Chapter 516 Inexplicable (4)
The only thing that can be thankful is that Judith did not say that Iger is no longer a child of the Rafael family. If there is any danger, Iger will not ignore it.

In the upgrade test of the Margaret School of Magic and Martial Arts that day, Iger naturally showed his best demeanor, winning both magic and martial arts, and won the leader, but he jumped all the instructors and students.

Just when Instructor Zhong was planning how to take Iger under his wing, Iger suddenly announced that he would no longer be a student of the academy from today onwards, regained his dignity, and left proudly and gloriously.

"Mother and son, find a place to live first, Iger, after a month, I will personally come and take you and your brothers and sisters to a place to practice, please prepare within this month." An Zi After Qing walked out of the campus, he suddenly said to Iger.

Iger didn't ask much, but nodded, "The disciple will obey the master's order, and will work hard to practice within this month."

"Well, Judith, you can find a place to live, I can find you when the time comes. These are some gold coins, take them!" An Ziqing took out a bag of gold coins and handed them to Judith, and said to her .

Judith nodded and took it, without saying any more words of gratitude, she just said goodbye to An Ziqing and the two with a gentle smile.

An Ziqing teleported away with Ding Ran and returned to the space.

"Xiaoran, I plan to let you, Iger, Xiaodong, Xiaoxi, and Zhao Yu go to a technological planet that is about to be destroyed to practice in a month. Do you dare to try?" An Ziqing asked Ding Ran.

Ding Ran nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, although I have just entered the foundation building stage, my ancient martial arts foundation is here. No matter what, my life should not be in danger."

"Okay, the planet you're going to is an ordinary planet that is about to enter the next era, and zombies are rampant there now, so I wish you good luck first." An Ziqing nodded with a smile.

"Zombie? It's interesting. I think I should be able to get a good exercise." Ding Ran smiled indifferently.

An Ziqing smiled, and said, "Let's go out first, I've already adjusted the time, after spending a day outside, I can go there, anyway, there is still a week before the official Chinese medicine class starts, just enough."

"En." Ding Ran nodded, and the two left the space and returned to reality. They still appeared in the alley near Jinhe Real Estate.

An Ziqing looked up at the floor where the Jinhe Real Estate sign was still hanging, and snorted coldly. It must not be long before he should change his name to Biqing!This is the fate of challenging her. Wang Jinhe is too arrogant and takes human life too seriously. This is only a very slight punishment.

When they returned to reality, the sky had already darkened, and when they walked out of the alley, waves of heat hit.

This late summer night is still rather sultry.

An Ziqing and Ding Ran went to the night market, found a clean shop at random, ordered a bowl of Mala Tang and ate it, and instead of going back to the villa, they went to school.

Although they didn't plan to live in the dormitory, they still paid the dormitory fee just in case.

During the meal, An Ziqing called Ziyin. Ziyin went on a business trip to country D. Although it was only a moment before he came back, An Ziqing still refused and asked him to deal with the matter before coming back.

An Ziqing and Ding Ran walked side by side in the academy, surrounded by students in twos and threes, some walking quietly, some chatting and laughing with each other.

Passing by near the artificial lake of the school, there is a beautiful lawn, where couples sit quietly watching the stars and the moon, chatting, or whispering between lovers, girls’ charming smiles and boys’ flattering voices, passing on one after another come over.

An Ziqing and Ding Ran looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Campus life should be like this, with happiness, sadness and other emotions in the plain.

Of course, there are also couples who are at odds.

No, An Ziqing and the others ran into each other. Under the light not far away, a woman tugged at the sleeve of a tall boy, who was talking about something, but the boy kept treating him coldly, with her right hand even stuck in the in pocket.

"Jin Chen, I really love you, can't you really not see it?" The girl's weeping voice came, revealing pain.

When they got closer, An Ziqing and the two of them saw their faces. The girl's slapped face and big eyes were very attractive, but at this moment, there were tears in her eyes, which was a pity.

With a ponytail and slightly curly hair, she is about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a sleeveless tight vest, with a slender waist, a good figure that spurs blood, a pair of denim trousers on her lower body, and a pair of lotus root powder on her feet colored high heels.

The boy is about 1.8 meters tall, with a pair of narrow, long and deep red phoenix eyes, showing impatience, a thin lip under a tall nose, slightly messy hair, a white short-sleeved shirt, and a pair of long legs. He is wearing dark blue slacks and a pair of sneakers on his feet. He is indeed handsome.

"Qiao Wei, it is your business that you love me, I have never loved you, and I have a girlfriend!" Jin Chen finally got impatient, he stretched out his hand that had been in his pocket, and pushed Qiao Wei away. Holding his hand, said lightly.

"Impossible. As the lead singer of KW, you practice singing or go to class every day. You have no chance to meet other girls. When did you have a girlfriend!" Qiao Wei obviously didn't believe it, and asked with a hurt face.

"She is my girlfriend, Ziqing, why are you here so late, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Jin Chen suddenly grabbed An Ziqing who was walking by him, An Ziqing didn't react at all This boy would make such an astonishing movement, and before he could react, he was already hugged by that boy.

"Qingqing!" Ding Ran was stunned by the scene in front of him, and exclaimed softly.

"Who is she!" At the same time, not only An Ziqing and Ding Ran were stunned, but also Qiao Wei who was pestering Jin Chen. Qiao Wei screamed with surprise on her face and eyes full of disbelief!

"My girlfriend, I've been waiting for her for two years, and this year she also came to this academy, we can finally be together, Qiao Wei, don't pester me anymore, I won't love you!" Jin Chen finished speaking , so he hugged An Ziqing coolly and walked forward.

"Hey, wait." Ding Ran took a look at Qiao Wei, and then hurriedly chased after her. What's going on?
"Ah!" Qiao Wei growled angrily on the spot, then looked at the backs of the three people, her gaze was sharp: "Jin Chen, you can only be my Qiao Wei's man, as for that girl, I will investigate, you guys Just wait for me."

"That's enough!" After walking out of Qiao Wei's sight, An Ziqing left the boy's embrace without a trace, stood there indifferently, stared at Jin Chen, and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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