Chapter 141
"Where are people?" An Ziqing's voice was indifferent, and Mengge replied, "They are locked in the basement of your house. Brother Li said to wait for you to come back and decide."

"Well, I understand." An Ziqing nodded, and she didn't express anything when Xiangyun and Mengge, who were obviously over a thousand years old, called Li Hua their elder brother, after all, they just wanted to.

After the two finished talking, they left the room and returned to the living room again.

Xiangyun is introducing the gift brought back from X state to An's mother. An's mother has a happy and calm smile on her face, and An's father has also returned, sitting on the side and watching Xiangyun talking about An Ziqing and Ding Yun's gambling scene.

"Dad, you're back." An Ziqing smiled, threw herself into Dad An's arms and acted coquettishly.

"My precious daughter is the number one Emerald Queen in China, why are you still acting like a baby with your old man?" Father An hugged An Ziqing happily, and pampered and teased her by patting the tip of her nose.

Although An Ziqing's age in her heart is not much different than that of Dad An today, but she just wants to be tired of being in the arms of her parents. This must be a shortcoming of her childhood in her previous life.

"No matter who I am, I am the daughter of my parents. If a daughter acts like a baby to her parents, who dares to say anything?" An Ziqing wrinkled her nose and said coquettishly.Both Father An and Mother An laughed, until: "That's right, who would have known that my little baby is already the boss of a company at the young age of nine."

"Hehe." Mother Xiao happened to come out with a plate of dishes, and she also laughed out loud when she saw this scene.

She thought that the life of her daughter who had been lost for more than 20 years might not be very good, but now that her daughter and son-in-law's family are so harmonious and warm, her guilty heart is also relieved.

"It's time to eat." With a smile on her face, Mother Xiao shouted over there.

"Mom, you've worked hard." Dad An said sincerely to Mother Xiao after he came to the table, Mother Xiao shook her head and said, "It's hard work to cook a meal for my daughter and uncle."

"Grandma, the rice you cook is really delicious." An Ziqing buried his head in eating, then raised his face and said sweetly to Mother Xiao.

"It's good to eat, my good granddaughter." Xiao's mother loves An Ziqing's appearance and refuses to let go. Xiao Qian is not in An's house, and he probably went on a date with Xue Ruyue. After all, he wants to go out tomorrow Send Mother Xiao back.

After dinner, Xiangyun and Mengge served a fresh fruit platter on the coffee table.

"Grandma, I'll go to Xiao's house with you tomorrow!" An Ziqing sat there, no longer the coquettish little girl, but looked at Mother Xiao calmly and said.

Mother Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and the old bitch raised her silent face and looked at An Ziqing in disbelief.

"Okay, that's fine, Qingqing will go back with me first to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors, then..."

"Grandma, I'm not going back to recognize the Lord and return to the clan, but for personal grievances." An Ziqing interrupted Mother Xiao, and the whole family looked at An Ziqing. cold.

This kind of An Ziqing was something they had never seen before. Is this what their daughter looks like in normal times?

"Personal grievances?" Xiao's mother asked in confusion, but An Ziqing replied flatly: "Those who owe my mother but still don't know their mistakes, should also be taught a lesson."

"I don't understand." Xiao's mother was confused, and An's mother also looked at An Ziqing with a puzzled expression.

An Ziqing suddenly laughed again, and said: "It's okay, you will know when the time comes, but if I don't deal with them, they will think that the people in my An family are easy to bully!"

After finishing speaking, An Ziqing stopped talking, An's mother and the others had to look at each other for a while, and finally did not ask the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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