genius evil

Chapter 840 I want to compete fairly with you

Chapter 840 I want to compete fairly with you
However, as soon as Jian Xiaoyu finished speaking, what happened in the next second made Jian Xiaoyu more or less unexpected.

Because after she said that I mind, the boy sat down beside Jiang Chen as if he didn't hear what she said.

"Handsome guy, let me introduce myself, my name is Pan Zijing." Pan Zijing said.

"You are so ugly, have such a poor figure, and are short. You must be very inferior if you sit next to me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Inferiority?" There was a bit of coldness in his eyes, Pan Zijing said: "You don't know me, I've never felt inferior."

"So you are telling me that you are a very self-aware guy?" Jiang Chen asked.

Because Pan Zijing still sat down after being rejected, Jian Xiaoyu was a little angry at first, but when he heard Jiang Chen teasing Pan Zijing, he was immediately amused and forgot to be angry.

"Have I offended you? Your mouth is so stinky?" Pan Zijing was annoyed.

In this capital university, he, Pan Zijing, can be regarded as a man of influence. Has anyone ever slapped him in the face?
It was enough for Jiang Chen to slap him in the face once, but he actually slapped him twice in a row, which made Pan Zijing a little bit unbearable.

"Yes, you offended me. Of course, offending me is one thing. The most important thing is that you are too stupid." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Huh?" Pan Zijing frowned, wondering if it was possible that Jiang Chen had discovered that he was the one who ordered the three of them to come here to make trouble?
Calmly, Pan Zijing said: "Slandering other people's personality for no reason, maybe you think it will make you feel superior. I can only say that this is very naive."

Jiang Chen looked at this guy like an idiot, and said, "Let's talk about your purpose for coming here first."

"I have a question, what is your relationship with Xiao Yu?" Pan Zijing asked.

The three of Zhugan failed to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, but instead, Zhugan suffered a great loss in Jiang Chen's hands, and the buck-toothed and big-headed were scared out of their wits.

Pan Zijing actually didn't really want to deal with Jiang Chen at this time, because he didn't take advantage of the initial confrontation.

But Pan Zijing was also worried that if he hesitated a little, Jian Xiaoyu would fall into Jiang Chen's arms. After thinking about it, Pan Zijing decided to come over to meet Jiang Chen. To take action against Jiang Chen once is the so-called knowing yourself and the enemy.

"Pan Zijing, I don't know you well, please call me Jian Xiaoyu... Also, what is my relationship with Jiang Chen has nothing to do with you." Jian Xiaoyu said coldly.

"Jian Xiaoyu, if you say this, you won't be afraid of my anger?" Pan Zijing said gloomyly.

"Whatever you want." Jian Xiaoyu said nonchalantly.

"Jian Xiaoyu, if you intend to provoke me, I assure you, you will regret it." Pan Zijing threatened.

"I didn't intend to provoke you, but just like what Jiang Chen said, you really don't have any self-knowledge." Jian Xiaoyu said contemptuously.

Pan Zijing has pursued her many times, and was rejected many times. In the past, Jian Xiaoyu thought that Pan Zijing was too thick-skinned, but now, he doesn't think so. It's purely because Pan Zijing doesn't have enough self-knowledge. All must obey him and must be centered on him.

"You don't want to tell me about the relationship between you and this kid, but if you say this, you are defending him everywhere. Obviously, the relationship is not cheap." Pan Zijing said.

"That's right, that's it." Jian Xiaoyu admitted.

Pan Zijing's face turned blue and red, and he said to Jiang Chen, "Boy, I haven't seen you before. You should be a freshman in Beijing University. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of me before, but now, you know me. existence, I don't want you to get too close to Xiao Yu."

"Is this your purpose?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Specifically, I want to compete fairly with you," Pan Zijing said.

He said this on the lips, but his deepest thoughts were naturally not like this. Pan Zijing was worried that Jiang Chen would get ahead, so he had to put on an attitude of fair competition. Only in this way could he effectively prevent Jiang Chen from contacting Jian Xiaoyu.

"Okay, I understand what you mean." Jiang Chen said.

"You agreed?" Pan Zijing was overjoyed.


Jiang Chen didn't reply, he slapped Pan Zijing to the ground with a sideways slap, raised his foot, and stepped on Pan Zijing's face.

"Boy, are you crazy?" Pan Zijing's expression changed drastically when he was accidentally knocked to the ground by Jiang Chen, and his face was stepped on the ground by Jiang Chen. He couldn't believe it.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter?" Jian Xiaoyu was also dumbfounded, Jiang Chen shot too fast and too suddenly.

"Xiao Yumei, those three idiots didn't leave for long, did they forget so soon?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, you mean?" Jian Xiaoyu said in a daze, and suddenly came to his senses.

No wonder, when she saw those three people before, she felt faintly familiar. When Jiang Chen reminded her, she suddenly recalled that she had seen those three people before.

Those three people often went in and out with Pan Zijing, like Pan Zijing's followers.

That is to say, the reason why those three people came here to make trouble was not because they were aimless, but because they were instigated by Pan Zijing.

After trying to understand this point, Jian Xiaoyu finally knew why Jiang Chen had done something to Pan Zijing, and for a moment, she herself was itching to hate Pan Zijing.

After the sudden shock, Pan Zijing also understood why Jiang Chen would do something to him. He didn't deny it, but gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, it's true that the three of them are sent by me to trouble you, but if this is the case, you will do something to me." , I promise, you will die miserably."

"You can't guarantee anything." Jiang Chen said lightly, and with his feet exerting force, Pan Zijing's face deformed accordingly.

"I stepped on your face this time, if you dare to hang around in front of me next time, I will..." Jiang Chen chuckled, lowered his head, and whispered in Pan Zijing's ear, "I will...kill you..."

Pan Zijing shivered suddenly, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. For some reason, when Jiang Chen said he would kill him, a chill suddenly swept over his body, making him feel like he was being targeted by a ferocious beast. There could be death without a burial at any time.

Pan Zijing wanted to say a few harsh words, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything. He just stared at Jiang Chen in a daze, as if he had lost his mind.

Jiang Chen moved his foot away, kicked Pan Zijing aside, picked up his chopsticks, and continued eating.

Pan Zijing left dejectedly, and when he left, he was panicked like a bereaved dog.

While looking at the lively guys, I originally thought that Pan Zijing would show Jiang Chen some color, but who would have thought that Jiang Chen would slap him in the face like this.

When Jiang Chen stomped Pan Zijing's face under his feet, countless people's eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Little boy, you are very nice, I admire you very much, sister." A girl came over and said coolly.

This girl is wearing a bulky overalls and has a boy's haircut. If you don't look carefully, she looks almost like a boy, but that small and delicate oval face betrays her gender.

"Is there any reward for being optimistic about me?" Jiang Chen looked at this girl who appeared out of nowhere with great interest.

"There's no reward, just seeing that idiot Pan Zijing doesn't like you, you're giving me vent by stepping on him. Remember my name, my name is Nangonghua. If you encounter any trouble at school in the future, I will help you, sister." Done." The cool girl said, turned and left.

"It's such a cute appearance, and the name is so cute, it's a pity that it's not a boy." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Hearing the sound, Jian Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I heard that Nangong Hua's temper is very hot. If she hears your words, she will definitely make you look good."

"I'm pretty enough already." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said narcissistically.

"I mean she will beat you up." Jian Xiaoyu reminded.

When she said this, Jian Xiaoyu was also a little confused. Nangong Hua would actually take the initiative to talk to Jiang Chen. This undoubtedly means that Nangong Hua has a good impression of Jiang Chen, otherwise Nangong Hua would not show color to all boys like Nangong Hua In terms of personality, how can he do such a thing?

"She can't beat me." Jiang Chen was still confident.

"Jiang Chen, Pan Zijing, you have to be careful. I've heard a lot about him. If you humiliate him so much this time, he will definitely retaliate against you." Jian Xiaoyu didn't talk much about Nangong Hua, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, he can't beat me either." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The meal was full of twists and turns, but fortunately, in the end, Jiang Chen finished it smoothly.

Jian Xiaoyu watched Jiang Chen eat, and was gradually attracted by Jiang Chen's terrifying appetite, and learned deeply what a real foodie is.

"Jiang Chen, do you eat like this every meal?" Jian Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"That's how Chinese food and dinner are eaten." Jiang Chen responded casually, and the two packed up their plates and walked out of the cafeteria together.

"But why aren't you fat at all?" Jian Xiaoyu became more and more curious. It's unreasonable to eat so much and still be so thin.

"Don't you think I'm more handsome if I'm thinner?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jian Xiaoyu was speechless, why did Jiang Chen mean that he didn't eat enough, just like their girls' diet, but they ate so much, are they really not full yet?

Thinking about it for a while, Jian Xiaoyu found it hard to imagine how much Jiang Chen would have to eat to be considered full.

Jian Xiaoyu's doubts about this were common to everyone who had dinner with Jiang Chen for the first time, and Jiang Chen had long since accepted the strangeness, so he didn't explain much.

Just after walking out of the cafeteria, Jiang Chen saw a red Ferrari sports car parked outside the cafeteria gate. Inside the Ferrari car, a woman was sitting. When Jiang Chen saw the car, the woman also saw Jiang Chen.

The car door was pushed open, and the woman got out of the car, and walked in front of Jiang Chen in a few steps.

If this red Ferrari is already stunning enough, then the woman who got out of the car is even more stunning to the point of dazzling.

Even Jian Xiaoyu, who has always been very confident in his appearance, suddenly felt a sense of shame when he saw this woman...

(End of this chapter)

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