Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 951 Ning Shuang’s Thoughts

Chapter 951 Ning Shuang’s Thoughts (1)
"Mom, why are you here?" Xu Chuyao didn't want to tear herself apart with Qi Yaxiang too early, she still wanted to see Qi Yaxiang's back move.

"You child, mom must have missed you when she came to see you!" Qi Yaxiang stepped forward pretentiously, stroked Xu Chuyao's hair, and said with a pleasant smile, "How are you doing recently? Did Shang Yi treat you badly?" Where is your dad, how is he treating you recently?"

"My mother is very kind to me, and my father is also very kind to me. He took me to eat hot pot last night!" Xu Chuyao tilted her head and said happily.

A trace of resentment flashed in Qi Yaxiang's eyes, what a pair of sluts actually abandoned her sick son and took this little slut out for supper.

"Son, don't be stupid. They suddenly treat you so well. They must want your bone marrow to save Yan Qi. Otherwise, how could they be so kind to you? Listen to your mother, don't trust them casually. But it's bad! Especially Shang Yi, if it wasn't for her, how could mother leave your father with you in her arms, so, you must not believe what that woman said!"

"Mom, I see. I'll go to school first, and I'll talk about it after school if I have something to do. Is that okay?" Xu Chuyao looked at the time, and it was almost time for class, so she said.

Qi Yaxiang flashed a hint of displeasure, then nodded, and said, "Okay, mom will come and take you to eat delicious food at noon, ah!"

"Oh." Xu Chuyao responded with a lack of interest, and walked into the campus.

When they first arrived in the classroom, everyone looked at her. They thought they would see Yan Yao's face livid, and didn't want to find out that there was nothing unusual about her.

Ning Shuang lowered her eyes, her eyes darkened, then raised her head again, and after Xu Chuyao sat down, she said to her: "Yaoyao, are you okay! Hongyang was too impulsive yesterday, so he ran to talk nonsense to your brother, your brother I was so angry yesterday that I dare not stop you. Are you okay!"

While speaking, she cast a coquettish look at Ji Hongyang, who looked at Xu Chuyao with unkind eyes, but Xu Chuyao ignored her at all.

Ning Shuang's eyes turned red again, and Ji Hongyang said displeasedly: "Yan Yao, you are just an illegitimate daughter, how great do you think you are! You will die if you let Shuangshuang go!"

"Excuse me, what is your logic? I am bullying her by ignoring her? Then let me ask you, Ning Shuang, how did I bully you? Besides, based on your family background, even if I am an illegitimate daughter, do you think Are you worthy to stand with me?" Xu Chuyao said disdainfully, revealing her delicate temperament.

Ning Shuang immediately burst into tears, Ji Hongyang stepped forward to greet Xu Chuyao in a hurry, Xu Chuyao's eyes turned cold, and then he shot, blocking Ji Hongyang's hand.Then he slapped Ji Hongyang's face a few times, and finally pushed him to the ground.

When Ji Hongyang didn't come back to his senses, he looked at Ning Shuang and said disdainfully: "What? Surprised? Or do you want to go to Yan Qi to complain about your grievances? I'm sorry, Yan Qi has acute leukemia, and I'm afraid he won't be able to help you in a short time He's in his early years. And my dad won't let him bully me again, as for this trash, I can beat him once, and I can beat him twice."

Saying that, Xu Chuyao lost her mind to stay in this class anymore.

She walked out with her schoolbag on her back and went directly to the director's office. The director is a person who looks strict but is actually very upright.

"Student, class is about to start, why are you still here?" Director Li pushed his eyes in confusion, and asked Xu Chuyao.Xu Chuyao smiled at her and said, "Director Li, I want to apply for a shift."

"Oh? Which class are you in? Which class do you want to transfer to?" Director Li asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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