Almighty teacher system

Chapter 403 The confrontation between two classes

Chapter 403 The confrontation between two classes

In the afternoon, the school lecture hall, before the public class starts.

"Mr. Shen, I heard that the students in Class E made you angry? I think you should come to our Class A, we promise to be obedient!" The monitor of Class A, a boy with a handsome face suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, the students in our class A are very obedient. You, the acting class teacher, should also become a regular teacher!"

"I agree, Mr. Shen, all the students in our class are your loyal little fans!"


A group of students in class A, under the leadership of the monitor, invited Shen Yi to become the head teacher of class A.

After the news about the track and field incident at noon spread, the whole class immediately held a class meeting and decided to seize this rare opportunity to snatch Shen Yi from Class E.

Shen Yi watched this scene, and immediately froze on the podium.

"You are delusional, Teacher Shen will not go to your class!" Zhou Yun shouted anxiously in the direction of Class E.

"Who made you angry with Teacher Shen? Anyway, you don't care about Teacher Shen. You might as well let him come to our Class A!" A girl in Class A retorted.

"It's just..."

The other students echoed in unison.

"Fart, who said we don't care about Teacher Shen, we just had a little misunderstanding, okay, Teacher Shen has forgiven us!" Ji Ruixiu said angrily.

"Cut... Misunderstanding? Who doesn't know that Mr. Shen has a good temper, and you must be mischievous if you make him angry!"

"Shut up, no matter what you say, we will not give up Mr. Shen to you!" Louise couldn't bear it anymore.

"Whoever asks you to give in, this should be for Mr. Shen to choose. Obviously, our class A is much more obedient than you!"

"It's just..."

"Are you trying to make trouble?" Chen Yujia jumped up and glared.

"So what if you make trouble?" A girl from Class A also stood up and stared at Chen Yujia without showing any sign of weakness.


The students of the two classes stood up one after another, glaring at both sides, as if there were electric currents clashing in the air.

Shen Yi who was standing on the podium was stunned.

The students in other classes were dumbfounded.

The teachers who came to listen to the class later were also shocked, and at the same time they were full of envy and hatred. It is really enviable for a teacher to be so popular with students.

At this time, the class bell rang, breaking the dignified atmosphere.

"Okay, what are you doing, sit down for me!" Shen Yi came back to his senses, and shouted in a deep voice.


Cold snorts sounded one after another, and the students in both classes sat down with resentment on their faces.

"Ahem..." Shen Yi coughed dryly, relieved the embarrassment, and then said: "Today I'm going to tell you about the most difficult part of mechanics in physics. Everyone, take out your notebooks and try to cover all the knowledge points I'm talking about. record!"

When the students heard this, their faces became serious. The knowledge points that Mr. Shen taught were extremely concise and useful. It was a rare public class, so they naturally wanted to maximize the effect.

The students in class E of the third year, although they have already heard all these knowledge points, but after the noon incident, they dare not relax any more. I didn’t see that Teacher Shen became a hot mom, maybe he was really caught by class A Snatched away.

Shen Yi began to teach students. High school physics is a very profound course for students, especially for those girls. Mechanics, magnetic field, ball movement and so on are simply nightmares.

However, under Shen Yi's simple explanation, all this seems to have become much easier.

The students' eyes were shining, and while listening carefully, they recorded the key points with their pens, completely immersed in it.

Behind, a group of teachers were all in admiration. Every time they came to listen to Shen Yi's lecture, they would be shocked.

Especially those physics teachers, their eyes were wide open, staring at Shen Yi on the podium, for fear of missing a word or a word.

Shen Yi's lectures are not as lengthy and complicated as their lectures, they are concise but penetrating. The feeling is mysterious and mysterious, like a sophisticated and complicated machine, many unnecessary parts have been eliminated in his hands, and it goes straight to the core.

This requires a deep understanding of physics!
The teachers were shocked, and thinking that Shen Yi is not only proficient in physics, but also good at mathematics, chemistry, and biology, they were even more shocked.

"Genius... probably refers to this kind of person!"

An old teacher who has taught physics for most of his life has a bitter smile on his face.

"Okay, I've finished this section of the knowledge points, and I'll put out a few classic examples on the blackboard, and invite a few students to come up and try, and others will try to do it below!"

As Shen Yi said, he picked up the chalk, and began writing example questions on the blackboard. The example questions he came up with were not found in any textbooks. They were based on his understanding of physics and his systematically refined knowledge. They were somewhat difficult. But as long as you can do these few questions well, physics and mechanics are basically fine.

A group of physics teachers sitting in the back copied down these sample problems like a treasure, and were going to go back and study them carefully. If there is a breakthrough, it may raise their education level to a new level.

"Zheng Bin, hurry up, this is a good opportunity, let Mrs. Shen see the strength of our class A!" While Shen Yi was writing on the blackboard, a girl in class A turned her head to a tall boy sitting behind her. voice urged.

"I...I can't do it!" The boy hurriedly shook his head. His physics score is the best in class A, but he is usually introverted. It is really difficult for him to do the questions on stage in front of so many people.

"Zheng Bin, what are you doing, hurry up!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't let the people from Class E take the lead!"

"Zheng Bin, you can't be cowardly at this critical moment!"

Several other students around were also anxious, but the boy named Zheng Bin was still hesitant.

Lan Meng glanced at the girlfriend beside her, rolled her eyes twice, and suddenly said, "Zheng Bin, I know you like Xie Yu, Xie Yu said, if you go up, she is willing to have dinner with you!"

After saying that, he blinked at Xie Yu who was staring wide-eyed in shock.

Zheng Bin was shocked when he heard the voice behind him, and turned his head to look at Xie Yu in surprise.

Xie Yu blushed, and shyly nodded under the desperate eyes of other students.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Zheng Bin suddenly got up and walked towards the podium as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

In the direction of class E, Chen Yujia curled her lips in disdain: "This class A is really good enough for Teacher Shen, and even used a beauty trick!"

"We can't let them succeed. Whoever goes up and overwhelms him, Teacher Le, it's your turn!" Ji Ruixiu looked at Le Xuelin, the science genius and teacher of Class E.

Le Xuelin pushed the wide glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and shook his head calmly. For him, this kind of topic was too childish.

"No way, Teacher Le, you can't lose the chain at critical times!" Ji Ruixiu said with a bitter face.

"If you don't want Zihan, you can go, you should be fine with this kind of topic!" Chen Yujia looked at Li Zihan, her best friend beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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