Almighty teacher system

Chapter 546 Nighthawk Squad

Chapter 546 Nighthawk Squad
The Nighthawk Squad is a team composed of all the supernatural beings of the Luo Fei family. Everyone has various unique abilities.

Moreover, the members of the Luo Fei family who commanded this team did not intend to let them face-to-face with Shen Yi, but just asked them to separate the family members from Shen Yi as much as possible, so that they could directly use modern heavy weapons To annihilate.

Supernatural beings and ancient warriors may all have great power, but modern military weapons are no joke. Even true innate powerhouses cannot say that they will be safe and sound in the face of large-scale fire coverage.

This is also one of the important reasons why ancient warriors and supernatural beings have strong personal force, but they dare not act recklessly. In a modern society, no one dares to provoke the state apparatus.

"All guards, shoot, shoot all, suppress the target and cover the Nighthawk team." A middle-aged man from the Luo Fei family shouted into the communicator.

Immediately, tongues of flame lit up in the darkness in all directions, and countless bullets shot towards Shen Yi at the entrance of the hall like overwhelming.

However, the power of these bullets was too small, the moment they touched the golden light curtain on Shen Yi's body, they were immediately ejected, and from time to time, the guards of the Luo Fei family were hit by the reflected stray bullets, screaming to the end.

Under the eyes of reality, everything outside the hall comes into view, the entire main building has been heavily surrounded, and even two armed helicopters are seen floating in mid-air, the large-caliber barrels on the weapon racks are aimed at him, and they are always ready to attack. Attack.

Shen Yi frowned, temporarily retreated from the entrance of the hall, and the gunshots outside immediately stopped.

"Even the armed helicopter has come out, you really think highly of me." Shen Yi sneered and looked at Klaus who was not far away.

"To deal with you who can easily kill the doctor, these are all necessary." Klaus said lightly.

"With you here, they don't dare to act recklessly, but... I can kill all of you in an instant." Shen Yi's body was filled with a cold killing intent.

Everyone in Luo Fei's family changed their faces wildly, and their whole body was cold, secretly regretting that they hadn't left early.

"If you dare to do this, you will never see your parents again." Klaus looked calm and confident.

"Is that so...then I'll kill them one by one until you tell me the whereabouts of my parents." Shen Yi flew towards everyone in Luo Fei's family at a very fast speed.

At this moment, the dense clouds above the hall spread down, blinding the sight.

A burly figure like a wild beast dispelled the clouds and mist, rushed towards Shen Yi, waved his arm covered in scales like a monster, and smashed towards Shen Yi with a huge force.

Shen Yi frowned slightly, stopped abruptly, and greeted him with a punch.


A sound like an explosion resounded, and circles of air waves swept away around the two of them, causing the surrounding clouds to collapse, and a vacuum temporarily appeared.

The two took a few steps back at the same time, looking at each other in shock.

Shen Yi was a little surprised, his current punch was more than a thousand catties, and someone could fight him.

Looking intently, he saw that the other party was more than two meters tall, like a hill, covered with thick black hair, like a humanoid orangutan.

At the same time, a strong wind came from the left side, Shen Yi turned sideways to avoid it, several ice cones shot out from the cloud and pierced the place where he was standing.

His mind suddenly became dizzy, and someone tried to attack him mentally.

However, Shen Yi possessed soul power, so he quickly regained consciousness, frowned slightly and said, "It's that person with mental abilities."

"Where is it? I'll kill him!" Phantom's figure shrouded in shadow emerged from his shadow, and the eyes exposed in the shadow flashed cold murderous intent.

She had been brainwashed by this person before, and now that her enemy met her, she was naturally extremely jealous.

"Over there, try to kill with one hit, don't give him a chance to attack you mentally." Shen Yi pointed to a direction in the hall.

Phantom nodded, her figure turned into a black shadow and merged into the ground, and flew towards the direction Shen Yi pointed.

Shen Yi opened the Eye of Reality, and the surrounding dense clouds could no longer block his sight.

At this moment, he was surrounded by figures, all of whom had the aura of supernatural beings, and on the other side of Luo Fei's family, a supernatural person punched a big hole in the wall, leaving Luo Fei The members of the family walked out one by one.

Shen Yi didn't care at all, he had absolute confidence in his own strength, he let him do whatever he could to crush him.

"This person killed the doctor, and his strength is actually able to confront the "black bear". We must not be careless, and we will have a chance to kill him together!" Someone in the cloud shouted.

"If possible, I don't want to face this kind of monster that can kill a doctor." A woman sighed.

"It's useless to say these things now, let's do it."


The figure covered with long black hair let out a beast-like roar, like a humanoid tank, it rushed towards Shen Yi first, at the same time, it waved its fan-like palm towards Shen Yi's head, and the air in front of it was scattered .

It is conceivable that if this palm is slapped on an ordinary person, it is enough to slap a person's head directly like a watermelon.

"Looking for death." Shen Yi didn't dodge or dodge, he gave a cold shout, spiritual energy poured into his fist, and punched him hard.


When fists and palms collided, another deafening explosion resounded, and the black bear's running figure stopped abruptly. The violent impact could not shake Shen Yi at all. An invisible wave of air erupted under the two people's feet, and the whole hall seemed to tremble. Down.


The palm of the black bear suddenly bent back, and the whole person let out a miserable scream, and staggered backwards.

Shen Yi leaned forward, and punched his chest again, the muffled sound like the sound of a drum spread, the muscular chest of the black bear collapsed suddenly, and his body weighing more than three hundred kilograms was like a cannonball He vomited blood and flew out.

"It's too strong, he's too strong, hurry up, let's shoot together." A female supernatural user exclaimed, and with a wave of her palm, several ice cones were condensed and shot towards Shen Yi. go.

However, when the ice pick hit the golden light curtain on Shen Yi's body, it only pierced a little, and after a moment of stagnation, it fell to the ground.

"Since you want to kill me, you should be ready to die!" Shen Yi spit out the cold voice, the spiritual energy in his body surged wildly, he pressed the void with his right hand, and the majestic spiritual energy condensed into a huge palm clap Next, shoot the woman directly into the ground.

The whole ground trembled violently, and after a scream, there was no more sound.

The other supernatural beings in the surrounding clouds couldn't help trembling, and the woman was also a rare A-level supernatural being, but she was directly slapped to death.

(End of this chapter)

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