genius evil

Chapter 992 You Can Die

Chapter 992 You Can Die
"Yes, you are very pitiful." Jiang Chen said very firmly.

"Then you should tell me how pitiful I am." The Young Sect Master asked through gritted teeth, but he wanted to hear what kind of explanation Jiang Chen would give.

"Look at your own appearance. You look so ugly. You can tell at a glance that you don't have a girlfriend. You don't even have a girlfriend, which means you can't find a wife at all. Since you can't find a wife, you can't have children. No My child, your family is going to be extinct, isn't it pitiful, what is it?" Jiang Chen sighed, serious, as if what he said would be realized one by one in the near future.

"I have a girlfriend." The young master said angrily.

Although he is not as handsome as Jiang Chen, but if he is ugly, the Young Sect Master will never admit it.

And, even if he is really ugly, what kind of woman can't be found in terms of his family background?

According to Jiang Chen, their family is about to end in his hands, and this will not make him very angry!
"Impossible, you don't want to lie to me." Jiang Chen said.

"I really do." The young master said hurriedly.

"You still lie to me?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"That's right, you can't even lie to me, but you still want to lie to my elder brother Jiaqing, go ahead and make your spring and autumn dream come true." Huang Chan smiled sweetly, as if she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Shut up." The young master said viciously, pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, and said fiercely: "Jiang Chen, I admit that you have a good eloquence, but have you ever thought that offending me like this will hurt you?" What are the consequences for you?"

"Don't you guys come to trouble me?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

The people from the Ten Thousand Sect could see that the visitors were not friendly. Under such circumstances, how could Jiang Chen give them a good look, and teasing the young Sect Master was just out of intention to disgust them.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right. We are indeed here to trouble you, but originally I just wanted to send you to die. Now, I have changed my mind. I have decided to execute you Ling Chi." The young sect master said sharply.

"Just by you? Or, just by you?" Jiang Chen smiled, looking at this guy like an idiot.

"Jiang Chen, could it be that even my Wanzong sect can't catch your eye?" A middle-aged man said.

This middle-aged man is five or six points similar to the young suzerain. He is the suzerain of the Wanwan sect, named Cao Mengge, but the young suzerain's name is Cao Yuxiang.

"That's right, I don't even pay attention to my Wanzong sect, what a big tone."

"Things that don't know how to live or die will send you to die sooner or later."

"Sovereign, let us take action and kill this kid!"


Following Cao Mengge's words, the members of Wan Wanzong started clamoring one after another, gearing up their fists one by one, eager to try, wishing they could kill Jiang Chen right away!

"How naive do you have to be to think that Wanzong can catch my eye?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, it's really you." Cao Yuxiang said in a vicious voice.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled, but in the next second, he disappeared in place, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Cao Yuxiang. When he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Cao Yuxiang's neck and lifted him off the ground. stand up.

"Jiang Chen, let me go." Cao Yuxiang yelled, his face pale.

Jiang Chen's speed was so fast that he didn't even understand what happened, it just fell into Jiang Chen's hands, and he had no power to resist in front of Jiang Chen.

"What did you just say? You said that I only picked soft persimmons? But did you know that your Wanzong is nothing more than soft persimmons in my eyes." Jiang Chen said lazily.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen not only did not let go of Cao Yuxiang in the eyes of everyone, but curled up his five fingers and pinched Cao Yuxiang's neck with force.

"Jiang Chen!" Cao Mengge yelled wildly, unbelievable that Cao Yuxiang died in Jiang Chen's hands like this, and the evil spirit on his body suddenly shot up into the sky.

"Young Sect Master." All the people in the Wanzong Sect cried out in unison, unable to accept this fact.

And those ancient martial arts practitioners circling here turned pale with fright, and subconsciously backed away, thinking to themselves, Jiang Chen's name of murderous madman is really worthy of the name.

You know, Jiang Chen crushed Cao Yuxiang to death in front of Cao Mengge.

This is clearly a gesture to completely offend Wan Wanzong.

They were all terrified by it, thinking to themselves that Jiang Chen's courage was too great, could it be that he did not take Wanzong seriously as he said.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve death." Cao Mengge said sharply, his voice trembling.

"A guy who intends to execute me Ling Chi, do I still want to save his life?" Jiang Chen smiled, with a sneer on his face, and then said, "Actually, I am very curious, who gave you ten thousand Yuan Zong's courage, dare to come to trouble me? Could it be that you all think that I, Jiang Chen, haven't killed enough people? If this is the case, then I, Jiang Chen, would like to thank you for taking the initiative to come to my door to kill me. .”

"Brother Qing, what you say is so scary." Huang Chan said.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Brother Qing, I mean, you shouldn't have said that, what if you scare them away?" Huang Chan laughed loudly.

"What a pair of adulterers, who think this is the case, and want to shake off my Wanwan sect. It's too small to underestimate my Wanwan sect." Cao Mengge said coldly.

Cao Yuxiang died in the hands of Jiang Chen, he must avenge Cao Yuxiang, how could he be scared away by Jiang Chen's mere threats?
"Sect Master, kill him and let him be buried with the Young Sect Master."

"Sovereign, this son has no humanity, and he is not worthy to live in this world at all."

"Sovereign, please give an order quickly, we will never allow this son to live in this world again."


The people of Wan Wanzong clamored again, because of Cao Yuxiang's death, they were full of murderous intent, as if they had a mortal hatred with Jiang Chen.

What's more, the eyes they looked at Jiang Chen like that, deep in each of them, were filled with flames of anger.


Cao Mengge finally gave the order.

Jiang Chen's mouth was so strong that even those who died could be said to have survived.

Cao Mengge knew that it was useless to talk nonsense with Jiang Chen, and the only way to relieve the hatred in his heart was to kill Jiang Chen.

Everyone in the Wanwan Sect couldn't wait early in the morning. Following Cao Mengge's order, they rushed towards Jiang Chen one by one and launched the most overbearing attack.

"Brother Qing, do you need my help?" Huang Chan said while stepping back.

Jiang Chen looked at Huang Chan speechlessly. This woman really can only share wealth but not adversity. Even if she can't unite with him, then she doesn't have to be so obvious, okay?

"Sister Qing, you just watch your brother Qing and I kill people, your name as a murderer is not in vain." On the surface, Jiang Chen said.

Although the Wanwan Sect is a top-notch sect, in fact, except for Cao Mengge, all of them are like ants in Jiang Chen's eyes.

They wanted to kill him, Jiang Chen naturally had no scruples when he did the killing.

It can even be said that Jiang Chen has not killed people in a rather cruel way like today for a long time.

However, no matter who they were, Jiang Chen would be the same for all those who rushed over, smashing the opponent's heart with a direct punch, so that the opponent didn't even have time to moan of death, and died suddenly on the spot.

One after another, their lives disappeared under Jiang Chen's hands in an instant. The dozen or so people of the Wan Wan Sect fell to the ground in less than 2 minutes.

"As expected, he is a murderous maniac!"

Those ancient martial arts practitioners saw the scene of Jiang Chen's murder, and all of them were short of breath and had strange expressions.

They were not standing too far away, so they could clearly see Jiang Chen's murderous moves. It can be said that Jiang Chen's moves were extremely simple.

But it is precisely because of this simplicity that it appears particularly terrifying and brutal.

There was no one at all who could withstand Jiang Chen's punch, not a single one!

"Jiang Chen, did you enjoy killing so many people?" Cao Mengge asked with an expression on his face, his voice was cold and devoid of emotion.

"Are you scared?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"I'm telling you, if you enjoy killing, then you can die." Cao Mengge said.

"You said it as if you could kill me." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Jiang Chen, you regard my Wanzong sect as a soft persimmon, but you don't know that in my eyes, you are the soft persimmon." Cao Mengge said.


The soles of Cao Mengge's feet hit the ground, and there was a dull sound, and a deep footprint was stamped on the ground by him.

With the help of the counter-shock force of this kick, Cao Mengge's figure flew towards Jiang Chen like an arrow from the string, and he punched with his right hand like a huge hammer, smashing towards Jiang Chen's head.


Cao Mengge's speed was so fast that several afterimages were left in the air, and the clothes rubbed against the air, making a sharp sound.



As soon as Cao Mengge made a move, he reflected the two to the limit and combined them to the limit.

Cao Mengge never thought of fighting Jiang Chen at all. This is also the reason why Cao Mengge did not intervene when Jiang Chen slaughtered the disciples of the Wanzong sect in a massacre-like manner.

What he wanted was to kill Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time and in the most effective way.

Cao Mengge thought so, and he did the same.

The breath in his body was mobilized to the extreme by him, and the extreme combination of speed and strength made the power of his punch at least ten times that of the normal state.

"The limit of potential?" Jiang Chen looked at the afterimages behind Cao Mengge with a little surprise, and finally understood why Wanzong had the confidence to come to trouble him.

Although this Cao Mengge is only at the middle stage of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, under such an explosion, he is completely comparable to the cultivation base of the peak state of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, killing ordinary ancient martial arts experts, I'm afraid, This punch is enough.

However, what he met was Jiang Chen.

It is true that Cao Mengge, who is in a state of limit potential, is not so easy to deal with, but this state is at the cost of burning his own blood, and Cao Mengge can't last long at all.


Jiang Chen's breath was concentrated, and when Cao Mengge punched him, his right wrist vibrated, and he punched him.

The sound of explosion was like thunder. After a punch, Jiang Chen's figure shook, his right foot staggered, and he took two steps back.

Cao Mengge's momentum was like a rainbow, and at the moment Jiang Chen retreated, his second punch hit Jiang Chen's chest with the momentum of hitting Huanglong directly!
"Huh? This guy's boxing style is a bit like a master's, but unfortunately, his mind is too narrow. So far, his achievements are very limited." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

When Cao Mengge's second punch came, Jiang Chen didn't dodge or dodge, and the second punch hit him...

(End of this chapter)

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