Almighty teacher system

Chapter 17: The Power of the Sword

Chapter 17 The Power of a Sword

"Ancient Warrior?" Shen Yi was slightly taken aback, it was the first time he heard this title, not only was he curious about the ancient warriors mentioned by the system, he didn't know how strong these people could be.

"Minister, Minister..." While Shen Yi was thinking, a girl named Mu Qing had come to him, and members of the Martial Arts Club looked at Mu Qing, their eyes full of grief and indignation.

"Chu Li, why are you here to make trouble again? You really think I, Gu Wu Club, are easy to bully!" Mu Qing looked at Chu Li with a sullen face, with anger in his eyes.

If it weren't for the rules of their ancient martial arts world, they couldn't show their strength in front of ordinary people, even ten Chuli would not be her opponents, and they wanted to calm things down, but they didn't expect the other party to come again.

"I didn't want to make trouble, I just came to borrow a place!"

"You can borrow it if you say so. Where is my ancient martial arts society? Is it your home?" Mu Qingliu raised her eyebrows and scolded angrily. As a martial arts practitioner, she has a strong temper. If you can't step down, you can't tolerate it anymore.

Moreover, at this time, many students who wanted to watch the duel between Chu Li and Shen Yi poured into the ancient martial arts. If she retreated at this time, the signboard of the ancient martial arts club would be smashed.

"Brother, what should we do now? Why don't you compete with him!" Shen Xiu tugged at her brother's sleeve and whispered.

"It's okay!" Shen Yi patted her head, his eyes were shining brightly, he now knew that the girl definitely didn't use real kung fu when she fought with Chu Li last time, and he was very curious about what kind of tricks Mu Qing, an ancient warrior, had.

"It's really troublesome!" Chu Li became a little impatient, and said with a frown, "Do you want to borrow or not, in a word, otherwise I don't mind teaching you one more time!"

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, Mu Qing became angry immediately: "You really think you are strong? You know, arrogant and ignorant guy..."

In a fit of anger, Mu Qing almost slipped his mouth, but after realizing it, he stopped talking quickly.

"Oh? What do you mean, you, the defeated general, are better than me?" Chu Li heard the meaning of Mu Qing's words, and smiled instead of anger: "Then don't fight again, if you If you lose, then make room for me!"

"I..." Mu Qing's face was cloudy and uncertain. Of course, she would not be afraid if she tried her best, but her family had repeatedly warned her not to use ancient martial arts, so it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

"Minister, fight with him, don't make people look down on our Guwu Club!"

"Yes, minister, teach him a lesson, we trust you!"


Mu Qing looked at the encouraging eyes of the club members, the hesitation on his face gradually faded, and he looked at Chu Li with sharp eyes: "Compare!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at a girl beside him and ordered, "Lulu, bring that to me!"

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she nodded heavily, and ran into a practice room that belonged exclusively to Mu Qing behind the club.

"Everyone, spread out, don't get hurt by mistake!" Mu Qing shouted to the people around him. After hearing this, everyone dispersed in all directions, leaving a large open space enough for two people to perform.

"Can we start?" Chu Li urged, he didn't pay attention to Mu Qing, he just wanted to finish it quickly, and then fight with Shen Yi.

"Wait a little longer!" Mu Qing folded his arms with a calm face.

"President, I am here, take the sword!"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly came, and everyone looked around, only to see the girl who had left earlier, standing outside the crowd waving her small hand, holding a wooden sword in her hand, because there were too many people to squeeze in, so they could only hold the wooden sword He threw it towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing looked at the wooden sword falling from the sky, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, his right hand reached out like lightning, and he grasped the wooden sword hilt precisely.

With a sword in his hand, Mu Qing's entire aura suddenly changed. His slender body was like a sword, and the sharp aura made everyone's eyes tremble slightly.

Chu Li's complexion also changed, his legs were slightly bent, his muscles were tense, and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was facing a big enemy. Although he didn't know why it was just a wooden sword, Mu Qing's whole aura was turned upside down. However, his instinct told him that Mu Qing at this moment is very dangerous!

"Let's get started!" Mu Qing looked directly at Chu Li, and spoke lightly, his voice seemed to be full of vigor.

"Don't blame me for being serious!" Chu Li's eyes were stern, and this kind of thing that seemed to be out of his control made him very uncomfortable.

The moment the voice fell, Chu Li rushed towards Mu Qing like a cheetah, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of her, and smashed his right fist at Mu Qing's shoulder with a strong wind.

If this punch hits, I am afraid that the bones will be broken.

When some girls saw this punch, they couldn't help closing their eyes in fright.

However, Mu Qing didn't change his face. When the fist was about to fall, the wooden sword in his hand suddenly swiped upwards, and an invisible force exploded. Chu Li's fist suddenly deflected and fell through!
Immediately afterwards, a tearing pain came, and Chu Li's face changed. Just as he was about to back away, a chill came from his neck. Looking down, the wooden sword in Mu Qing's hand touched his chest. throat.

"You lost!" Mu Qing withdrew the wooden sword, looked at Chu Li calmly with beautiful eyes, and pointed to his arm: "Go to the infirmary to bandage it!"

Chu Li looked down blankly, there was a three-inch wound on his arm, the wound was not deep, and fresh blood was overflowing.

The audience was dead silent, everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at this scene in disbelief. Originally, they were still worried about whether Mu Qing would be injured by that punch, but they didn't expect that with just one sword, things would suddenly turn upside down. sharp turn.

"I lost, I actually lost..." Chu Li ignored the wound on his arm, his eyes were dull, and he kept mumbling, like an empty shell that had lost its soul.

Looking at Chu Li with empty eyes, Shen Yi sighed, walked to his side, patted his shoulder, and softly comforted: "Don't be too disappointed, this world is so big, what you see is not all, you Losing is not because you are not strong enough, it's just that the world you live in is different!"

Chu Li raised his head slowly, and looked at Shen Yi blankly: "What do you mean by that?"

"It's hard to explain here, but if you trust me, I can help you become stronger!"

Immediately afterwards, Shen Yi looked up at the girl holding the wooden sword, and said in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "Student Mu Qing, it's not good to use ancient martial arts to attack an ordinary person!"

When Mu Qing heard this sentence, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Shen Yi in surprise: "Are you also an ancient warrior?"

Chu Li looked at the two suspiciously, and became very interested in what the two said.

"This is not the place to talk about this. I will take my students to the infirmary first. If I have time, I will treat you to dinner and talk about it!" Shen Yi left behind these words, and left with Chu Li Ancient Wusha.

Director, this script is wrong!
The students who had been watching the battle between Shen Yi and Chu Li were all confused at the moment. The plot of the original battle was reversed because of a girl's sword. too fast!
Contrary to these melon-eating crowd, a group of members of Guwu Club were ecstatic and cheered around Mu Qing.

Mu Qing didn't get too excited, and kept looking at the direction Shen Yi left, eyes full of doubts and incomprehensions.

(End of this chapter)

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