Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 441 What kind of wedding does Xiangyun want

Chapter 441 What kind of wedding does Xiangyun want (2)
Those ignorant zombies and monsters were strangled directly, and then sealed the entire tomb of King Xia, so that no one could enter it again.

"We came out?" Daoist Wuwei and the others were also woken up by Xiangyun and others. Seeing yellow sand everywhere, they were taken aback for a moment, and then said with joy.

"Yes, then let's say goodbye. Also, if there is nothing wrong, don't disturb my life, otherwise!" An Ziqing looked at Daoist Wuwei, Tsinghua and the others with a serious warning.

Wuwei and the others looked at each other and bowed to salute: "Don't worry senior, but if senior is free, I wonder if you can come to my party as a guest? This is the highest invitation card of our Maoshan sect, please accept it."

An Ziqing was not hypocritical, and reached out to accept the token.

Seeing that Wuwei took out the invitation card, Tsinghua was just a disciple and had no such thing at all, but he was unwilling to lose this opportunity to make friends with An Ziqing.He hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Senior, I, Danxiamen, also invite all seniors to come and visit me."

"Senior, our husband and wife are also taking a step forward. If you have time, please come to find us overseas." Sun Jinyuan took out a jade slip.There was a map of the address where they lived, and An Ziqing also reached out to accept it.

"Okay, I will bother you when I have time, goodbye." An Ziqing also cupped his hands, and Zi Yin took a group of people to the place where Wen Hao was waiting.

"Who is it?" A group of people suddenly appeared, and the members of the dragon team guarding over there were all as if they were facing a big enemy, and a man gave a low shout.Wen Hao rushed over after hearing the news, and when he saw that it was An Ziqing, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss An."

"Well, how long has it been?" An Ziqing couldn't help asking when he saw that the members of the Dragon Team were all disheveled and haggard.

"It's already the beginning of December, and it's been more than a month since Miss An and you entered the mausoleum. During this period, Patriarch Xiao and his wife came once, but they went back because they couldn't find a way to get started." Wen Hao replied respectfully.

"My uncle?"


"It's been more than a month. You have worked hard this time. There is a bottle of medicine here. Give each of your people a share. There will be surprises when you go back to retreat. The people in the mausoleum also went out on the other side. The entrance The exits have been sealed by us, and no one can enter anymore." An Ziqing sighed, she really didn't know it underground, as if she just entered yesterday.

Then, she took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Wen Hao. Wen Hao knew that what An Ziqing gave was good things, so he quickly thanked her.

"Miss An, are you leaving with us?"

"No, you guys pack up and leave, let's go first." An Ziqing shook his head, rejecting the proposal.

Wen Hao nodded and said, "Okay, Ms. An, I'll go get ready first and say goodbye."


"Let's go, let's go back too. Xiangyun, after you go back, think carefully about what kind of wedding you want, I'll make the decision for you." An Ziqing walked back to the team and said to Xiangyun with a smile.

Xiangyun was taken aback, and then looked at Yeli, seeing that the latter was also looking at her with a smile, Xiangyun's face turned red.

Xiang'er clapped her hands happily, and said: "Good, good, I sneaked out a while ago, and happened to watch a wedding, the bride is very beautiful, wearing a white gauze, mother, you will wear that too ?”

"Xiang'er, I want to be called Mom and Dad, or Daddy and Mommy from now on, but I can't be called Daddy and Mommy anymore." An Ziqing reminded Xiang'er with a smile.

"Oh, okay, let's call it Daddy Mommy, it's less convoluted." Xiang'er nodded, the two chatted happily, and Zi Yin took everyone home.

(End of this chapter)

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