Almighty teacher system

Chapter 145 Best Buddies

Chapter 145 Best Buddies
Liu Zhenhai's purpose was not for anything else, but he took a fancy to the qualifications of Li Zihan and others, and wanted to recruit into Huaxia University.

Of course, for Shen Yi, the talented person who single-handedly cultivated them into talents, Liu Zhenhai also threw out an olive branch and asked him to come to Huaxia University as a teaching assistant first. , promoted immediately.

For this, Shen Yi tactfully refused. He might have agreed in the past, but now, he really doesn't want to part with the students in Class E of the third year, and he doesn't want to leave Yinghua.

Liu Zhenhai regretted this, but he was relieved that after Li Zihan and other students agreed to wait for the college entrance examination, they would definitely give priority to Huaxia University.

Afterwards, several students received corresponding rewards. Li Zihan was the special prize. As long as she wanted to, she could directly enter Huaxia University without even taking the college entrance examination.

Shen Xiu, Gu Yue, and Zhao Mengqi were all in the top ten, and they won the first prize. The college entrance examination scores of all universities in the country were reduced by [-] points. Liu Zhenhai also let go. Even if the scores are not enough, the Department of Mathematics of Huaxia University welcomes them to join at any time .

As for Tang Song, although he only won the second prize, Liu Zhenhai also gave him corresponding preferential treatment. As long as the score of the college entrance examination and the admission score of Huaxia University are within [-] points, he can be admitted.

When Tang Song heard the news, he was overjoyed. When everyone returned to the hotel, they still laughed from ear to ear.

After Shen Yi sent a group of students back to the hotel, he drove to a restaurant that he had made an appointment with Zhang Yang and others.

The name of the restaurant is very emotional, called Cup Moting, the grade is not too high, but it is not vulgar either.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Shen Yi came to the reserved box, and immediately saw three brothers whom he hadn't seen for a long time, sitting there laughing and talking.

There are four people in the dormitory, besides Zhang Yang and him, the other two are Shi Lei and Liang Wen.

Shi Lei, nicknamed Stone, is a man from the Northeast, he is addicted to alcohol, and almost drinks two taels with every meal. In the past, their dormitory, every day when it was time to eat, was always smelled of alcohol.

Even, sometimes when Shen Yi and the others just woke up and were still drowsy, they could smell the smell of alcohol.

Liang Wen, nicknamed Mosquito, has the same personality as his name, but he looks quiet and delicate as a man. He is a top student in the Chinese Department of Normal University, and a standard literary youth.

"Stone, mosquito!" Seeing the scene where the three of them gathered together to laugh and talk, Shen Yi was in a daze for a moment, then he shouted with a smile.

"Ayi!" Seeing Shen Yi, the two of them immediately rushed forward in surprise, and hugged Shen Yi heavily respectively.

"You boy, you disappeared without saying hello to us, it's so disrespectful!" Shi Lei stared, and slammed Shen Yi's shoulder hard.

If it was before, Shen Yi would definitely be grinning from this punch, but now nothing happened, even his body didn't even shake.

"Hey, you kid!" Shi Lei showed a look of surprise on his face, and a subtle and deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

Shen Yi was keenly aware of it, and took a deep look at Shi Lei, and he really found that there was an inner energy in him.

In the past, he only knew that Shi Lei was good at fighting, but he didn't expect him to be an ancient warrior.

The two exchanged a vague look, and chose to change the topic in a tacit understanding.

"I was forced to leave, it's not something glorious, how do I greet you?" Shen Yi rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, let's go and sit down first!" Liang Wen said.

"I don't care, you have to have a drink with me today, we will forgive you for leaving without saying goodbye!" Shi Lei sat down with Shen Yi while talking.

"Stone is right. The four of us finally got together again today. We must not get drunk!" Zhang Yang said, shouting at the waiter standing at the door: "Waiter, serve the food!"

Soon, the food and wine were served.

Zhang Yang raised his glass and said, "Come on, don't talk too much, let's do something first!"

Everyone raised their glasses one after another and drank a full glass.

"Ayi, we've heard what the boss said. You're just stubborn. It's just a matter of what the boss said. You must not let him help!" Shi Lei put his arm on Shen Yi's shoulders and said in a low voice, "It's good to hear that you We're doing well, so we can rest assured!"

"Thank you!" Shen Yi nodded with some emotion, and changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about me, Shitou, what are you and the mosquito doing now!"

"I'm a physical education teacher in a university. Mosquito has recently picked up his pen again, and the novel is about to be published!" Shi Lei said with a smile.

"Oh?" Shen Yi looked at Liang Wen in surprise. He knew that Liang Wen had this hobby. When they were in their sophomore year, Liang Wen insisted on submitting articles to various publishing houses. However, there is no such traditional literature nowadays. In the market, Liang Wen was hit repeatedly, and gradually became discouraged, and then he stopped writing.

Unexpectedly, he regained his confidence.

"Congratulations, Mosquito!" Shen Yi raised his wine glass to respect Liang Wen.

"Thank you!" Liang Wen raised his glass and touched Shen Yi, and said softly: "Ayi, speaking of it, I still have to thank you. If it weren't for those days when I saw you running around for work and making unremitting efforts, I might not be so Quickly regain your confidence, and you won’t have the current results!”

"Mosquito, you're making me happy, it's all the result of your own hard work, and it has something to do with me!" Shen Yi smiled wryly: "Okay, stop talking, drink and drink!"

"Yes, yes, drink!" Shi Lei laughed loudly.

The four of them were drinking vigorously, when there was a sudden bang, the door of the box was kicked open, and then a group of hooligans rushed in with things in their hands.

"Who is Shen Yi!" The leader, a man with a fleshy face, stared at Shen Yi and the others and said angrily.

Shen Yi and the others were disturbed by this sudden scene, and their expressions were a little cold.

"Get out of here immediately!" Zhang Yang yelled angrily. As the young master of the Zhang family, this was the first time this kind of thing happened to him.

"Damn, are you looking for death, you are so crazy!"

"If you have the guts to say it again, believe it or not, I am a white knife in and a red knife out!"

"Xiao Bizi, I don't know what's going on!"

A group of gangsters waved the things in their hands and cursed.


Zhang Yang slapped the wine table with his palm and got up angrily.

Shen Yi hurriedly got up to stop him, frowned and looked at the leading man, and said coldly: "I am Shen Yi, who told you to come, if you don't give me an explanation today, don't even think about leaving!"

For a moment, these gangsters were confused by Shen Yi's arrogant words.

It's not been a day or two since they've done this. They've seen tough people, but it's the first time they dared to be so arrogant in the face of so many knives.

"Is this kid out of his mind?"

"Haha... I think it's almost the same, there must be something wrong with his brain!"

"It's just a fool who dares to speak harshly!"

A group of bastards laughed unscrupulously.

"Stone, go and close the door!" Shen Yi glanced at Shi Lei beside him, with a cold glint in his eyes.

Shi Lei glanced at him, smiled knowingly, nodded, and walked over to close the door of the box.

(End of this chapter)

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