Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

953 Chapter 1 It’s Your Own Suffering

953 Chapter 1 It’s Your Own Suffering ([-])
"Yaoyao, you mean that Yan Qi is suffering from acute leukemia? My God, what should we do? Yan Qi is only sixteen, still very young, Yaoyao, will you save him?" Ning Shuang looked Looking at Xu Chuyao expectantly, Xu Chuyao was amused by her again.

"Ning Shuang, I really can't stand you. I say it has nothing to do with Yan Qi, and then I care about him. What do you want? It doesn't matter to you whether I want to donate or not! Don't block me anymore, I'm so annoying!" Xu Chuyao said impatiently.

After speaking, some green powder appeared in her hand.She calculated that Ning Shuang would definitely rush over, and the moment Ning Shu grabbed her, she put the powder on Ning Shuang's palm.

The powder disappeared quickly, Ning Shuang was shocked suddenly, and then his face changed greatly: "Yan Yao, what do you think you are? It's just a shameful illegitimate daughter. If you come from the same background as me, what do you have?" Qualifications are pretty cruel here. You think you are superior to others when you seduce the young master of the Chu family with this charming little face? If I don't be friends with you, do you have any friends? Who can look down on you!"

"Hmph, you are so self-righteous. You are right. When I approached you, I wanted to step on you and hook up with Yan Qi. Now that I have succeeded, Yan Qi will definitely marry me. Don't think you can marry me." He was ill, you are his younger sister, and you must donate your bone marrow to him!" Ning Shuang's expression became extremely distorted and terrifying due to jealousy, while the surrounding classmates were stunned.

"And that Ji Hongyang is also a big idiot. Although he and Yan Qi's family background are comparable, he is not as easy to handle as Yan Qi, who is so foolish. That's why I chose Yan Qi instead of him." Ning Shuang sneered.

Ji Hongyang, who was chasing after him, didn't expect Ning Shuang to say such a thing, and his face immediately turned pale.

"Enough?" Xu Chuyao smiled, and was about to pull Chu Yan away, but Ning Shuang suddenly rushed towards Mi Yaoyao, holding a small knife in her hand.

Chu Yan turned around abruptly and kicked Zhong Ning Shuang in the abdomen. Ning Shuang fell aside holding the knife, but the knife pierced into her own lower abdomen.

Blood, soon spilled.


Some girls screamed in panic, and more watched with glee.

"It's really self-inflicted!"

"Young Master Chu has practiced martial arts since he was a child. This Ning Shuang really doesn't know how to live or die. Even if Yan Yao is an illegitimate daughter, she, a commoner, can't hurt her at will."


"Forget it, don't talk about it, tell the teacher quickly, call the police and call the emergency call!" A girl couldn't bear it, and she saw that Ning Shuang was dizzy, so she said.

After listening to her suggestion, those students acted one after another.

Not long after, the school leaders, the police, and the ambulance arrived. Qi Yaxiang was still wandering outside the school gate, scolding Yan Yaoke severely in her heart, letting her stay here for so long, this damn girl still hasn't come out .

After a while, she saw Yan Yao, but she saw her with the police.

His eyes darkened, but he didn't go out. Instead, he scolded the little bitch for being lucky, and left quietly.

Xu Chuyao watched Qi Yaxiang leave coldly, and dragged Chu Yan into the police car. After recording a statement at the police station, Xu Chuyao and Chu Yan skipped class in a fair manner.

The two went shopping in the afternoon, watched a movie, and ate some delicious food. It was after six o'clock in the evening that Chu Yan sent Xu Chuyao back to Yan's house.

"Yaoyao, you're back. Who was that just now? You child, why didn't you tell your father about such a big thing, if something happened to you, what would your mother and I do?" When Yan Boyuan saw his daughter, He looked up and down, and then said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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