genius evil

Chapter 933

Chapter 933

The five of Liang Zicheng came here today, and they were all mentally prepared to lose money.

They all knew very well that Jiang Chen's so-called mergers and acquisitions were nothing but clever tricks, and they were actually indistinguishable from trickery.

Even so, they didn't dare to play tricks in front of Jiang Chen at all. The five people who knew everything about Jiang Chen couldn't be more clear. If they played tricks in front of Jiang Chen, they would be courting death.

Therefore, instead of daring to pay a premium for the evaluation quotation that took a week to make, the five people directly offered a [-]% discount after discussing it.

This offer actually cost them so much that they didn't even have any pants left.

They didn't expect that Jiang Chen would open his mouth so loudly. They still felt that it wasn't enough, and the price would have to be lowered even further.

The hearts of the five people were bitter to the extreme.

"Jiang Shao, what do you think? On the basis of this price, I, Qifeng Entertainment, will offer another [-]% off... No, [-]% off." Liang Zicheng hesitated for a while, and said.

"Mr. Liang, what you said is meaningless, what did I just say?" Jiang Chen said with a straight face, extremely displeased.

"Jiang Shao, you said our quotation is too cheap." Liang Zicheng said.

"Since I have heard it, do I have to repeat it again? We are all in business, and we know that it is not easy. How can I make you suffer? I can't let me make all the money alone. Everyone who has money Earning money is the long-term solution." Jiang Chen said earnestly, as if he would never take advantage of it.

Liang Zicheng almost burst into tears, allowing Jiang Chen to speak in a high-sounding manner. Regarding Jiang Chen's words, he didn't even believe the punctuation marks.

"[-]% off." Gritting his teeth, Liang Zicheng said, his heart was bleeding.

"Mr. Liang, you are insulting me." Jiang Chen's expression darkened.

"Thirty percent off...Jiang Shao, it really can't be lowered. This is almost equivalent to giving you Qifeng Entertainment for free." Liang Zicheng said with a choked voice.

"Mr. Liang, it seems that today you are determined to insult me ​​to the end. Could it be that I, Jiang Chen, are too talkative? Who gave you the courage?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

Liang Zicheng was so startled that his heart was about to jump out of his throat. He resisted the urge to vomit blood, and stammered, "One fold..."

"Mr. Liang, I'm not talking about you. You really don't mean anything. We agreed to make money together. You insist on playing this game with me. It's really embarrassing for me. However, For the sake of your sincerity, if I don't agree, it would be too disrespectful to you, so let's just discount it, and I can't let you suffer." Jiang Chen sighed, and said extremely reluctantly.

Liang Zicheng wanted to die a little. He felt that Jiang Chen's mouth was too poisonous. He took such a big advantage, and insisted on saying these cruel words. This was simply forcing him to die. There was no way to survive. Give.

With Liang Zicheng's leading role as an example, the following negotiation process became extremely smooth and enjoyable. Jiang Chen scolded people for not being old, and at the same time signed his name on the newly prepared merger contract.

In the end, when Liang Zicheng and the other five were sent away, Jiang Chen said: "I, Jiang, am too embarrassed about today's incident, but it is really a pleasure to do business with you, and I hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate again .”

The five of Liang Zicheng were all in a daze. Hell, even if their heads were pinched by coffin boards, it would be impossible for them to cooperate with Jiang Chen again, and they left in despair.

"Jiang Chen, you are so cruel." Watching the five people leave, Mi Jie stretched out her thumb and said to Jiang Chen.

Although I knew that Jiang Chen was sharpening his sword and wanting to kill these five people, Sister Mi did not expect that Jiang Chen would kill so hard. No wonder Liang Zicheng and five people prepared everything, Shengshi Entertainment didn't have to do anything , don't care whether the so-called process is correct or not.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether the process is the process or not. Jiang Chen has made up his mind to eat people without spit out bones.

"Sister Mi, I would be embarrassed if you praised me so much." Jiang Chen said shyly.

"I didn't praise you." Sister Mi rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Si Chen knows you're coming today, and she wants to see you."

"No problem, let's go." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The two walked out of the meeting room and went to the recording studio.

In the aisle of the corridor, an assistant was struggling to hold a box in his hand. He happened to walk over and accidentally touched it, and the contents of the box were scattered all over the floor.

The assistant quickly squatted down and quickly picked it up in the cardboard box. Jiang Chen and Miss Mi saw it and helped them pick it up together.

"These are letters from fans to Si Chen." Sister Mi picked up one of the letters and told Jiang Chen.

Basically, every day, Ye Sichen would receive letters from fans, as well as gifts from fans and songs written for Ye Sichen.

Although Ye Sichen has never used the songs written by fans, Ye Sichen's fans never tire of it.

After Sister Mi said that, she opened the letter casually, smiled and said, "This is a song."

Following the melody of the song and humming a few words, Sister Mi was a little surprised and said: "The melody is actually good, but the lyrics are too poor."

"How do you usually deal with these things?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile, and also opened a letter casually.

"If there is a suitable one, Shengshi Entertainment will help to promote it to other companies, and the profits generated, in addition to maintaining the promotion expenses, the company will give the rest to the fans themselves." Sister Mi said.

"Glory World Entertainment would be so kind?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"It's not the company's intention, it's Sichen's intention." Sister Mi smiled wryly, and said, "Even this company belongs to Sichen, so naturally Sichen has the final say on everything."

Many of the things Ye Sichen did were incompatible with the general environment of the entertainment industry, causing headaches for everyone in the company, including Miss Mi herself.

Take the matter of selling songs as an example. Many of the songs that have been sold before are actually unsalable. Usually, Ye Sichen has polished the melody and revised the lyrics before submitting them to other companies. in the music library.

This also means that in this intermediate link, Ye Sichen has worked hard, so it can be said that it is natural to extract some fees.

But Ye Sichen didn't want a penny, and besides not wanting himself, he didn't allow the company to make money from fans.

In fact, this is not a small fee. It can be said to be a good source of income when Shengshi Entertainment only has Ye Sichen as a signed artist, but it was stopped by Ye Sichen abruptly. It can be described as extremely capricious.

Jiang Chen was very interested. After opening the envelope in his hand, he took out the letter paper inside and read it, wanting to see what the fans would write in the letters to Ye Sichen.

At a glance, Jiang Chen's face changed slightly. Sister Mi saw that Jiang Chen's face was not quite right, and wanted to ask what the content of the letter was, but before she had time to ask, the entire Shengshi Entertainment suddenly became noisy. stand up.

"It's not good, someone is causing trouble downstairs in the company, threatening to ask Si Chen to meet with him, otherwise our company will be blown up." Someone came to Sister Mi and said in a hurry.

"What, blow up the company?" Sister Mi turned pale with fright.

Downstairs of Shengshi Entertainment Company, a large group of people surrounded them.

In addition to passers-by, there are more employees who ran out of the company.

A young man about 25 or [-] years old, who looked a bit decadent, was surrounded by these people.

The young man held a bottle of strong liquor in his hand, and while drinking, he muttered something in a low voice, to the effect that he wanted Ye Sichen to come out and meet him, otherwise he would blow up Shengshi Entertainment.

At first, some people thought that this person was joking and tried to drive him away, but when he approached, the young man immediately showed a fierce look, very fierce, and he did not look like he was joking at all.

Gradually, someone believed the young man's words, and anxiously called the police, and Shengshi Entertainment's internal affairs also exploded because of this incident.

After a while, Jiang Chen and Sister Mi, who received the news, appeared downstairs in the company. As for Ye Sichen, no one bothered.

After all, no matter whether the young man really wanted to blow up the company or not, it was impossible for them to let Ye Sichen meet this person, otherwise what would Ye Sichen do if he got hurt?
"Where's Ye Sichen? Where's Ye Sichen?" The young man waited for a long time, but he couldn't see Ye Sichen. Maybe he was a little impatient and roared loudly.

"Tell me, why do you want to see Ye Sichen?" Sister Mi said nervously as she looked at the young man.

"Why? Haha, you ask me why? Why else? Ye Sichen is my goddess, of course I want to see her, even if I die, I still want to see her." The young man said with excitement in his eyes. .

"Um, Ye Sichen is your goddess, you want to blow up her company, you must be crazy." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"What do you know? You don't understand anything at all. Do you know how many times I have confessed my love to Ye Sichen? Nine hundred and ninety-nine times. I told her in the letter I wrote to Ye Sichen. After a hundred and ninety-nine times, if she still doesn't see me, I will destroy her." The young man gasped and said sharply.

"You really are crazy." Jiang Chen sighed.

He accidentally opened a letter just now. The contents of the letter are exactly the same as what this person said. Undoubtedly, the letter was written by this young man. He happened to see it. I have to say, it is very skillful.

If the confession fails, it will be destroyed.

The behavior of this young man perfectly interprets what it means to be pink to deep and naturally black.

But naturally, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest bit of compassion for him.

"You're the one insane." The young man yelled at Jiang Chen without showing any weakness.

"Really?" Jiang Chen sneered, and in the next second, he appeared in front of the young man, stretched out his hand, grabbed his neck, lifted him off the ground, and said lazily: "Now, I will give you a Opportunity to blow up Glory World Entertainment!"

(End of this chapter)

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