Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 870 A counterattack against the pissed off daughter-in-law

Chapter 870 A counterattack against the pissed off daughter-in-law (3)
Life is getting better and better. After Ye Xu learned of this situation, he became even more resentful towards Ye Ying.

It's a pity that there is no other way, but I also thought of a possibility, and finally gritted my teeth and gave up Lin.When Xu Chuyao heard the news, it was already the evening of the 29th.

That day when Aunt Dahe came to visit the house, she had a happy smile on her face. Xu Chuyao saw from her face that she was about to marry a daughter, so she smiled and said, "Auntie looks happy, but what good news is coming?"

"It's really right for you, you girl has poisonous eyes. Yesterday, a shopkeeper surnamed Zhang from Qinghe Town came to our house with a matchmaker, saying that he wanted to marry my Tweety. We sent someone to find out about this. The Zhang family said that the peddler's son was quite capable. The peddler used to pick up stalls, but now he has run a classic shop with the help of that child. I see that the boy is also good, with good looks and quite capable. , I agreed to this marriage, no, the Zhang family will come to marry Cui'er on the sixth day of February next year." Aunt Dahe couldn't stop the joy on her face.

"Oh, that's really congratulations. I usually get along well with Cui'er and Lian'er. Don't refuse me to add the dowry to Cui'er on the day of the wedding." Xu Chuyao sat in a comfortable chair touching her belly, tenderly said laughingly.

"How can it be, you are such a noble lady to add a dowry to my Tweety, this is our Tweety's blessing." Aunt Dahe said with a smile, and then said mysteriously, "Hey, don't say anything else, Nephew and daughter-in-law, do you know that the Lin family of the second family was abandoned by Ye Xu today?"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Xu Chuyao really doesn't know, she seldom cares about the affairs of the He family and Ye Xu's family now.

Except for the exceptions that should be given, basically stay at home all day.

"It is said that Mrs. Lin violated one of the seven clauses of tongue-twisting, and two of being unfilial. Ye Xu ignored Mrs. Lin's pleading, and asked Li Xiucai from the next village to write a divorce letter." Aunt Dahe didn't care about He Shi and Lin's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are very contemptuous, and now that Lin's been divorced, it is very satisfying.

"This kind of woman should rest." Xu's mother, who was resting in the house, was helped in by a maid, bringing in a chill, with displeasure on her face.

She knew that it was this woman who almost caused her precious daughter to commit suicide by throwing herself to death. How could this kind of woman not be divorced, and now she deserves it.

"I'm afraid Ye Xu is paying attention again." Xu Chuyao just touched her fingers and said with a light smile.

After Xu's mother came, Aunt Dahe became somewhat restrained, and after saying a few more words, she found an excuse to leave. After Xu Chuyao held back a few words that Aunt Dahe didn't stay, she ordered Ling Yan to bring some fresh vegetables for Aunt Dahe. Bring back.

Aunt Dahe refused at first, but finally seeing Xu's mother and Xu Chuyao persuading her, she had to bite the bullet and leave with a shy face.

The next day was New Year's Eve, the workers were sent back early, the Xu family and Ye Ying's family gathered at home, the Xu family only brought a few servants with them this time, and the servants were in full swing. With the evening reunion banquet.

Most of the servants live in the spice factory outside the village, there is also a place to sleep there, and they don't care how ugly they are.

A few girls who were close to her were temporarily living in the former adobe house. Fortunately, it was built at that time, and with Xu Chuyao's attire, it was still passable.

The house was cleaned cleanly, and it was a new house, so there was nothing to clean.It was near evening when Xu Chuyao ordered Ling Yan to invite Mrs. He over for dinner. Originally, she didn't have to call, but after all, it was Chinese New Year and Xu's family was there, so she probably wouldn't make any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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