Chapter 965
"Boss, where is the white porcelain pastel snuff bottle that was put here just now?" The little girl saw the object she was looking for as soon as she finished her doubtful words.

Excited, she was about to go forward to take it, but the stall owner took the first step and put the things that Xu Chuyao had chosen aside, "Sorry, these things have already been asked for, if you still want them, you can pick other ones at the stall. .”

"How can there be such a reason, as long as I haven't paid for it, I can buy it if I want it. How do you do business, if you don't know how to do it, don't open it!" The little girl said angrily. Toot said.

The stall owner glanced at the little girl, with coldness and displeasure in his eyes, the old man coughed lightly and said, "Yifei, stop making trouble."

"I didn't make trouble, Grandpa, I wanted to buy that thing as a birthday present for Grandpa Chu. Grandpa, why don't you buy it for me! Besides, you are a treasure of our Han family. If you think it's good, then it's not too shabby for me to give the things I found for the first time to Grandpa Chu. At that time, I won't give you face!" It turns out that this little girl is Han Yao's so-called Mother, Han Yifei, one of the twins born.

When Xu Chuyao came back with the money, she saw Han Yifei with a slightly pale face shaking the arm of Han Hongde, the old man of the Han family.As if she hadn't seen the two of them, she went forward and handed the money to Sun Zhiqing, "Uncle, please order."

"No, take the things away!" If he said which of the two girls who were about the same in appearance or even a little similar in front of him, which one he liked, then he would definitely choose the one with the ponytail.

That girl with a pale face, although she was dressed delicately, acted coquettishly, and looked very weak, gave him a sense of disobedience, and he just couldn't like it.

"Thank you uncle." Xu Chuyao took the things with a smile, and was about to leave, but Han Yifei stopped her suddenly, and said with a haughty expression: "Hey, sell me the pastel snuff bottle you bought just now."

"You want?" Xu Chuyao raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, make an offer!" Han Yifei looked superior and even raised her chin arrogantly.

Xu Chuyao hooked her lips, this woman was about to bump into her, if she didn't abuse her for a while, she would feel sorry for herself and Han Yao, so she looked at Han Hongde behind her with a smile: "I'm going to sell this white porcelain pastel snuff bottle anyway, If you want to buy it, it will save me the trouble. It’s the same price, 13!"

"What! Why don't you snatch it! It's just a snuff bottle from the end of the Manchu Dynasty. It's only five or six thousand yuan, how dare you ask for the price!" Han Yifei's eyes widened when she heard it.

The Han family also has an antique shop, so they know about these things, but it's better to give Grandpa Chu the things from their own shop than to have to pick up the missing ones by themselves.

She had seen it at all the stalls before, and this was the only thing she could be sure of.

And I heard that Boss Sun is an outsider at all, just because the previous boss had an accident and needed money urgently, this stupid Boss Sun bought his friend's stall with all his savings.He didn't understand these things at all, and the asking price was all based on feeling. When she first asked that the snuff bottle only cost 1000 yuan, she wanted to ask grandpa to come over and palm her eyes to see if she saw something wrong.

I didn't want to walk for less than 10 minutes, and this thing was picked away.

In the end, the other party not only robbed her, but also wanted to sell it back for 1000 yuan at a price of 10 yuan. This country bumpkin is really crazy about money.

Xu Chuyao smiled faintly, and kept looking at Han Hongde, "You are her grandfather, I just read this thing in a book. I haven't really touched it, but I can be 100% sure that this This item was not made in the late period of the Manchu Dynasty, but was made by Master He in the heyday of Emperor Daqian. I don’t think I took advantage of you for 10 yuan. I don’t believe it is a big deal.”

"Oh? The little girl's eyes are quite poisonous. Knowing the old man, I can understand and confirm it?" Han Hongde looked at Xu Chuyao with a smile. Looking at Xu Chuyao's face, he always felt familiar. After a closer look, he found that she and her granddaughter Han Yifei There are six points similar.

Thinking again that this is City N, the girl in front of me is probably the legitimate daughter of that woman Murongyan!
This time when I came to N City to seek Ning Guoan to treat my granddaughter, I thought that I might meet that child, but I didn't expect that the first time we met was on this antique street.

"I don't know if the old man understands, but I just heard from your granddaughter that you should give her palm eyes, so you must be proficient in this way." Xu Chuyao smiled lightly, and handed over the snuff bottle in her hand .

Han Hongde took it and looked at it, and then he became more and more surprised when he looked at it. When he was sure that this object was made by a master during the reign of Emperor Daqian, he couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart anymore.

"How do you know that this object is from the reign of Emperor Daqian?" Han Hongde asked curiously.

Xu Chuyao took the snuff bottle and said with a smile: "At the beginning, Master He liked to engrave his own words on the inside of the porcelain. If you don't check it carefully, it is really difficult to find it."

"Hehehe... Since ancient times, a hero born a boy is really good. You are very good. 13, I want it." Han Hongde cherished his talent, smiled, and decided to buy this thing.

Xu Chuyao smiled lightly and tilted her head to look at Han Yifei. The jealousy in Han Yifei's eyes was burning.

Originally, she would have discovered this thing. Although the year and her own calculations were different, at least she would have missed it. However, the country bumpkin in front of her just took the opportunity and made her mad.

"This is the card number, sir, please transfer the money to me!" Xu Chuyao wrote Han Yao's card number to Han Hongde. Han Hongde took it, looked at Xu Chuyao meaningfully, and made a quick phone call. There was a message that a text message had been received from the old man's phone, and upon opening it, it was indeed received.

"Since the money and the goods are settled, I will leave."

"Don't go!" Han Yifei blocked Xu Chuyao's way with a livid face, and Xu Chuyao looked at her with a sneer: "What advice do you have?"

"Feifei." Han Hongde called out in disapproval, with a warning in his tone.

Seeing her grandfather like this, Han Yifei felt anxious, her heart rate quickened, her face turned pale, her breathing was difficult, she rolled her eyes, and passed out.

Han Hongde was startled, and hurried over to the bodyguard who was hiding at the side, and he gave Han Yifei a heart-saving pill. He didn't think of Xu Chuyao until he saw Han Yifei slowly opened his eyes.When he looked up again, there was no sign of the girl there.

"Grandpa, I'm not reconciled!" Han Yifei said unwillingly, panting heavily while speaking, Han Hongde had no choice but to comfort his granddaughter first: "Your child just can't hold back, she is Han Yao. Let her take advantage today , you still have to rely on her, good boy, there is grandpa, ah! Come on, let's go back to the hospital first. "

(End of this chapter)

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