Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 461 Unfilial offspring

Chapter 461 Unfilial offspring (2)
"That is, mother and father will have two more daughters and son-in-law in the future, and the grandchildren will be filial. Even if I leave early, there is no need to worry too much." An Ziqing nodded with a smile, but his words were serious.

"Sister, and us. And us, we will also be filial to our parents." Xiao Zichen was not far behind, raising his hand to show his existence.

Zi Bing also looked at An Ziqing seriously, An Ziqing smiled and said, "Okay, there are also our Zi Bing and Zi Chen."

"Come on, Xiang'er, this is a set of purple jadeite jewelry that Qingqing specially made for me, and I'll give it to you as a meeting gift." Mother An also knew what An Ziqing was talking about, she didn't want to face it, and opened the topic He took out a set of jewelry and handed it to Xiang'er.

Xiang'er didn't look at Long Live, but she was still a child in mind, happily accepted the gift, and went to play with Zi Bing and Zi Chen who were full.

An Ziqing knew that her mother didn't want to face it, so she followed the crowd to talk about the wedding arrangements.

Auntie's refreshments are now on track, because of An Qinxue's incident, An Ziqing arranged for Mama Qian and Aunt Xu to take Grandma An out for a trip.

There are only An's mother and others in the family, and they all say that three women play a show. Now that there are so many women in An's family, it is natural that the content of Xiangyun and Yeli's marriage will be finalized in a short while.

The date was fixed on the [-]rd of the first month, and the banquet was naturally held at Jinhuang.

After all the details were confirmed, it was around eleven o'clock, but Dad An and Zi Yin hadn't come back yet.An Ziqing didn't wait any longer, because the exam was coming soon, and she still had to consolidate her studies, so she went back to her room.

Xiangyun and Yeli also took Xiang'er back to their home, leaving only Mengge at home with Mother An and the two little buns.

Soon, it will be the mid-term exam, the three-day exam is over, and the school will be on holiday for two days.

On this day, An Ziqing originally made an appointment with Ding Ran and Zhang Kaiyu to go and play with Fang Yanan, but failed.

Because she was intercepted by Li Boqing's bodyguard Ahao, when Ahao appeared at the door of An's house, An Ziqing was also taken aback.

"Uncle Ahao, why are you so embarrassed and pale?" An Ziqing asked suspiciously, after a closer look, he found that Ahao's body was entangled with ghost power, and his brows frowned.

There was a bad premonition in his heart, and it was really good, Ah Hao said with a mournful face: "Miss An, you can go back to the capital with me, Mr. Li is seriously ill now."

"What!" An Ziqing's heart skipped a beat, unexpectedly something happened to Grandpa Li.

"Since returning from King Xia's tomb that day, Mr. Li's health has suddenly become unwell, and his body is getting weaker and weaker. He returned to the capital for treatment, but it became more and more serious. The day before yesterday, he was issued a critical illness certificate three times. That's right, old master Qin asked me to come here to see you, there is a way to heal you." After Ah Hao said it briefly, An Ziqing nodded immediately, turned around and told Meng Ge behind him: "Meng Ge Sister, go tell Ding Ran, I will go with Uncle Ahao first."

"Don't worry!" Because of An Ziqing's insistence, Mengge and the others no longer insisted on calling them Miss An Ziqing.

"Okay." An Ziqing asked Ahao again: "Which hospital are you in?"

"Huaxia Hospital." After Ah Hao finished speaking, his eyes blurred, and he fixed his eyes again, and found that he was already standing in a corridor in Huaxia Hospital.

Ah Hao knew what An Ziqing was capable of, but he didn't expect her to be so powerful, but he didn't dare to ask more, this was his admiration and admiration for a strong man. "Uncle Ahao, lead the way."

"Okay, come with me." Ahao nodded, and led An Ziqing to the floor where Li Boqing lived.

(End of this chapter)

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