Chapter 570 Two-faced faction (2)
"Why are you thinking about it, don't you expect the owner to accept you as a housekeeper or concubine? What's more, you serve the owner every day, so you have such a chance." Luluo restrained her obsession, and looked at you Still pretending.

Xiaoxi nodded, then continued chopping firewood, and said, "No, I never thought about it that way!"


Luluo looked in disbelief, "How could it be that the owner is so handsome and rich, and he is still the emperor's nephew, do you really not feel it at all?"

"Ah?" It was Xiaoxi's turn to be surprised this time, "You said the owner is the emperor's nephew, so doesn't that mean that the owner's mother is the current princess?"

"Yeah, don't you know? Madam is the eldest princess of the Zilan Kingdom, but now she is traveling around with the old owner, and only occasionally returns to the village." Luluo's face is like this, don't you know the expression.

Xiaoxi shook his head, touched his head and smiled: "I really don't know."

"However, in fact, the owner is not the most handsome man I've ever seen! So, I'm fine."

"What!" Lu Luo said with a look of disbelief, "Have you ever seen a man who is more handsome than the owner of the villa? How is it possible that other than the prince, our owner is the most handsome man in the world, and you actually said that you have seen more handsome men?" Handsome, have you seen the prince?"

"Prince? No, the person I'm talking about is Ziwei Zun, and my brother and Iger." Xiaoxi shook his head, saying no.

"My lord Ziwei? Who is it!" Luluo asked curiously.

"It's the disciplinary elder of our sect, and also my master's fiancé." Xiaoxi chopped firewood earnestly, and then replied.

Luluo didn't care at first, and was still chopping firewood, followed her and said in surprise: "What! You said you have a sect, and you have a master's relatives? Then why do you come here to be a maid? And you said you didn't come here for the owner of the village of."

At this time, Luluo felt a little disdainful, and there was a master who came to be a maid, obviously for the owner of the villa, and she said no, it was really hypocritical.

"Think whatever you want." Xiaoxi didn't care, and didn't want to explain any more.

After a while, there was a lot of firewood around the two of them, because Xiaoxi secretly used a little magic effect while talking with Luluo.

"Looks like it's enough, so I'll go first." Xiaoxi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled at Luluo.

Luluo was wiping her sweat in the same way, but she never thought that the job would be finished after the two of them chatted, "Thank you, Xiaoxi, if it wasn't for your help, I think I would have made it through the night."

"You're welcome, your punishment has something to do with me. Then I'll go first!" Xiaoxi waved to her and left with a smile.

After Xiaoxi left, the smile on Lu Luo's face suddenly faded, she put down the hatchet in her hand, and walked towards a yard.The courtyard is not very big, but it looks very rich. There is a lotus garden engraved on the front gate of the courtyard.

"Knock knock."

"Come in." A pleasant voice came from inside the house, and Lu Luo pushed the door open and entered.

Incense was burning in the room, the smoke curled up, dense and fragrant, a beauty was lying on a chaise longue, and two maids were fanning her.

The beauty was wearing a goose-yellow smokey skirt with pearls, hairpins, and accessories, and she looked full of extravagance.

"Why are you here? Is there any news about the matter I asked you to investigate?" The beauty lay lazily on the chaise longue and ate grapes. After swallowing, she kissed her red lips, and her voice was as sweet as a nightingale out of the valley.

"Returning to Princess Yurong, the new girl in the owner's courtyard has almost been investigated by the slaves. According to the girl, she is a disciple of a sect, but she didn't say much about why she appeared here. The slaves attacked After a while, she said that she didn't come for the owner, and bragged that she had seen a man who was more handsome than the owner, but he was not the prince. This was obviously for the owner. Do you want to teach me a lesson? , tap, tap?" Luluo stood beside Gu Yurong and reported, while giving her advice.

(End of this chapter)

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