Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 110 Annual Meeting of the Company

Chapter 110 Annual Meeting of the Company
In the blink of an eye, it was the end of December, and it was also the twelfth lunar month. Recently, An Ziqing stayed in the province of S, and An Ruyue did not disappoint her, and designed a few nice pendants.

The next day is New Year's Day, the company has a party tonight, and An Ziqing also invited her parents and uncle Xiao Qian to come together.

This is also the insistence of Luo Jingchen and Li Hua, wanting the employees to officially know who their boss is.

The reception was held at Werner Hotel, which is a four-star international hotel just awarded by Province S. An Ziqing wore a handmade dress specially made for her by Qingyan.A pink-yellow princess dress with one slanted shoulders and a narrow waist. Today's An Ziqing can only wear such a princess dress.

If it was worn by an adult, it would be a bit weird.

The long hair is slightly combed, the bottom is curly hair, and the hairpin made of the best crystal is stuck on the top. The white and delicate face has no makeup, and she is wearing a silver-white fox fur shawl.

There are small leather shoes of the same color on her feet. After being dressed up like this, people feel faintly in a trance, as if the 1.5-meter-five girl in front of her is already a delicate and charming girl who is about to bloom, and she is not like an ordinary eight-year-old girl at all.

Xiao Qian is also wearing a blue-gray handmade suit today, which is made by famous foreign masters, and his hair is meticulously styled.

Ziyin has already sent a voice transmission to An Ziqing, saying that he has something to deal with, so he will not come to participate.But he would come back to spend the New Year with her during the Chinese New Year, An Ziqing replied that it was fine, as long as the uncle did not forget the promise of the New Year.

The party has entered a small climax. The employees of the Jade Jewelry Company and the employees of the Jade Store are all dressed up and waiting for their boss to speak.

This includes Xia Ying who is still as proud as ever, her eyes glance at Luo Jingchen from time to time, Luo Jingchen's appearance is no different from that of ordinary successful people in their 30s.Of course, his real age can be ignored for the time being, because An Ziqing doesn't know how old he is.

The fanaticism and imminence in Xia Ying's eyes, if it is in later generations, it is not difficult to guess, it is nothing more than wanting to seduce Luo Jingchen to have some kind of sweet encounter, and then leap to the branch.

The door opened, and An Ziqing and Xiao Qian entered the venue together. The employees who were leaning against the door and chatting with wine glasses saw the two coming in, and only took a look. Except for some ladies who were secretly staring at Xiao Qian's appearance, What should everyone do.

Luo Jingchen and Li Hua saw An Ziqing enter the arena, and just about to take the stage, An Ziqing sent a voice transmission: "We'll talk about it when my parents come."

"Yes, miss." Luo Jingchen replied respectfully, An Ziqing smiled and took a glass of pure apple juice handed over by her brother-in-law, looking for Xue Ruyue, she intends to introduce the two of them to each other today.

Soon, An Ziqing found Xue Ruyue who was wearing a decent gown, just like her name, today she was wearing a milky white gown, her hair was also combed, and a small half of it was fixed with a rhinestone crown.She wears a silver-gray shawl on her body, which can keep warm without losing elegance.

The light makeup makes her appearance more three-dimensional.

"Ruyue." An Ziqing pulled Xiao Qian and walked over. The moment Xue Ruyue turned around, Xiao Qian looked straight at him. Originally, when An Ziqing said that he introduced someone to him, he didn't pay much attention to it. The face is actually the person he thinks about day and night.

"Qingqing, you are here. This is..." Xue Ruyue greeted An Ziqing happily when she saw An Ziqing coming, but accidentally caught a glimpse of Xiao Qian who was staring at her in a daze, a little displeased, staring at her like this abroad It's rude for girls to see.

An Ziqing smiled, and said: "This is my uncle Xiao Qian, uncle, this is a beautiful woman I knew before, Xue Ruyue."

"Uncle, Miss Xue is the reincarnation of Princess Ruyue. I'll give you a chance. It's up to you how you handle it. Remember, don't disturb the beauty." An Ziqing saw that Xiao Qian was still in a daze, so she teased him again. Sound channel.

Xiao Qian came back to his senses, with joy in his eyes, he nodded to An Ziqing, and apologized to Xue Ruyue: "I'm sorry, I was distracted just now and offended Miss Xue."

"It's okay, Mr. Xiao, hello." Xue Ruyue saw that Xiao Qian had regained his demeanor and his tone was polite, so he forgot the displeasure just now, and replied politely.

The two quickly chatted. Xia Ying, who was unpopular in her department because of her arrogance and complacency, saw An Ziqing introduce a handsome guy to Xue Ruyue, and walked over in silver high heels.

"Yo, it's you again! Why, don't you pretend to be Mr. Luo's daughter this time?" Xia Ying held a glass of red wine with a mean face, glanced at An Ziqing disdainfully, and mocked.

An Ziqing glanced at her and didn't bother to pay attention.

"Wait, this is our company's New Year's Eve party. What qualifications do you, a little girl, have to come to attend?" Seeing that An Ziqing was about to leave, Xia Ying grabbed her fox fur shawl.

The slippery and warm touch from her hand made her stunned for a moment.

This kind of top-quality fur is not something that a well-to-do family like her can afford. Jealousy flashed in her eyes, why does this little girl look so good-looking and dress so well?

"Let go!" An Ziqing said coldly when she saw her parents coming, and didn't bother to argue with her.

Scared by her cold eyes, Xia Ying withdrew her hands, and An Ziqing walked slowly towards her parents again.

The slightly annoyed Xia Ying could only look at An Ziqing's back and leave, then she turned her anger on Xue Ruyue: "Xue Ruyue, who do you think you are? Don't you just draw a few broken pictures and get the boss's attention? To let strangers you know casually come to our company's regular meeting. Is this because you want to take advantage of the bastard's heart? You are really good."

Xue Ruyue has also gotten used to Xia Ying's meanness recently. Seeing Xiao Qian getting angry, she already guessed that An Ziqing's identity might not be simple, so she kindly said: "Xia Ying, pay attention to your identity, Qingqing I didn't call her here, her identity is not simple, don't let her intoxication lead to an indestructible end."

"What do you mean? It means that I can't even drive away a little girl!" Xia Ying didn't appreciate it, and her voice raised slightly. After seeing it, the colleagues around pointed at Xia Ying and murmured for some reason.

Xia Ying was even angrier, because she, Xue Ruyue, entered the company at the same time as her, so she could be welcomed by everyone.And she is the poison that everyone avoids in the eyes of others, she is jealous and she hates.So every day when I go back, I will sneer at Xue Ruyue, and even want to destroy the design that Xue Ruyue brought back. If Xue Ruyue hadn't reinstalled the door lock, she might really succeed.

"It's up to you whether you can listen to it or not, Mr. Xiao, let's go somewhere else!" Xue Ruyue frowned, leaving this sentence to go elsewhere with Xiao Qian.

But she didn't want Xia Ying to be so angry that she forgot where she was, she dropped the wine glass in her hand, and quickly stepped forward to hold Xue Ruyue.

(End of this chapter)

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