474 Chapter 2 Knock Her Out ([-])
An Ziqing turned around quickly, separated the fist that Minister Xu swung with one hand, and kicked Minister Xu's left cheek with his right foot. Before he fell down inertially, his left foot kicked again, and Minister Xu suddenly broke like a kite The thread was average, and it flew upside down five steps away and knocked over a large decorative vase before falling to the ground.

"Ugh." Because of An Ziqing's foot strength, when Minister Xu fell to the ground, his stomach rushed up like a river.

Unable to hold back for a moment, he vomited all over his body, and the man fainted after vomiting.

A stench emanated from the atrium, and Liu Renmin was stunned by An Ziqing's sharp skill at this moment, and then gave Minister Xu a blank look.The disgust in her eyes became heavier, she never thought that she used her body to let the director of the cooperative company stand up for her, but now she was injured again, what would happen to their company's contract.

Liu Renmin was already dazzled by jealousy at this time, and there was only one thought left in her mind, which was to teach An Ziqing a lesson.

"I'll fight with you." Liu Renmin rushed over in high heels, clawing at An Ziqing's face.

An Ziqing raised her left eyebrow, but she didn't see how she moved, and there was a crackling sound, and everyone only saw An Ziqing's tender white hand flapping back and forth continuously.

When the sound stopped, Liu Renmin's pretty face turned into a swollen bun.

"What's going on?" The sound of the broken vase alarmed the nearby waiter, who notified the security. The owner of the sound was Chen Jian, the security captain of Youya Pavilion.

Chen Jian was originally a special soldier, and Li Boqing was sent to him by the army after he was possessed by that hapless resentful spirit last time. Like Ah Hao, he became Li Boqing's bodyguard.Later, after Chen Jian retired from the army, he came to An Ziqing to report and became a security captain.

Liu Renmin had been beaten by An Ziqing for a long time, and didn't wake up until he heard this low shout. After seeing Chen Jian, he immediately grabbed Chen Jian's cuff, and said inarticulately: "Guanquan, this, this smelly The girl beat someone for no reason, if you want it today, if you don't give me a reasonable request, we won't come to patronize you again in the future."

"It's just right not to come. Brother Chen, from now on, this woman, and everyone in the company they belong to, will not be allowed to enter Youya Pavilion again. Take back their membership cards and be permanently blacklisted." An Ziqing clapped his hands, He glanced coldly at Liu Renmin, who was complaining, and followed his instructions lightly.

"Why are you! Who are you, you!" Liu Renmin heard that the company was involved because of her own fault. Although she didn't know what kind of relationship this girl had with You Ya Ge, but hearing her tone, she still suspected that it belonged to her family. Industry, if it was because of her being kicked out of Youya Pavilion, I'm afraid that even the PR manager would have to be lost.

"Why? Just because this is the big boss of our Youya Pavilion, our eldest lady, did you hear that? Do you want us to chase them away, or do you leave by yourself?" Chen Jian sneered and looked at Liu with disdain. Inmin glanced.

The An Ziqing he knew was not a delicate little girl, it must be because the two of them really angered the eldest lady that they would deal with it like this.

"What! This is her property! How is it possible?" Liu Renmin was already dumbfounded, how is this possible!

"Oh, I said Sister Liu, why did you come out and offend the big boss of Youya Pavilion? We can no longer come to Youya Pavilion to treat customers to dinner, where do you want us to go to discuss business?" Liu Renmin was dumbfounded. On the other side, Liang Jianyin, Liu Renmin's colleague who was kicked out by the waiter, was angry because she was kicked out. She managed to take advantage of Liu Renmin's departure and tried her best to get the vice president of the other company to agree to sign the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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