Chapter 126

"Understood now?" Shen Yi looked at Bald Qiang indifferently.

Bald Qiang took a deep breath, bowed his head slightly respectfully: "Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, it's because I don't know Mount Tai!"

Now he understood what Chu Luoyun meant. He really should thank Chu Luoyun. In front of this young man, they were just a bunch of mobs, no matter how many there were, it was useless.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything, otherwise I don't know how I died.

Thinking of this, the bald head forced to kill Zhou Haoxuan and the two of them. Isn't it just an ordinary teacher, an ordinary teacher can have this skill?
Bald Qiang's eyes flickered with sternness, and he secretly decided to punish these two idiots who lied about military information in the future.

"Miss Chu, let's go first!" Shen Yi ignored Bald Qiang, but bid farewell to Chu Luoyun.

Chu Luoyun nodded slightly, and said apologetically, "Mr. Shen, Ms. Ye, I'm really sorry about this!"

Although the actions of Bald Qiang and the others had nothing to do with him, they were his father's former subordinates after all, and they were making trouble for Shen Yi in front of him, so an apology is still necessary.

"Miss Chu was joking, this is none of your business at all!" Shen Yi smiled, then glanced at the bald-headed Qiang, and said lightly: "You are lucky today, but you may not have such good luck every time. !"

A simple sentence caused Bald Qiang to break out in cold sweat and panic in his heart. When he came back to his senses, he found that the two of them had already left.

"Bad Qiang, you have heard what Mr. Shen said, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again!" Chu Luoyun's indifferent voice rang in his ears.

Bald Qiang's heart trembled slightly, and he nodded heavily.

"My Yunwu Villa is still short of manpower, I will bring you and others to help tomorrow!"

After leaving these words, Chu Luoyun left straight away.

The bald head was stunned for a while, then with moist eyes, he bowed deeply to Chu Luoyun's back.

If given a choice, who would want to live the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife? Didn't even a boss like Chu Qingcang quit the arena?

Back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, when Chu Qingcang was in power, they might still be able to make a living, but after the disbandment of the gang, Chu Qingcang brought the high-level members of the gang to enter the business world, and they, the low-level bosses, also He became a gangster with nowhere to go.

Now, the two words of Chu Luoyun's kindness and power made Bald Qiang seem to have found his belonging again, and he was grateful to Chu Luoyun in his heart.

It can be seen from this that Chu Luoyun, a rising star in the business world of Mingzhu City, is really amazing in his methods of winning people's hearts.


Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, it was approaching the day when the National High School Mathematics Competition was held.

Since Class A and Class E each have two places, it became a problem which class's head teacher would lead the team to Longjing.

Sun Ming insisted on leading the team. After all, this was a rare opportunity to show his face in front of his peers. If the students achieved results, he, the teacher who led the team, would also get corresponding honors.

Of course, Shen Yi was unwilling to give up. After all, among the five Yinghua students who participated in this competition, there were two of his students, as well as his sister and her best friend. He had to go along anyway, as their solid support Backing up and cheering them on.

In the principal's office, Ye Hongru looked at the two arguing in front of him and rubbed his brows with some headaches.

From his own point of view, of course he prefers Shen Yi to lead the team, but if he decides, it will inevitably make Sun Ming feel resentful, and it will also make those in the school who know that Ye Shihua is his granddaughter feel critical.

So the best way is to let the two decide for themselves!

However, at present, this appears to be impossible.

"Principal, I must go to this competition. I used to lead the team every year. I have rich experience, and I will definitely let the students play their best. Yang Wei for our Yinghua!" Sun Ming said righteously.

Shen Yi gave him a funny look, and said: "Principal, Teacher Sun is right, but if you want the students to perform at a better level, then I should go. You know, the students who took the exam this time Five students, two of them are my students, and one is my sister!"

Sun Ming's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and his face was as ugly as if he had eaten bitter melon.

Didn't he lift a rock and hit himself in the foot? No, I have to make amends quickly.

Sun Ming thought about this, and hurriedly said: "Principal, you can't say that. The most important thing is experience. Teacher Shen is still so young, and taking care of himself is a problem. How can we talk about taking care of those students? Let me lead the team." the best choice……"

"That's all right, all of you have your own reasons, who should I listen to!" Ye Hongru waved his hand, interrupted Sun Ming, and said, "Since we can't decide, let the students decide. Students, it happens that the minority obeys the majority!"


Sun Ming's face changed, and he wanted to say something more, but Ye Hongru frowned and said directly: "There's no need to say any more, it's settled like this!"

"I agree!" Shen Yi nodded in agreement with different expressions, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart. Ye Hongru's method sounds like a fair competition, but the result is already obvious.

"I agree too!" Seeing Ye Hongru's resolute expression, Sun Ming could only nod in agreement unwillingly, but he knew in his heart that this Longjing was impossible.

What made Sun Ming vomit blood even more was that after the five students called, the four girls chose Shen Yi without hesitation after learning about the situation. , and also decisively chose Shen Yi.

In the end, there was not a single student who wanted him to lead the team.

This made Sun Ming, who had always regarded himself as the best teacher in Yinghua, feel ashamed and angry, and walked out of the principal's office with a sullen face without saying a word.

"Students, the bus tickets I have booked for you are at 02:30 tomorrow afternoon, and the exam is the day after tomorrow. You can treat this as a trip, don't feel pressured, just test your own level, the principal trusts you!" Ye Hongru With a kind smile on his face, he looked at several students and said.

"Thank you principal, we will definitely work hard!" Shen Xiu clenched her fists and laughed, Ye Hongru was like her own grandfather to her, so facing Ye Hongru was not as restrained as Gu Yue and others.

Ye Hongru glanced at her with a friendly smile, and said: "You girl, you are not familiar with Longjing, don't run around, don't be naughty, let your brother worry about you!"

"You heard it!" Shen Yi patted her head and joked with a smile.

"You..." Shen Xiu pretended to be disappointed, pouted her lips and said, "I don't look so worry-free!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Ye Hongru suppressed his smile, and said again: "Okay, let's not talk about this, you don't have to attend today's class, go back and prepare, and explain to your parents, so that they don't worry!"

 Thanks for the reward from the book friend "The Low Walker", thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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