Chapter 532 Forced to grow (2)
One shot to the head, the marksmanship is obviously very good.

"Keep going." Ding Ran also smiled at Feng Jiao. Only when he becomes strong can he hope to survive.

"Good girl." Kana also praised with a thumbs up, then smiled and looked at Ding Ran and said, "However, Miss Ding is the best, if you hadn't encouraged Feng Jiao in such a cold and ruthless way, she would not have been able to muster up the courage Come."

"People have to face it, learn to grow up, don't you?" Ding Ran rushed forward again as he said.

Seeing that Feng Jiao also summoned Lin Ying's courage, everyone looked at Ding Ran with admiration again, and she became more and more unhappy.

"Howling." A somewhat familiar howling sounded, Ding Ran's figure paused, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Be careful, the F3 that escaped before is coming after you."

"What!" Qian Qiang and Chen Hao were taken aback for a moment, they never expected that the F3 would chase here.

The sound of ding ding ding sounded from top to bottom in the silent stairwell, and Ding Ran immediately said: "Come down, it's on the top."

Before everyone could react, the F3 had already rushed over.

Ding Ran raised his energy to meet him with light kung fu, and slashed the dagger towards F3's neck, and Kana and the others also raised their guns to attack it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang—" Unfortunately, none of the shots hit, and the speed of this F3 was very fast. Following Ding Ran's dagger, F3 moved and stretched out dryly. hand, grabbed Ding Ran.

"Looking for death." Ding Ran's dagger brushed F3's hair, but didn't hit its neck. Seeing that F3 was grabbing at her forehead, he snorted coldly and swung out a palm thunder.

There was fear in F3's eyes, but he couldn't dodge in the end. He was struck by the lightning in his palm, and Ding Ran stabbed it in the chest with a backhand dagger.

"Pfft——." With a sound, the dagger stabbed F3 in the chest, and as the dagger was pulled out, pollution splashed out.Before F3 could react from the paralysis, Ding Ran swiped the dagger at F3's neck again, and with a grunt, F3's head rolled to the ground, and blood spurted out.

"Let's go." After Ding Ran finished solving F3, she swayed down under everyone's surprised gaze, and ran downstairs. The zombies she met died one by one under her dagger and palm thunder.

Ding Ran led Chen Hao and the others out of the siege of zombies and appeared at the back door of the hospital.

There are relatively few zombies here, everyone worked together to shoot and attack, and quickly killed a bloody road. Ding Ran quickly rushed forward, took out the jeep and put it not far away, and said to Chen Hao and the others: "Hurry up Car, rush out and leave me alone."

"God, when did you bring the car here. Xiaoran, you are so clever." Qian Qiang climbed into the driver's seat while praising, and started the car.

"Get in the car." The bad feeling in Ding Ran's heart became stronger and stronger, and he drank it at others.

"Tsk tsk, yes, yes, you were able to break through and kill my slave. Tell me, how should I punish you? Well——, just turn you into my new slave." At this time, a figure jumped from far to near quickly, and after stopping, it was the F2. It smiled evilly and rubbed its chin, looking at Ding Ran and said.

Ding Ran turned around instantly, holding a dagger in his hand, and sneered: "F2? Well, it's just a corpse that has always been comparable to the late foundation establishment."

She said so on the lips, but she was shocked in her heart. No wonder she always had a bad premonition.

It doesn't matter to her, the big deal is that she was rescued by Lina, failed this trial, and accepted the punishment of Qingqing, the sect master.Chen Hao and the others can't do it. If you die, you will die. This is not a game, but the real world.

"The tone is not small, although I can't understand what you said, but if you think this seat is easy to kill, then try it!" The speed of F2 was faster, Ding Ran only saw an afterimage flashed by, and F2 quickly When she got behind her, she only had time to turn around and block her with a dagger. F2 didn't bite her, but kicked her in the air. With a sound of "clang--", it collided with the dagger. The force of F2 was very strong, and Ding Ran flew upside down. Go out, the dagger falls aside.

Chen Hao and the others saw only an afterimage behind Ding Ran in the car, followed by Ding Ran and just turned around to resist, before flying out, terrified in their hearts, what kind of speed is this.

"Let's go." Ding Ran got up and shouted at Qian Qiang.

F2 hooked the corner of his mouth, stretched out a hand, and a wave of energy gathered was about to be sent towards the car. Ding Ran immediately used a palm thunder, and luckily hit it. F2 was paralyzed on the spot, and then Ding Ran threw another talisman with ice attribute.


The seal talisman hit F2's body, activated by spiritual power, a gust of cold air radiated out, and F2 was wrapped in a layer of solid ice.

Ding Ran thought it was all right, so she breathed a sigh of relief, she sat down on the ground with most of her spiritual power exhausted, panting heavily.

Chen Hao and the others were already dumbfounded. Seeing that F2 was frozen, they brought new large weapons from the car, got off the car and rushed towards Ding Ran. With a sound of "Kara", Ding Ran suddenly raised his head and pointed at Chen Hao. He shook his head again and again: "Don't come here!"

With a sound of "bang--", the frozen F2 rushed out of the ice, its eyes were full of anger, Ding Ran provoked it, because F2's left hand was destroyed.

F2 grabbed Chen Hao's neck with his right hand, Ding Ran immediately got up and rushed over, Chen Hao was the first person she met in this world, she couldn't just leave him dead.

"Earth shield." Ding Ran rushed to Chen Hao's side, only to condense an earth shield in time.

F2's power is very strong, she has heard the sound of the earth shield breaking, thinking that she is about to be rescued by Lina.Ding Ran smiled at Chen Hao, and said, "Maybe that's it, it's nice to meet you."

Chen Hao thought that what Ding Ran said was that they were going to die, so Chen Hao mustered up the courage to hug Ding Ran who was lying on his body, and said with a smile, "It's not too bad to be able to die with you."

"Go to hell!" F2's fist had already destroyed the soil shield, and when it was about to hit Ding Ran's back, a voice sounded in time: "Vine tie!"


And suddenly a group of vines appeared on F2's body out of thin air, restraining his movements, and the concrete floor under his feet seemed to suddenly become a muddy swamp. When only one head remained, the last voice sounded again: "Freeze."

When Ding Ran heard these two voices, joy suddenly appeared on his face, and when he looked up, two teenagers were standing not far away, and the seals in their hands had not been released yet.

"Auntie, are you okay!" Ai Ge and Xiao Dong quickly came to Ding Ran's side, and Ai Ge helped Ding Ran up from Chen Hao.

The others were already stunned, staring blankly at the two and a half newcomers.

"Iger, Xiaodong, it's really you!" Ding Ran never thought that he would meet Xiaodong and Iger so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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