Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 406 The Sad Taixuan Palace Elder

Chapter 406 The Sad Taixuan Palace Elder (3)
"It's okay." Mengge wiped her mouth, smiled palely at Xiang Xiangyun, her eyes became sharp when she looked at the monster again.

Seeing that the monster stopped in the distance and looked at them coldly, Xiangyun was also angry, and said: "Ge, it is of fire attribute, you can contain it, I will try it with zero-degree ice."

"Okay." Mengge replied after taking a elixir and recovering a bit.

An Ziqing nodded, and said to Li Hua and the others: "See, Meng Ge and Xiang Yun cooperate very well!"

"Well, miss, if I meet those little ghosts and monsters later, can you let me practice with Mu Mu?" Li Hua was also excited when he saw Xiangyun, and Mengge flexibly used those advanced spells. Hua's heart was also ready to move.

Although he just knew how to use the lowest-level five-element spells, his blood was still boiling, and the fighting factor in his body exploded from it.

Mu Mu also nodded along side by side, An Ziqing and Ziyin looked at each other and smiled, and said, "Yes, but you have to do what you can."


Looking at the battle circle again, Xiangyun's zero-degree ice has also formed, "Song, dodge."

Xiangyun fell from the sky, touched the ground with one hand, his spiritual power dispersed, and gusts of cold air raged out, "Zero-degree ice."

With the cold air, layers of solid ice quickly attacked the monster. This time, the monster didn't dare to mock the two carelessly. Just when it wanted to fight back, it found that it forgot to estimate its own size and the remaining space of the stone room up.

It itself was forced into a corner by Mengge, but now it doesn't even have a place to turn around.

Before it could fight back, the solid ice had quickly condensed on its legs, and within two breaths, it was completely covered by the solid ice.

Mengge then used the red lotus real fire again. After the red lotus real fire wrapped the monster, the scorching real fire collided with the zero-degree ice, and there was a crackling sound, and after the white smoke, the monster followed the ice directly. Split apart and then burned to the ground with real fire.

"Good job." An Ziqing and the two gave a thumbs up, Xiangyun smiled complacently, accepted An Ziqing's praise, Mengge was more reserved, just smiled slightly, and stood behind An Ziqing and Ziyin again.

"Let's go this way! I think this way should be more interesting." An Ziqing had already explored four tomb passages with his spiritual sense just now, and this one seems to be more interesting.

"Okay." Ziyin would not refute at all, smiled dotingly, and walked into the tomb passage An Ziqing pointed to first.

Others followed, except for Ziyin, no one found it, deep in the cemetery.A handsome man in a red robe was sitting on a gorgeous throne, and at this moment he raised the corners of his mouth, stroking a jewel on the handle of the throne and muttering to himself: "You are finally here, waiting for you It's been a long time, it should be over. However, that purple-robed man is really scary, he seems to be much more powerful than the black-clothed man who entered before. This game has become more interesting now."

As for the spacious stone room at the end of the tomb passage that An Ziqing chose, there were also spells flying around at this time. Not only were there evil spirits in the stone room, but there were also many powerful zombies and two green-eyed zombies.

Moreover, the number of zombies is still increasing, and the people being attacked are divided into two groups, one is the Maoshan sect disciples in yellow or gray Taoist robes, and the other is the people from Taixuan Palace in Hong Kong.

"Daoist Wuwei, it's not an option to go on like this. Since our two factions are destined to gather here to fight against the enemy, why don't we unite? We are all here to hunt for treasures, and the Taoist priest probably doesn't want to lose his life here! Our Xuan The sect clan is no better than those senior cultivators who are one step ahead. According to the respective abilities of our two factions, we certainly cannot wipe out all these filthy things. Although we are all injured now, the old man believes that if our two factions can unite, these things will be destroyed. I will definitely stop talking." The leader of the Taixuan sect, wearing a white Taoist robe with black borders, used spells to kill the evil spirits, and at the same time said to Wuwei Dao on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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