Chapter 986
"Hehehe... This is really the funniest thing I've heard this year. At the beginning, when the money was paid, and you voluntarily gave me this orchid seedling to add to my head, then it was mine. Now you know its value I came here to claim it back like an overlord, how could it be so simple!" Xu Chuyao leaned against the kitchen door and said with a smile.

As soon as Yan Fei saw Xu Chuyao, he was even more sure that he had found the wrong person. He said arrogantly: "Since you also admit that I gave it to you, then you must return it to me!"

"Also? When the orchid really stayed with you, there was only one way to wither. Otherwise, you wouldn't pull it out of the pot and throw it away like a weed under the shelf outside the store, letting it be exposed to the wind and the sun. Yes. Now, I have fed it and blossomed it. When you see the benefits, you want to ask for it back. Is there such a simple thing in the world? It doesn’t matter if you want it, just take the money to collect it!” Xu Chuyao also put away her smile, with a cold face , said with full momentum.

"Hmph, it's useless for you little girl to speak sharply. This is my thing, and I must take it back. I have to pay for my things back? How dare you speak!" Yan Fei also said With a sneer, he winked at the young man.

The young man moved instantly and grabbed Xu Chuyao.

Yan Fei looked at it with a smile, brushing the mustache at the corner of his mouth, and smiled wickedly, as long as this damn girl is caught, is she afraid that her crippled father will obediently give him that day Yihe?

Unexpectedly, the weed that he disliked at the beginning turned out to be a sky-high orchid.

At first, when a woman came to his store and talked about it, he hadn't thought about it.No, not long after, the young lady from the Mu family came to tell him about it.Miss Mu's family said that as long as he can get this orchid back, he is willing to spend 300 million to buy it back.

Today, this day, Yihe will take it back no matter what. Although it is not comparable to the price at the auction, it is enough. Anyway, he did not spend much effort, and he got 300 million for nothing, and even hooked up with the Mu family. Are you afraid that the business money will not roll in in the future?
"Yaoyao!" Startled, Han Junhe yelled, just to get the neighbors to help, but the words just fell, and a jaw-dropping scene appeared.

The guy couldn't even touch Xu Chuyao, and was kicked to the ground by Xu Chuyao.Struggling to climb a few times, finally because of unbearable abdominal pain, lying on the ground gasping for breath, but could not get up.

"You!" Yan Fei looked at Xu Chuyao who was walking towards him with some fear, and subconsciously took a few steps back: "You, what are you going to do?"

With a disdainful smile on the corner of Xu Chuyao's mouth, she passed him, walked to Tian Yihe, picked it up, and smelled it, "I said, if you want to take it away, it doesn't matter, just buy it with money. I don't want too much, You take the 2000 million, if you don’t have the money, get out as soon as possible, if you still want to use force to solve it, I will accompany you at any time!”

"I, you...huh, you wait!" Yan Fei avoided Xu Chuyao in fear, and ran away in a gust of wind, but he ran back after a while, and helped the young man who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up , ran away without looking back.

Han Junhe watched speechlessly, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud, why is this man here?
"Yaoyao, although you practice martial arts and medical skills with your master, you still have to guard against them. Most of these people are scoundrels. I'm afraid that he will come to play tricks. You must be careful recently." Han Junhe is worried exhortation.

Xu Chuyao smiled, squatted in front of Han Junhe and said, "Dad, don't worry, I'm fine, but you, you must take what I gave you with you."

"I understand." Han Junhe nodded in order to reassure his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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