

"It's pure fiction, what's there to talk about?" Ren Nanzheng said.

"Whether it's nothing or not, I will naturally ask clearly." Ren Junlin was obviously not that easy to deceive, and said, "Wen Heng, come here."

"Yes." Wen Heng responded and walked towards Ren Junlin.

As soon as Wen Heng approached, Ren Junlin grabbed the hot tea on the table and splashed it on Wen Heng's face. Yin Jiu said, "Remember, I want to be honest. Say half a word of panic, and I will kill you immediately."

After the words fell, a pistol appeared in Ren Junlin's hand, and the black muzzle pointed straight at Wen Heng's head.

"Master, I have followed you for so many years, how have I ever lied to you." Wen Heng stood there and said calmly.

"It's because you have followed me for many years, so if you lie to me, I will kill you. Tell me, what happened to the two Russian women." Ren Junlin said.

"Brother, are you planning to beat him into a trick, is that interesting?" Ren Nanzheng said in a strange way.

"In your eyes and heart, if you have a big brother like me, just shut up." Ren Junlin said angrily.

"It's okay to tell me to shut up, but I'm definitely not happy to pour dirty water on me." Ren Nanzheng said angrily.

"Don't worry, no one will pour dirty water on you, black and white, I will make it clear." Ren Junlin said noncommittally.

"Master, I really don't know any Russian women." Wen Heng said dumbfounded.

"Dad, shoot and kill him, this bastard dares to cheat me, he's getting impatient." Ren Minxing couldn't stand listening, and yelled.

"Shut up too." Ren Junlin cursed.

"Dad, everything I said is true. Why don't you believe me? Am I your biological son?" Ren Minxing said with a sad face.

"Shut up." Ren Junlin was furious, but this idiot, couldn't he see that what he is doing now is for whom?

"Okay, I just shut up, but Dad, you must kill him." Ren Minxing said worriedly, very worried that Ren Junlin would spare Wenheng's life.

"You don't know why Minxing said it was related to you?" Ren Junlin then asked.

Wen Heng said: "I guess it's Min Xing who hates me in his heart. All this time, Lord, you let me watch Min Xing a lot. How could he not hate me?"

"Is that so?" Ren Junlin looked at Wen Heng suspiciously.

"Master, if you don't believe me, shoot me to death." Wen Heng said, slowly closing his eyes.


The gunshot sounded at this moment.

For a moment, the bullet rubbed against Wen Heng's ear, bringing up blood.

Wen Heng's face turned pale, and he collapsed to the ground.

Accompanied by the sound of gunshots, in the living room, except for Jiang Chen, the faces of everyone else changed dramatically.

"Who, who fired the shot, stand up for me." Ren Junlin was furious.

When the gunshot rang out, Wen Heng almost thought that the gun in his hand had gone off, but when he found out it was not, his face turned pale.

"Master, I fired the gun." A man came out and said tremblingly.

"Do you want to die? Who told you to shoot." Ren Junlin was furious.

"Dad, what are you scolding him for? This shot was fired well, but it didn't aim well. If Wen Heng was killed with one shot, it would be perfect. Of course, it's okay to make up another shot, or mess around It would be better to shoot him to death." Ren Minxing said with a playful smile.

Wen Heng sat on the ground with a miserable smile on his face, and said to the shooter, "Can I ask you, where did your gun come from?"

In one sentence, the expressions of everyone in the living room changed again...

(End of this chapter)

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