Chapter 457 Returning to School (1)
"Later, I got along with her for a long time. In May of this year, I took her to my hometown Y province for a visit. I courted her during the visit. Xueer nodded shyly and agreed to be my girlfriend. I am so happy Yes, at that moment I felt that the world was so beautiful, and I felt as happy as having the whole world. After I came back, I tried my best to satisfy her. Knowing that she liked the clothes in Liucuifang, I saved money for three months , I borrowed a few thousand from my cousin in the same village, enough to buy her a dress she likes, and she gave me a kiss on the day she received the dress, and then said that her mobile phone was no longer working, and wanted to change it. So I borrowed money and gave it to her on her birthday. I thought she really loved me. How could I know that this vicious woman has been using me again. She followed me from the beginning, knowing that I was at the construction site But she didn't say anything, and pretended not to know. Then she took the gift I gave her to show off, and hooked up with a kid from a rich family in their school. That night, I went to the nightclub with my co-workers to palm my eyes , but happened to see her rubbing hands with that boy in the private room, still drunk. Do you know how I felt at that time? My heart ached like being dug out by someone, and then I was thrown to the ground and trampled hard. " Feng Tian became excited while talking, and Xiao He also began to sympathize with him when he heard it.

"But you shouldn't have killed her. What can't you say well?" Xiao He said with a sigh.

"Hahaha...Say it right? I begged her for so long, and when she knew that I saw her with someone in the nightclub, she stopped pretending to be innocent, and said to me with a sneer and contempt that she would never talk to me. A migrant worker who is a small worker falls in love, let alone go to a poor place to suffer with me, she is just taking advantage of my love for her. I threatened her that if she dared to leave me, I would go to her school to disclose our relationship, Now she was in a hurry. In order to stabilize me, she went to the hotel with me that night. But the good times didn't last long. Soon, she stopped talking to me and avoided me. Later I found out that she went to Jin An internship at the Imperial Hotel. I stopped her until the night before. She was afraid of exposing our relationship, so she dragged me to the back alley of the snack bar where the crime happened. Originally, I was praying that she would not leave me, and I would be fine. I was working to support her, and I didn't plan to kill her at all. But she was so bullying that she even told me disdainfully that she was going to work in Jinhuang, and she would have money in the future, and she would spend what I spent on her. What made me even more annoyed was that in order to keep me from pestering her, she told me that she was pregnant with my child that night, but she aborted it. She wanted me to see that she had accompanied her One night, I let her go because she was pregnant again. However, when I knew that she had hit my child, my mind went blank, my eyes were lost, and I only saw her mouth that kept going I chattered endlessly, so I took advantage of my anger and directly inserted a small knife into her throat, hahaha, I was relieved at that moment, do you know? I can't get her, and no one can get her. This woman is a slut! The slut plays with my feelings, she deserves to die!" Feng Tian said at the end, a little crazy.

An Ziqing gave Feng Tian a sympathetic look. Although the girl is hateful, she is not worthy of death. Although the boy is cruel, he deserves sympathy.

"Then why did you kill Guo Jing, she didn't mess with you!" Xiao He asked again.

"She's also pretty, pretty women deserve to die!" Feng Tian was already insane, Xiao He and Team Mo looked at each other, if he hadn't been caught today, this person would definitely endanger the society.

The two of Xiao He's thoughts were not wrong. When An Ziqing was not reborn, there was indeed a serial throat-cutting case this year.The murderer was Feng Tian. Several girls died that time, and it was a major crime in the whole country. However, An Ziqing was still in training at that time. I don't know that she accidentally saved many lives this time.

(End of this chapter)

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