Chapter 316
After leaving Sheng'an Hall, Lizhen asked Xiaolian the questions in her heart, "Xiaolian, what is going on between you and that Nangong Hao? Why do Master Nangong and Mrs. Nangong compare you to Nangong?" Hao is even better, I can’t figure it out.”


I haven't noticed it until now. I really don't know whether to say that this Lizhen is slow or has a lack of brain. Anyone with a little vision can see it at a glance. Yingzhen was asked by Lizhen. The words made me dizzy gorgeously.

"Hehe! I'm engaged to Nangong Hao, so now Master Nangong and Mrs. Nangong are my future father-in-law and mother-in-law. Of course they like me and they have to treat me well." When Xiaolian talked about this matter, she still felt somewhat confused. Shy, because she said this besides Yingzhen, because she has a good relationship with Yingzhen, and there is nothing shy to say, but it is different with Lizhen, they have nothing to say. Talking, to Xiaolian, Lizhen is just a better relationship than a stranger.

After Lizhen heard Xiaolian's words, she couldn't believe it. No one in the village spread the word about such a big engagement. Do outsiders know what they don't tell?

In the village, if any family has a marriage, it will be made public, and then the whole village will know, and there will be a wedding banquet, and relatives and friends will be invited to the house for dinner, but there is no news about Xiaolian's marriage , "Xiaolian, why haven't I heard people in the village say that you are engaged, when did it happen?"

"Hehe, that's because I didn't say in the village that I was engaged, and it's only engaged now. There is still such a long time before I get married. Anyway, when I become an adult, the villagers will naturally know about it. I hope you will do the same when you go back. Don't tell anyone, not even your mother, is that okay?" Xiaolian doesn't want to be talked about every day in the village, but now her family has been talked about enough, and she doesn't want her own marriage to become an issue. An entertainment topic for villagers after dinner.

"Don't worry! Since you don't want to talk about it yourself, how can I tell this matter? Let's go, let's go to the vegetable market. My mother asked me to buy some pork back today, saying that I haven't eaten meat for a long time. If I want to eat, let me buy some when I come to the town.” Now the living standards of the villagers have obviously improved, and every family can eat pork at least once or twice a month. It will only be eaten during the big festivals.

For example, if you want to eat meat now, you can eat more mushrooms. You must know that one catty of dried mushrooms can buy two catties of pork. With hope in these days, people will gradually know how to live.

Xiaolian and Yingzhen also bought some, but Yingzhen and Lizhen only bought one catty, while Xiaolian bought five catties. There are so many people in the family. How many, although the family often eats meat, they still want to eat it, especially the four nephews, who are even more fond of meat now.

After buying the meat, the three of Xiaolian sat on the horses and went home. When they came, they brought heavy things. When they returned, only one shelf was heavier, and the rest were light. Things, a package was loaded and hung directly on the horse's back. Xiaolian followed Yingzhen and said that she would ride a fast horse back, otherwise the road would be too hot.

Of course Yingzhen would not object to Xiaolian's suggestion, she was about to gallop her horse, and she had never taken anyone with her, so she asked Lizhen to hug her tightly and let the horse gallop.

The spirit horse is indeed better than ordinary horses, even if there are two people sitting, they can still run very fast. It took an hour to come, but it was doubled when they returned, because The horse ran fast, and when the three of them returned home, their hair was blown like a chicken coop. Because Lizhen was sitting behind Yingzhen, the situation was better, and Yingzhen's was the messiest. That's right, I could see that Xiaolian wanted to laugh.

Because both Yingzhen and Lizhen bought meat for the family, when they rode the horses to Xiaolian's house, they didn't play at Xiaolian's house, and went directly to each house to find their own mothers, and Xiaolian did the same. He sorted out all the things he bought in town, and put the meat in the cupboard.

This time should be two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Mother and the others should be busy making pig vegetables in the field. Although Xiaolian was a little tired, she didn't take a rest, but arrived after taking the straw hat. Going to help in the field, Xiaolian’s field is about fifteen minutes’ walk away from home, because there are a lot of pig vegetables to be prepared every day, and they are all pulled directly by horse-drawn cart, but the horse-drawn cart can only pass through the main road, like The horse-drawn carriage cannot pass through the fields.

There is still a 2-minute journey from Xiaolian’s vegetable field to the main road. This section of the road requires manual picking out all the vegetables. Fortunately, everyone’s body is very strong at home now. I don't feel too tired after eating the dishes.

Every afternoon, everyone in Xiaolian’s family would gather in the vegetable field to cook vegetables together, and then they would divide the work after returning home. The four nephews also came to the field today to work together. Xiaolian is about to arrive. When I was in the field, I had already prepared Lingzhong lotion for my family. The weather is so hot, no matter how long my family has been in the sun, it is not good for the body. Drinking this Lingzhong lotion at this time is very is beneficial.

"Xiaolian, why did you come back so soon after going to town today?" Xiaolian's grandmother, Wang Shi, was really refreshed after drinking a bowl of Lingzhong lotion, and her body was cool and comfortable. After talking, seeing Xiaolian coming back so early, I still couldn't help asking.

"Grandma, I bought all the things I wanted to buy in the town, and I went to Sheng'an Church, and I came back after having a meal with Uncle Nangong. I didn't see you when I got home, so I knew everyone must I was busy in the vegetable field, so I followed." Xiaolian winked at her grandmother mischievously.

"Well, you are doing the right thing. Since you are all in the town, you should go and see them, and you have sent them the wine and fruit. Did Master Nangong and Mrs. Nangong respond?" Mrs. Wang I think that if it was her, she would be very happy when receiving a gift from her future daughter-in-law, not to mention that there are not many smart and capable women like Xiaolian, no matter how you say it is the blessing of that Nangong Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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