Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 530 Rescue New Companions

Chapter 530 Rescue New Companions (5)
"What did you do to my sister!" Because Lin Ying still remembered what Ding Ran said about losing her sister before, seeing Ding Ran's attack on Lin Qiao, she immediately roared at Ding Ran as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

Ding Ran glanced at her lightly, picked up the dagger and cut the clothes on Lin Qiao's arm.

"Hmm." Then, with the knife in her hand, she cut off the bitten flesh on Lin Qiao's arm, and blood was splashed on Lin Ying's face, but Ding Ran didn't even blink.Although the numb point was tapped, Lin Qiao still groaned, luckily it wasn't very painful.

Ding Ran took out the golden sore medicine again and sprinkled it on Lin Qiao's wound, then wrapped it with a bandage, reached out to hold Lin Qiao's pulse, and a trace of spiritual consciousness invaded with spiritual power.

There were still some small black corpse poisons spreading in Lin Qiao's blood. Ding Ran raised his vigilance and used his spiritual power to eliminate them one by one.

It took a full quarter of an hour to remove the residual poison.

Ding Ran's face was a little pale at this time, it was spiritual power, and his physical strength was overdrawn.Ding Ran withdrew his consciousness, untied the numbness on Lin Qiao's body, and said to Qian Qiang, "Let me recuperate, you wait and I will."

"Xiaoran, your complexion is very bad!" Qian Qiang turned his head and saw Ding Ran's pale face, and said with concern and worry.

Ding Ran smiled at him and said, "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

After finishing speaking, she sat on the ground, and after laying a small anti-disturbance barrier around her, she took a Guyuan pill and entered the practice of breath adjustment.

Kana and the others saw her sitting in a strange posture, although they were puzzled, they didn't say much.

At this time, Lin Ying felt a little bit like revenge, and began to resent Ding Ran in her heart, ignoring her time and time again, and even spattered her face with blood.

Lin Qiao saw her sister's thoughts, leaned over deliberately, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Sister, it was Miss Ding who saved me, so don't act foolishly. Now that the end of the world has come, we have one more powerful companion. Just one more hope of surviving."

"I understand." Lin Ying knew that her sister was right, so she finally restrained her resentment and agreed.

Lin Qiao breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her, she knew her sister's character very well, she was a typical vengeance.

Ding Ran was still recovering, and Chen Hao and the black Bud rushed over there: "Come on, we saw from the monitor that an army of zombies is rushing over."

"But Xiaoran is still recovering." Qian Qiang became anxious when he heard that, and hurriedly said.

Chen Hao looked over and saw that Ding Ran was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed. Seeing Ding Ran's pale face, he quickly asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Ran?"

"It's okay, it's an overdraft."

"Then what should we do?" Chen Hao looked at Ding Ran worriedly, but the zombies outside were already approaching, if he didn't leave, he would be trapped here later.

A bright light flashed in Lin Ying's eyes. She really wanted to suggest that Ding Ran should be left here to feed the zombies. Her eyes flickered, but in the end she didn't speak.

"I'm fine, let's go!" While everyone was anxious, Ding Ran opened his eyes.

Although still a little pale, but already much better.

"Are you okay?" Chen Hao approached Ding Ran and asked with concern. Lin Ying gradually clenched her hands when she saw it, feeling very uncomfortable.

Ding Ran shook his head. Seeing this, Chen Hao didn't say much, and took the lead to rush out.

As soon as the door opened, everyone heard footsteps. Chen Hao looked at the other side of the operating room and said, "Let's go over there."

This is also a passage down the stairs, everyone walked down the stairs slowly, the silent stairwell made people feel creepy, Feng Jiao was so frightened that her legs trembled, Feng Tian had no choice but to support his sister with a gun in one hand and the other.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed by, and the ugly head of a zombie protruded from the corner of the stairs.

"Bang bang——." Everyone's expressions were tense at this moment, and when they saw the zombie appear, they shot one after another, and the unlucky zombie quickly turned into a hornet's nest.

Dirty blood splattered, and the stench filled the small stairwell.

"Ouch..." Feng Jiao couldn't take it any longer, covered her mouth with her pale face and began to vomit. Lin Ying and other women were all uncomfortable, but they were better than Feng Jiao.

(End of this chapter)

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