I have a Zanpakutō

Chapter 250, Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 250, Hydra
Dr. Stern covered his ears and looked at all this in horror. If it wasn't for the barrier of the barrier, he might have been completely turned into ashes in the explosion!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the entire laboratory completely disappeared without a trace, turning into a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters!Nothing but blown upturned dirt and rubble.

Sensing countless soldiers rushing towards this side, Zhang Han's face was livid, and he gestured to his hatred, "Since the soldiers from S.H.I.E.L.D. have come to your door, let them test your strength!"

Hatred nodded, lifted the boulder pressing on him, turned and walked outside.While walking, his body gradually began to swell, turning into a [-]-meter-high green hunk.

"Oh shit! What's this?"

"Hulk? Why would he attack us?"

"He's coming! Fire up..."

Not long after, there were bursts of gunshots outside, as well as roars of hatred...

Zhang Han pressed his left hand on Dr. Stern's forehead, and the spiritual pressure wrapped the other's head, causing his head to change into the size of a normal person, and then said, "Dr. Stern, find a place to hide first, and I will came to find you."

"Isn't our cooperation... already completed? Why..."

Dr. Stern was startled when he heard the words, he had successfully created hatred for Zhang Han, isn't the other party planning to let him go?
Zhang Han patted Dr. Stern's shoulder comfortingly and said, "You only need to help the abomination make a few more elastic underpants, and our cooperation will be completely completed."

Dr. Stern breathed a sigh of relief, and explained, "Osborne Enterprises has been selling high-strength and wear-resistant spider silk. We can buy some and weave them into disgusting...well, pants!"

"I didn't expect there to be ready-made materials!"

Thinking of the plot in the movie Spider-Man, Zhang Han suddenly reacted, and said instead, "Then please doctor you! If you have funds, I will send them to you later."

Previously, the cash that Zhang Han left to Dr. Stern had been blown into powder by missiles, but there was still a lot in the storage space, and it would be better to take it out after the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not far away, seven or eight armed helicopters circled around the abomination.

In the cabin, the soldiers were manipulating the Gatling machine guns, constantly spraying flames, and countless bullets poured on the body of the abomination.

What annoyed him was that all the bullets sprayed were depleted uranium bullets with extremely strong penetrating power, which could not be resisted by his strong body alone.

After a while, countless craters appeared on Abomination's body, from which green blood flowed out.

I saw hatred roaring, and the body suddenly disappeared in a flash.

"Huh? Where's the monster man?" The pilots controlling the helicopter shouted into the communicator, "I can't see him!"

A driver suddenly exclaimed, "There, he's right next to you!"

The abomination used the teleportation ability to appear on an armed helicopter. The muscles of the arms holding the helicopter's windshield bulged, and the force of the explosion shook it, throwing it to another helicopter not far away.

"Not good! I'm out of control..."

On the helicopter, the pilot frightenedly moved the joystick, but it was of no use at all. He shouted, "No, I'm going to make a forced landing..."


The helicopter thrown out by the abomination collided with another helicopter. In an instant, the propellers of the two helicopters all broke off, and they turned one after the other, falling powerlessly from the sky.

Falling to the ground, two groups of flames exploded.

Hate did the same, using teleportation continuously, and after a while, all the helicopters were eliminated.Then it landed on the ground, took huge strides, and rushed towards the soldiers and armored vehicles that had lost cover...

The bloody carnage feast has begun!

After Dr. Stern left, Zhang Han ignored the miscellaneous fish who had been tortured by the hatred, closed his eyes, and sensed the spiritual pressure carefully.

With the ability to command so many soldiers, he must be a high-level figure in S.H.I.E.L.D. Zhang Han wants to find out this guy and let the other party know that the price of angering him is extremely heavy!

On the side of the road several blocks away from the battle site, in a black Audi, Jasper Sitwell listened carefully to the report of his subordinates.

"...Sir, our losses are extremely heavy, we can't control that big guy at all, please retreat!"

"Retreat allowed!"

Hitwell issued an order, and then put away the communicator, with an inexplicable smile on his face, "I also know that such a small number of soldiers can't arrest the other party, but why arrest him? As long as he is angry, he will alright……"

Hitwell's words passed into Zhang Han's ears verbatim.

Zhang Han sneered, violently opened the car door, grabbed Hitwell by the collar, dragged him out of the car, and said coldly, "Yes! Sending so many miscellaneous fish to die, Just to annoy me? It seems that you are not from S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"You, how did you find me?..."

Hitwell looked at Zhang Han who was close at hand in horror, with sweat dripping from his forehead.It wasn't until his life was held in the hands of the other party that he realized that he underestimated the other party's ability too much, and the price...

Zhang Han raised his hand and patted Sitwell's face, guessing, "You are not a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., but you want to cause conflicts between me and S.H.I.E.L.D. Presumably, you should be a member of Hydra!"


Zhang Han's words made Hitwell feel even more frightened, with a ghostly expression on his face.

As far as he knew, Hydra had never contacted Zhang Han before this, but he guessed his true identity!

Obviously, the other party knows Hydra very well, even above S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Your goal has been achieved, and you have successfully aroused my anger! However, it is the anger towards Hydra!"

Zhang Han stopped talking nonsense with Sitwell, and pressed his right hand on his forehead, and his telepathic ability invaded the other's brain, looking at his memory.

"Insight plan? It seems to be the plot of US team 2...Have you started planning so early?"

While flipping through Hitwell's memory, Zhang Han muttered to himself, "Well, Baron Sterak? Are you going to steal Loki's scepter? Is this going to make Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?"

"If you don't make a song, it's enough, it's a blockbuster! Hydra is really a big deal!"

Zhang Han was furious when he saw the memory about himself. Hydra not only wanted to provoke a conflict between himself and S.H.I.E.L.D., but also collected his own blood, preparing to clone a replica!

When Zhang Han and the three of Cyclops were fighting fiercely, Cyclops pierced his right shoulder, and some blood flowed out.

Unexpectedly, Hydra's supernatural powers were so powerful that it even collected those few drops of blood!
 Thanks to 'Dancing with the Wind' for the reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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