Chapter 905 The Greedy Woman (2)
"I've actually never been to such a formal French restaurant, so I don't know much about it. Let's just listen to Brother Wuxie." Fang Yiyi knew that she would be exposed if she lied, so it was better to be honest.

When Shao Xie heard her tell the truth, his affection for her increased a lot, and evened out his previous impression points.

"That's okay, I want a mango sorbet, and a strawberry sorbet for Miss Fang. For dessert, I want almond cake. I'm too soft-hearted for Miss Fang." Shao Xie ordered delicious dishes one by one, and the waiter bowed with a smile : "Please wait a moment, Young Master Shao, the 55-year-old Latu you let me drive has woken up, and I will deliver it to you later."


After getting the response, the waiter left quickly.

"Hey, Xie, what a coincidence today, I met you here." When Fang Yiyi was still thinking about how to speak, a male voice with a foreign accent sounded.

Shao Xie looked up, and when he saw that he was a good friend, the other party Yiyi smiled apologetically, "I'll go, I'll be back soon."

"En." Fang Yiyi nodded obediently, Shao Xie got up satisfied and walked over, chatting with friends, the waiter quickly brought the wine.Seeing that Shao Xie was not there, afraid that Fang Yiyi could not understand French, he politely introduced in Chinese: "Miss Fang, this is the 55-year-old Latour that Young Master Shao asked me to drive. You can taste it."

"Thank you." Fang Yiyi blushed slightly and thanked in a low voice.

The waiter was also fascinated by this delicate girl, but thinking that she was brought by Young Master Shao, he quickly regained his senses, smiled slightly, and retreated.

After the waiter left, Fang Yiyi quietly looked at Shao Xie, and took out her mobile phone Baidu.

Soon after finding out the information about this restaurant, someone said that a meal here would cost [-] to [-] yuan. Fang Yiyi's eyes widened. She never thought that a meal would be so expensive.After checking what kind of red wine Zaratour was, she realized that it and Lafite were both produced by the eight major wineries. After seeing that a bottle in [-] cost [-] to [-] yuan, she was completely dumbfounded.

Is this life in high society?

Could it be that those two annoying women, Bai Wei and Wen Liuer, always have a sense of superiority, because I am really not on the same level as them, and they have the capital to be proud.Thinking that she had hooked up with Shao Xie now, her body trembled with excitement.

A voice in my heart shouted, I must conquer Shao Xie, I must.

Perhaps, when Xu Chuyao didn't come to this task, she could do it without any effort, but now she can't.

Bai Wei soon came to this restaurant, along with Xu Chuyao.

The two sat down in the private room next to Shao Xie. The private room here is all separated by glass. You can see the condition of the private room next door, but it is also decorated with silk curtains. As soon as you enter the private room, Bai Wei asks the waiter to close the silk curtain let go.

You can vaguely see Fang Yiyi trembling with excitement, Bai Wei and Xu Chuyao sneered, "It's really not on the stage, but I'm so excited after a meal."

"Let's see." Xu Chuyao also chuckled, and said to the waiter: "Please bring me a glass of juice first, and also, bring me a set of tableware, there is a fingerprint on it."

"My God, Liu'er, I heard my sister say that you have moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder and I still didn't believe it, but now I believe it, you are too harsh." After finishing speaking, I thought of something: "I'm sorry, I'm not Intentional."

"It's okay, it's all over. My autism is almost cured, but this obsessive-compulsive disorder really can't be changed. Maybe it has penetrated deep into my heart. Some obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness are not a bad thing, right." Wen Liuer smiled, she already understood Bai Wei's temperament, she has such a straightforward temperament, and she has no bad intentions, if she gets along well, she will be a great girlfriend and friend.

(End of this chapter)

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