Chapter 505

After the first class in the morning, Shen Yi was called to the principal's office by Ye Hongru.

"I've heard Shihua talk about your parents. Are you planning to go to America recently?" Ye Hongru made a cup of tea and handed it to Shen Yi, asking with a serious expression.

After hearing about this yesterday, Ye Hongru immediately wanted to talk to Shen Yi, but he had already left the school.

"En!" Shen Yi took a sip of hot tea and said seriously: "I promised Xiu'er that I would bring my parents back before the New Year's Eve party. I promised her that I have never missed an appointment, and this time will be no exception."

"When are you going to leave?" Ye Hongru asked again.

"Wait for another two days, there is still some preparation work." Shen Yi thought of the family that might have imprisoned his parents in the country of Mi, and a breathtaking light flashed in his eyes.

Ye Hongru nodded when he heard the words. Shen Yi was raised by him since he was a child. He knows his personality best. He won't do things that he is not sure about. Yat has absolute confidence.

The only thing he worries about now is one problem.

"Really... are you sure they're still alive?" After a long silence, Ye Hongru said solemnly.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He didn't want this to be just an illusion in the end, but let Shen Yi and his sister fall into despair again.

After the news came back that year, the scene of Shen Yi holding back his tears and hugging his sister who was crying bitterly, that kind of sadness and helplessness is still deeply imprinted in his mind.

The two children finally came out, and he didn't want them to experience that feeling again.

Hearing Ye Hongru's words, Shen Yi's hand holding the tea cup trembled slightly.

Why didn't he know that the hopes he and his sister held were too great. In the final analysis, it was just Auston's guess, and it was still unknown whether his parents really survived.

Based on his understanding of his parents' personalities, they would rather die than agree to work for the Luo Fei family and the US military, so... Will the Luo Fei family kill them because of this?
Thinking of this conjecture that he didn't dare to touch, a majestic killing intent surged in Shen Yi's heart.

"Yes, they must still be alive." Shen Yi bit his lips tightly, and responded to Ye Hongru with a heavy tone, and he was also responding to himself.

Ye Hongru opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he just sighed.

"If they die, I will let the entire Luo Fei family be buried with them."

With a bone-chilling voice, Shen Yi's dark eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, come, play two games with me." After a short silence, Ye Hongru took out the chessboard with a smile, and said to Shen Yi.

After winning two games against Ye Hongru, Shen Yi recovered his emotions and left the principal's office. Instead of going to the classroom of Class E of the third year, he left the school, found a incense and candle shop, and bought the cinnabar and talisman that he had forgotten yesterday. Paper and other materials for drawing talisman seals.

Afterwards, Shen Yi returned home and began to make preparations before leaving.

"Let's refine jade talismans for Ye Zi, my sister, and the old man first, the system, and exchange them for spiritual mastery." Shen Yi thought to communicate with the system.

After all, the jade talisman is a magic weapon. To carve the runes on it requires the technique of refining the charm, but to refine the jadeite into a jade charm, it also needs the technique of refining the weapon.

"Ding dong! The Mastery of Spirit Artifact Refining has been exchanged successfully, and the prestige value of this consumption is 1000 million points!"

With the huge flow of information pouring into his brain, Shen Yi instantly became a spiritual weapon refiner, of course, also an alchemy master and amulet refiner.

Shen Yi took out the alchemy furnace from the storage ring, and according to the information in his mind, mobilized the fire attribute in his body to pour into the palm of his hand, and suddenly a group of crimson flames flew out of his palm and poured into the alchemy furnace .


Under Shen Yi's shocked gaze, the rather old-looking alchemy furnace trembled violently, and the ancient runes on Ding's body seemed to come alive, shining brighter and brighter, and the alchemy furnace also ignited. Steaming flames.

The crimson flames were extremely hot, causing the temperature in the entire room to rise rapidly.


Accompanied by slight noises, the rust on the alchemy furnace fell off automatically, and the last dark-black alchemy furnace with ancient runes on its surface appeared in front of Shen Yi.

"As expected of a spiritual weapon," Shen Yi's eyes lighted up slightly, he pondered for a moment, and decided to try his hand with the glass kind of imperial green first.

Although the existence of the system allowed him to become a real spirit refiner without a teacher, but it was the first time he did it, and there were still chances of making mistakes. up.

And it just happened to agree to make small pieces with glass kind of imperial green for Yang Yan, Master Mao and Jiang Baishi.

He took out the glass-like emperor green jadeite, cut off a small piece with the Xueyin Kuang knife, and threw it into the alchemy furnace.

The crimson flames immediately rushed up, enveloping the jadeite, and soon under the extremely high temperature, the jadeite turned into a ball of crystal clear green liquid.

"The next step is styling." A little smile appeared on Shen Yi's face.

As a spiritual weapon refiner, compared to refining real spiritual weapons, it is too easy to refine this jade into a shape.

For a cultivator, in addition to his own cultivation, the power of the soul is also extremely important. For example, the help of the power of the soul is indispensable when refining tools and alchemy.

The power of the soul is mysterious and mysterious, invisible and invisible to the naked eye, but it really exists. For example, in the legend, the flying sword of the cultivator killed the enemy thousands of miles away, and it was done by the powerful soul power controlling the flying sword.

Of course, at least a cultivator who has entered the golden core stage can do it.

Shen Yi's palm was attached to the alchemy furnace, while providing spiritual energy to control the flames, while closing his eyes tightly, he focused on controlling the power of the soul to flow into the alchemy furnace, wrapping the ball of emerald liquid, and pulling it into shape slowly.

Gradually, the emerald liquid transformed into two circular rings. Shen Yi was going to refine the jade buckle requested by Master Mao and Jiang Baishi.

When the two jade buckles were completely formed, Shen Yi withdrew his hand attached to the alchemy furnace, and the flame in the alchemy furnace was immediately extinguished slowly.

With a thought, two balls of green light swept out from the alchemy furnace and landed on Shen Yi's open palm.

The two jade buckles were still very hot and hadn't completely solidified, as if they might melt at any moment.

Shen Yi looked at the jade clasps that were slowly solidifying and cooling down in his palm, and was surprised to find that these two jade clasps had become more crystal clear, and the spiritual energy contained in them was more pure and rich. Less impurities.

Even if this quality can't reach the level of the dragon stone species, it has already surpassed the general glass species emperor green.

"It's actually possible to use this method to improve the quality of jadeite!" Shen Yi was amazed, if he used this method to refine and purify jadeite, it would not be too easy to make money.

Of course, the net worth has exceeded [-] billion, Shen Yi, who doesn't value money very much, can't spend energy on it.

In addition to the improved quality of the two jade buckles, the shape is also very delicate, which is not inferior to those samples carved by modern machines.

(End of this chapter)

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