Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 414 Xiangyun’s Injury Is in Danger

Chapter 414 Xiangyun’s Injury Is in Danger (2)
The other zombies also imitated the female zombies, jumping at the members of other remnants of the organization. During the fight, several members were torn in half, and the scene was very bloody.An Ziqing sighed. He wanted to tease them, but he didn't expect them to go to the underworld so cheaply.

"Wait a minute, leave one person behind." An Ziqing suddenly said before seeing that there was only one male member left terrified to resist, and before the other three zombies were about to pounce on them.

The female zombie was taken aback when she heard the voice, but soon realized that the owner of the voice might be someone who helped them, raised her hand slightly, and said, "Stay here."

Seeing this, the other zombies were not dissatisfied, and obediently stood aside, not daring to say more.

The male member was overjoyed, thinking that he was being rescued by an expert. The moment An Ziqing walked out, the joy on his face disappeared immediately, and his face turned pale.

He has seen this girl before, and they all know the girl's information very well. The head of the contemporary Spirit Thief Sect, the Biqing Group that has risen in recent years came from this little girl, and they were also the ones who organized this trip to King Xia's Mausoleum. arch enemy.

"The reason why we can advance is because of you?" When the female zombie saw An Ziqing and Ziyin, her eyes lit up, and she asked respectfully but not humblely.

An Ziqing watched the female zombie's attire. After finishing the advanced stage just now, she changed into a palace dress skirt.Fair skin, big and bright eyes, a tall nose, and bright red lips are even more delicate and beautiful because of the blood stains.The tough and silky hair is half loose and half tied into a bun, wearing a golden phoenix beaded hanging crown.

Except for the slightly sharp and scary fingernails, the female zombie is completely the image of a weak beauty in the ancient court.

It seems that this female zombie should have been a princess-level noble daughter of a certain dynasty before she died, and the other zombies should be her maids or bodyguards, otherwise they would not have obeyed her orders like this.

"Yes." An Ziqing smiled and admitted.

"Ihana thanked the benefactors for their help. Ihana and her subordinates have received great kindness from several benefactors, so this food is given to them." Ihana put her left hand on her right shoulder and bowed to An Ziqing and the others , Fang Dao.

An Ziqing smiled slightly, seeming to say it with a smile, but her words made Yihana and the others shudder: "In the future, I will practice well and don't do evil, otherwise, no matter where you are, I will personally go and destroy you!" Kill, and there will never be a day of rebirth."

Although their cultivation bases were no different from Nascent Soul stage monks at this time, the girl and the silver-haired man in front of them made them inexplicably shocked and dared not refute at all.

"Follow your benefactor's instruction." Ihana led her subordinates to salute again, obeying An Ziqing's order.

"Of course, if you are not in a hurry to leave, you can look for people with such signs, tease them, and then eat them. Besides eliminating harm, you can increase your cultivation." An Ziqing grinned , very naughty way.

"Boss, you're really bad, but I like it, quack!" Gu Ying praised with a smile, raising his head and showing his white teeth.

"Thank you for the compliment." An Ziqing accepted the praise with peace of mind, Li Hua and the others laughed, and Xiang Yun said: "Missy's face is getting thicker and thicker."

"These people are the enemies of the benefactor, and they are the enemies of Ihana. What's more, these are delicious. Ihana must not be kind to the benefactor." As a result, many members of the disabled organization often disappeared inexplicably when they entered various cemeteries or went out for activities.

Those people all entered the belly of Ihana and the others and became their advanced energy.

(End of this chapter)

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