Chapter 968 A Strange Woman (1)
"Dad, I bought all the 2000 yuan on me for antiques, don't blame me." Xu Chuyao knew that Father Han had misunderstood, so she looked at Father Han timidly and said this.

Han's father was stunned for a moment, and then said in puzzlement, "You said you spent 2000 yuan on this thing?"

"No, I bought this hand toy, this bodhi bracelet, and a snuff bottle. The boss even gave me an ancient copper coin. I spent a total of two thousand." Xu Chuyao said honestly: " It was identified that the snuff bottle was made by a master during the reign of Emperor Daqian, so I sold it for 13 yuan. The ancient coin was also bought by an old man Fang from Zhenbao Pavilion for 350 million yuan."

"What!" Father Han's eyes widened, his daughter's luck must have been overwhelming!
"Dad, I'm going to use the money to start a company, and I ask Dad to support me." Xu Chuyao looked at Dad Han and said seriously, and Dad Han's mouth squirmed. He wanted to refuse at first, but in the end he smiled and said: "Just do what you want, just don't make yourself tired, ah."

"En." Xu Chuyao looked at Father Han, and then decided to make up a character: "Dad, in fact, not long after that woman left, I met an old man when I went to work one day, and the old man said he wanted to take me as a disciple. I have a lot of things. Among them are medical classics, antique knowledge, and mysterious ancient martial arts. These days, I have been hiding it from my father, and I am really sorry."

"Silly girl, these are your blessings. No wonder you kept silent for a while. After eating and washing the dishes, you hid in the house! Dad was still worried about you. I didn't expect it to be like this." Father Han touched Touching Xu Chuyao's hair, she looked distressed and spoiled, this is his proud daughter.

"Father, this time I am going to start a cosmetics company with the ancient prescriptions I read from the medical classics, and I will also start preparing for the pharmaceutical industry in the future." Xu Chuyao suddenly said seriously.

Han's father was suffocated, his lower lip trembled, he sighed, and said, "Your child hasn't come out yet?"

The Han family made their fortune in the hospital and pharmaceutical industry, and is now a leading pharmaceutical company in K City, as well as medical equipment manufacturing.Now that the daughter has made a fortune with these things, doesn't that mean that she has never come out?
"Dad, I just want that woman to regret that she doesn't want such a good man like you, but she wants to go back and eat it later." Xu Chuyao said coldly, and then revealed a message to Han's father: "Actually, Dad, then The reason why Han Baili met that woman was actually because of me!"

"For you!" Father Han was puzzled, "Why for you?"

"His daughter, Han Yifei, was born with a bad heart disease, and the only way to do it is to have a heart transplant. She and I are also born of the same mother, so she is the best and most suitable candidate. They are not for that stupid woman, but just I just took my heart for his daughter to use. Today, I have met them, and I sold that snuff bottle to Han Baili's father, Han Hongde." When Xu Chuyao said this, Father Han's eyes flickered Anger also flashed, and he held his hand tightly.

"How could they!" Han's father now only has Han Yao as his daughter, Murong Yan, he has neither love nor hate.

However, if that woman really dared to hurt his daughter for the sake of her other daughter, then he would never forgive her, even if it was impossible to recover, he would use his best efforts to send those people to hell.

Seeing Father Han's determination, Xu Chuyao softened her eyes a lot, stepped forward, leaned on Father Han's legs, and said coquettishly, "Dad, don't worry, now that I have my own power, those people can't hurt you." It's up to me. Besides, although Master has left Yunyou, if something happens to me, Master will definitely not let anyone bully me!"

(End of this chapter)

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