genius evil

Chapter 899 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 899 It's Easy to Ask God

"Yeah, it seems a bit too easy. I don't know why, but I always feel something is wrong. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so easy." Qu Jin said in a deep voice.

Gui Yuanzong didn't have many chances to deal with Jiang Chen, and Qu Jin had never met Jiang Chen before, and his understanding of Jiang Chen was obtained through indirect means.

But even so, Qu Jin would not be so naive as to underestimate Jiang Chen's means and IQ.

After all, there are already too many people who have paid an incomparably heavy price for belittling Jiang Chen.

"If nothing else happens, Jiang Chen saw through those four guys' tricks." Chang Zhile said slowly.

"See through?" Qu Jin's face changed slightly, and he said immediately: "Master Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen really saw through the tricks of the four of them, why would he still go to Zheng's house? We are clearly inviting you into the urn. What do you think?"

"After we released that rumor last time, we have been looking for a suitable opportunity to attack Jiang Chen. Do you think that Jiang Chen will always be passive?" Chang Zhile said lightly.

"You mean, Jiang Chen intends to use the Zheng family as a breakthrough point, and started to fight back?" Qu Jin said with a frown.

Having said that, Qu Jin faintly felt something was wrong, he said: "Master, the matter about Jiang Chen's attempt to restore the order in the capital is just a crime we have imposed on Jiang Chen out of thin air, so that other families will share the same hatred and fight against the enemy. It was just pointing at Jiang Chen, not Jiang Chen's original intention, wasn't it?"

"Maybe not before, but now, how dare you say that he doesn't have this idea?" Chang Zhile said.

Hearing this, Qu Jin gasped.

Before that rumor spread, Jiang Chen made the capital city full of storms, acted treacherously, and used ruthless methods. He could be described as a complete spoiler.

It can be said that at that time, they were already constantly challenging the inherent order of the capital.

However, at that time, although Jiang Chen showed his majestic side, he had no specific purpose. No one knew what Jiang Chen was thinking.

The rumor concocted by Gui Yuanzong was deliberately incited, and countless families and forces were worried.

But what is false is false and can never become true.

But if, as he had guessed, Jiang Chen planned to use the Zheng family as a breakthrough point, then it undoubtedly meant that Jiang Chen had plans to turn the rumors into the truth, which would not make Qu Jin feel astonished.

"Master, in this way, aren't we helping Jiang Chen?" Qu Jin said awkwardly.

"That's almost what it means. Although I'm also extremely surprised by Jiang Chen's ambition, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen is about to make a move." Chang Zhile said with a cold snort.

"This is not a good thing." Qu Jin said worriedly.

"Relax, it won't be a bad thing. If Jiang Chen has been standing still, some people will take chances. With Jiang Chen's action, he has plunged into a dead end... In vain attempt to use one person's strength, He is still far from upending the situation in the capital. He has too much appetite, and he will be overwhelmed." Chang Zhile said dismissively.

Even if it was himself, he was limited to only one Wu family. Jiang Chen wanted to look at the capital, although it was not without their help behind the scenes, but how could it be so easy?

Qu Jin nodded silently.

A rumor that was born out of nothing has already made Jiang Chen burnt out.If people knew that Jiang Chen really had such an ambition, he would be surrounded by enemies, and the families and forces under the existing order would absolutely retaliate at all costs.

"Sect Master, I have a question, I don't know whether to say it or not to say it." Qu Jin said at this time.

"Say." Chang Zhile signaled.

"In terms of the four major families and the four smaller families, the Zheng family is undoubtedly the weakest link under the current circumstances. If Jiang Chen goes to trouble the Zheng family, no one can stop him... I have always wondered why the suzerain you He will choose the Zheng family instead of other families as his target," Qu Jin said.

Chang Zhile smiled and said, "You also said that the Zheng family is the weakest. It is not difficult to say that among all the families, the Zheng family is the least useful. Naturally, it is also the most dispensable."

"Besides, have you thought about a question, when Jiang Chen bullies the Zheng family, what will the Zhao family and the Li family in the four small families think?" Then, Chang Zhile asked again.

"The four big families and the four small families have always had clear boundaries. Among the four big families, the Zheng family is still bigger than a horse even if it is a skinny camel. It is not so easy to shake. If Jiang Chen destroys the Zheng family, then the Zhao family With the Li family, they will definitely feel great pressure. After all, Jiang Chen will destroy the Zheng family as soon as he wants, and the Zhao family and the Li family are naturally not a problem." Thinking about the intention of Chang Zhile's words, Qu Jin Said.

Speaking of this, Qu Jin's eyes lit up, and he finally understood the intention of Chang Zhile's arrangement.

The Zheng family is the weakest, even if it is brought in, it is not of much value.

But once Jiang Chen destroyed the Zheng family, it would be tantamount to scaring the snake. Needless to say, the Zhao family and the Li family became startled birds.

In that case, these families must have no luck at all, and can only go all out to cooperate with Gui Yuanzong to deal with Jiang Chen. It has to be said that this move is extremely clever.

"Sect master's brilliant move." Qu Jin said with emotion.

"Don't be in a hurry to flatter me, just wait and see, I hope Jiang Chen won't disappoint me." Chang Zhile said indifferently, this game, up to this moment, has just kicked off.

After the Zheng family passed, the real highlight was.

First, he personally pushed Wu Mengdi to the abyss of death, then he concocted rumors that Jiang Chen wanted to restore order in the capital, and now, he used the method of pawns crossing the river to lure Jiang Chen into taking the bait...

The step-by-step layout began to bear fruit. Jiang Chen was already being led by the nose, but before the end, Chang Zhile didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

Po Gong Throat drove very fast. Along the way, Jiang Chen learned the names of the four of them respectively. Po Luo Throat's name was very interesting, it was Zheng Baojia.

Because it was very interesting, Jiang Chen remembered it as soon as he heard it. As for the names of the other three, Jiang Chen forgot after hearing it.

After about an hour, the car stopped in front of the gate of Zheng's house.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking at the brand-new door of the Zheng family, Jiang Chen laughed inexplicably. That smile fell into the eyes of the four members of Zheng Bao's family, and it was indescribably penetrating.

"Young Master, please wait a moment, I'll call Young Master Yun." Zheng Baojia said anxiously, Jiang Chen's smile was so scary that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"There's no need to fight, he's out." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Following Jiang Chen's words, he suddenly saw the door of Zheng's family open, and a white sports car slowly drove out from inside.

It was a convertible sports car, which was indescribably coquettish and stylish, so it was clearly visible that Zheng Xiaoyun was driving the car.

Not only is the car flirty, but Zheng Xiaoyun's dress is also very flirty. Looking at the flirtatious appearance, it is obvious that this set of equipment is for going out to pick up girls.

Seeing that Zheng Xiaoyun was about to drive away, Zheng Baojia quickly pushed open the car door, rushed out, and stopped Zheng Xiaoyun.

"Speak up if you have something to do, and get out if you have nothing to do." Seeing Zheng Bao's house, Zheng Xiaoyun said impatiently.

"Young Master Yun, it's like this, Young Master Jiang is here." Zheng Baojia said.

"Jiang Shao? Jiang Chen?" Hearing what Zheng Baojia said, Zheng Xiaoyun's face couldn't help but change.

"It's Jiang Chen, young master Jiang, right now in that car." Zheng Baojia pointed to Zheng Xiaoyun.

Zheng Xiaoyun looked in the direction that Zheng Baojia's finger was pointing at, just in time to see Jiang Chen pushing the car door, and Shi Shiran walked out of the car.

"What's the situation?" Zheng Xiaoyun was a little dazed, unable to understand why Zheng Bao's family invited Jiang Chen here.

"Young Master Yun, it's like this. We accidentally had a misunderstanding with Young Master Jiang. Young Master Jiang didn't believe that we belonged to the Zheng family, so he specially invited Young Master Jiang to come to the Zheng family to confront him. You want to talk to Shao Yun later?" Testify for us." Zheng Baojia explained.

Hearing Zheng Bao's family's words, Zheng Xiaoyun was ready to die.

Of course, before he died, he had to strangle Zheng Baojia.

This damned bastard said that he had a little misunderstanding with Jiang Chen, don't think he offended Jiang Chen.

Is it possible that this guy is full of shit?Who is not good to offend, but to offend Jiang Chen?

Moreover, it's fine to offend Jiang Chen, but he even took Jiang Chen back to the Zheng family. Could it be that the Zheng family was not harmed enough by Jiang Chen and wanted Jiang Chen to completely destroy the Zheng family? no?
It's easy to ask God to send God away, Jiang Chen came to Zheng's house, everyone in Zheng's house must be in trouble, Zheng Xiaoyun almost burst into tears.

"Young Master Yun... Oh, First Young Master Yun, it seems that you are a little excited when you see me." Jiang Chen walked over and said with a smile.

Zheng Xiaoyun was a little excited, his blood vessels were about to burst, he forced a smile and said, "Young Master Jiang, I didn't expect you to come, it's too unexpected."

"So you're telling me that you don't welcome my arrival, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

" could it be." Zheng Xiaoyun smiled uglier than crying.

"Since there is no one, why didn't you invite me in for a sit-down? Could it be that your Zheng family is so poor that you can't even afford tea?" Jiang Chen said pretending to be displeased.

Seeing Jiang Chen's face change, Zheng Xiaoyun was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he hurriedly got out of the car to extend a sincere invitation to Jiang Chen.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctantly forgive you." Jiang Chen said generously, and walked straight inside.

Zheng Xiaoyun followed behind, seeing that the four members of Zheng Bao's family were about to flee, he shouted in a low voice: "You bastard, don't even try to leave, you just wait to die!"

The news that Jiang Chen came to Zheng's house quickly spread. Here, Zheng Xiaoyun just brought Jiang Chen to a villa for entertaining guests. Mr. Zheng appeared with Zheng Chengze pushing a wheelchair.

Not surprisingly, the faces of the two are as ugly as they are...

(End of this chapter)

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