genius evil

Chapter 904 Chapter Playing to Death

Chapter 904 The rhythm of being played to death

Perhaps because of the similar differences in conditions between the two parties, Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua did not exclude each other, even if they sensed that Jiang Chen was too close to each other, they still showed a tacit attitude.

But the appearance of Zhou Mingzhu undoubtedly broke this potential balance!
There is a saying that beautiful women and beautiful women are born enemies.

This may be an exaggeration, but there is no doubt that women always love to compare, especially beautiful women.

Although Zhou Mingzhu's existence did not make Jian Xiaoyu or Nangong Hua feel ashamed, it still brought great pressure to the two daughters.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingzhu is not that aggressive character, otherwise, the pressure would be even greater.

Naturally, even so, the two daughters still slandered Jiang Chen endlessly, secretly cursing Jiang Chen for being too greedy, provoking one after another.

How would the second daughter know that Jiang Chen is very glad that Fairy Tale is not at school, otherwise, today's play will become even more lively.

Rao, with his thick skin, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on.

Jiang Chen planned to say a few words to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, but before he could say anything, he heard a surprised voice say, "Jiang Chen, you are here."

Following the sound, the young girl with bright eyes and kind eyes was looking at him with joy, who else could it be except a fairy tale.

Jiang Chen was flustered in the wind for a moment, looking at the sky speechlessly, what day is today?Is this the rhythm to play him to death?

The fairy tale appeared, and the atmosphere suddenly became more subtle.


The eyes of the three daughters of Nangong Hua all fell on Fairy Tale, looking at Fairy Tale from different angles.

Even though Tong Hua is a freshman, she has become famous within a short period of time because she was ranked second in the ranking of the most beautiful girls in Beijing University as soon as she entered school.

The three girls have all seen the photos of Fairy Tale, and now they see Fairy Tale in person, and find that Fairy Tale is more vivid and lovable than the photos.

In an instant, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu were extremely sad.

Sure enough, there were other school beauties who had a close relationship with Jiang Chen. No wonder Zhou Mingzhu said that Jiang Chen had many girlfriends.

"Jiang Chen, you go first, let me handle it here." Tian Tian smiled, and Tong Hua said, while talking, she blinked at Jiang Chen, implying that Jiang Chen had already understood what was going on.

Jiang Chen almost burst into tears, but it turned out that the fairy tale beauty was the best for him, so he ran away without saying a word.

Seeing Jiang Chen running faster than a rabbit, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu looked at each other, both dumbfounded. How could this guy be so irresponsible?
"Hello, my name is Fairy Tale. Nice to meet you." Jiang Chen introduced himself as soon as he left, and then invited the three daughters of Nangong Hua to walk around the campus together.

"I won't go." Zhou Mingzhu said.

She is pure and correct, but she is not stupid. At this point, she still can't see the clues.

But thinking that she had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Zhou Mingzhu felt that she should not join in the fun.

"It's okay, just walk around." Tong Hua smiled slightly, and said while holding Zhou Mingzhu's little hand.

Zhou Mingzhu just couldn't refuse, and she was not the kind of person who was good at rejecting others.

Then, as the four girls strolled through the campus, a beautiful landscape appeared inside the campus of Capital University.

"Fairy Tale, what's your relationship with Jiang Chen?" Nangong Hua asked bluntly.

As soon as this question was uttered, Jian Xiaoyu also looked at Fairy Tale, and she also wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Girlfriend, I just don't know whether Jiang Chen will admit it or not." Tong Hua said generously, and then gave a brief introduction about some things between himself and Jiang Chen.

"You are such a beautiful woman who is willing to be his girlfriend, how could Jiang Chen not admit it." Nangong Hua snorted coldly, her mind was a little strange, because from the fairy tale, it seemed that the fairy tale was suspected of being upside down, and she found it unbelievable.

After all, for a girl like Fairy Tale, not to mention that her pursuer is like a crucian carp crossing the river, how can she not be so humble as to post back?How much charm does Jiang Chen need to make Fairy Tale do such a thing?

Fairy Tale chuckled, and said softly: "Some things are hard for me to say, but in fact, I have always felt inferior to Jiang Chen."

Nangong Hua frowned, she still felt inferior even though she looked like a fairy tale, how high was Jiang Chen's request?

You must know that judging from the current situation, Jiang Chen is obviously very hungry.

"Please believe me, I will not lie to you." Fairy Tale said sincerely.

At the end, she glanced at Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu, and asked with a smile, "You two like Jiang Chen very much, right?"

"Who likes him, you damn liar." Nangong Hua pouted, looking dismissive.

Jian Xiaoyu also wanted to say that there was no such thing, but when she got to her mouth, she found that she couldn't say it. After all, in that case, she could only deceive herself.

"I can see that Jiang Chen also likes you two." Tong Hua said, and it was natural to hear that Nangong Hua was speaking in anger.

And even though Jian Xiaoyu didn't say a word, the fairy tale could still be seen, it was because he liked Jiang Chen so much that he couldn't say it.

"As long as it's a beautiful woman, Jiang Chen likes it, right?" Nangong Hua said sadly.

"It's true that Jiang Chen likes beautiful women, but if a woman only has a beautiful skin, she can't catch Jiang Chen's eyes. Jiang Chen likes you, so there is a reason why he likes you." Tong Hua said seriously.

"I didn't see it." Nangong Hua was even more sad.

"Fairy Tale, you've said so much, aren't you angry at all?" Jian Xiaoyu, who was silent, said.

She could tell that what Tong Hua said was always defending Jiang Chen from Jiang Chen's standpoint, and Tong Hua also said that she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

According to common sense, shouldn't fairy tales be jealous and angry?

After being told by Fairy Tale, Nangong Hua also realized this problem, yes, why isn't Fairy Tale angry?This is very unscientific.

She doesn't deny that Jiang Chen's charm is great, but Jiang Chen's charm is so great that it can make Fairy Tale ignore his love interest?
Even ignoring it doesn't matter, Fairy Tale actually helped to deal with the other women around Jiang Chen, isn't this a little too big?
"Yeah, I'm not angry, not at all." Fairytale laughed, "Besides, I can't find a reason to be angry."

"Jiang Chen provoked me and Jian Xiaoyu, isn't that a reason?" Nangong Hua was very depressed.

"After you get to know Jiang Chen better, you will find that if Jiang Chen doesn't put his mind to it, we won't have a chance to get in touch with him at all. That is the greatest tragedy." Tong Hua said seriously.

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu were both dumbfounded. How could it be a great honor to be liked by Jiang Chen after listening to the meaning of the fairy tale?
God, it couldn't be that Fairy Tale was brainwashed by Jiang Chen, right?
Otherwise, in this case, how can fairy tales be so frank?

Zhou Mingzhu laughed out loud.

"Beauty Mingzhu, what are you laughing at?" Nangong Hua asked strangely, not thinking that such a thing was funny at all.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, I just remembered something." Sticking out her tongue, Zhou Mingzhu said.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Hua was confused.

"My sister told me that Jiang Chen is the worst person. If I want to find a boyfriend in the future, I must not find him this type, or I will be pissed off sooner or later." Zhou Mingzhu said.

"Your sister is right." Nangong Hua agreed, because she was about to die of anger now.Although I still don't understand where the joke is.

"My sister also said that Jiang Chen is the best at deceiving girls, so you two should think clearly and don't be deceived by him again." Zhou Mingzhu said.

Fairy Tale was overjoyed and asked, "How does your sister know Jiang Chen so well?"

"Ah—" Zhou Mingzhu was stunned.

"Could it be that your sister was also deceived by Jiang Chen?" Jian Xiaoyu said quietly.

Fairy Tale didn't go into too much depth, and soon left. Zhou Mingzhu also left after Fairy Tale left, leaving Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu looking at each other for a long time.

"Jiang Chen is too hateful." Nangong Hua said bitterly.

"It's just too hateful." Jian Xiaoyu also said bitterly.

While talking, the second daughter smiled, and Jian Xiaoyu said: "Actually, I already knew that Jiang Chen has many girlfriends. But I don't know why, but I still like him. Tell me, am I stupid?"

"Maybe." Nangong Hua sighed softly.

She didn't know that Jiang Chen had many girlfriends very early on. She only found out about it today. However, Nangong Hua found out quite strangely that teasing was ridicule, and complaints were complaints. Deep down, she didn't feel angry at all. .

On the contrary, the only thing there was pressure, pressure from other women around Jiang Chen.

"What a damn guy, it's nothing more than a showman, and the women he's looking for are more beautiful than the other." Nangong Hua said silently in her heart.

When the complaints were over, Nangong Hua was completely stunned.

Such a reaction was too inconsistent with her personality. Could it be that she just tacitly accepted the fact that Jiang Chen had many girlfriends?

Or, in fact, before Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen walked very close, she had already acquiesced to this fact?

But how?
All of a sudden, Nangong Hua felt that her three views were all ruined.

"But I don't know why, I don't think I'm stupid, maybe it's like a fairy tale, if Jiang Chen doesn't care, I don't have a chance." Jian Xiaoyu smiled wryly.

"You were also brainwashed by Jiang Chen?" Nangong Hua said amusedly.

"What about you, isn't it the same?" Jian Xiaoyu asked back.

"I'm different from you." Nangong Hua murmured, and said, "I have nothing to do with Jiang Chen, not now, and never in the future, that guy can't take advantage of me again."

Jian Xiaoyu looked at Nangong Hua meaningfully, and smiled without saying a word.

Nangong Hua's little face turned red all of a sudden. Didn't she just tell Jian Xiaoyu that she was taken advantage of by Jiang Chen.

"Oh my God, am I crazy?" Nangong Hua wailed and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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