Reborn campus pit boss

Chapter 798 808. I was photographed by the waves

Chapter 798 808. I was photographed by the waves
"I'm fine..." Tang Xiaoyu took a deep breath, "Yuanyuan, hold on to me too, don't lose it!"

Seeing that he was out of breath, Lu Yuan couldn't help but suggested, "Let me swim, save a little energy."

Tang Xiaoyu wiped the water off his face, and said solemnly: "Yuanyuan, do you know that questioning a man's physical strength is an insult to him?"

"Ah?" At a time like this, what kind of insult is there?
Soon, it began to rain, and with the tide, Tang Xiaoyu and Lu Yuan were directly swept out of the resort.

The fine raindrops hit the sea surface, causing waves of ripples, just like Lu Yuan's mood at this time.

"Yuanyuan... there is a small island ahead, I will drag you up first."

Tang Xiaoyu said, holding two raised stones with both hands, "Yaoyao, step on me first, hurry up, the waves will come again in a while."

It is safer on an island than at sea.

Lu Yuan didn't hesitate, and was dragged by him to climb up the several-meter-high rock. She lay down on the rock and stretched out her hand, "Tang Xiaoyu, come here, I'll drag you up."'s too late!
A huge wave came and swept Tang Xiaoyu out.

"Tang Xiaoyu..."

Lu Yuan's face was terrified. She was about to jump down when someone grabbed her ankle.

"Yuanyuan, I'm here! Don't jump!"

Lu Yuan: "..."

"Are you trying to scare me to death? No! How did you get up here?"

Tang Xiaoyu scratched his head, and said innocently: "I should have been photographed by the waves." What do you mean by stupid people have stupid blessings!
"Pfft..." Lu Yuan was amused by him, half-kneeled in front of him, and helped him up, "How are you? Is there any injury?"

"No." Tang Xiaoyu smirked, "I'm just a little tired, just rest for a while!"

"Then lie on me and rest." Lu Yuan simply sat on the rock and put his head on her lap.

"I'm much better." Tang Xiaoyu propped himself up, "Yuanyuan, let's go to the island first to see if there is any shelter from the rain. You don't wear too much clothes, and you'll catch a cold if you're drenched like this."

Both of them were wearing swimsuits and did not bring their mobile phones. It was impossible for them to seek rescue at this time.

What the hell kind of weather is this!

This small island is a wild island at first glance, and has not undergone any development and treatment.

Not far away, there is a piece of plantain.

Tang Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, "Yuanyuan, wait for me here."

After speaking, Tang Xiaoyu went to pick banana leaves. He covered the banana leaves on the branches between the two trees, and soon, a simple shelter from the rain was set up.

Tang Xiaoyu spread banana leaves all over the floor, "Yuanyuan, come and sit first."

Lu Yuan's gaze followed that tall figure all the time. He didn't mean how handsome he was, but at this moment he was like a ray of sunshine, shining warmly on her heart.

Seeing that she was not moving, Tang Xiaoyu immediately picked her up and sat on the banana leaf, "You sit and shelter from the rain first, and I will continue to build."

The simple banana hut was quickly set up. Tang Xiaoyu took two banana leaves and sat beside Lu Yuan to shield her from the wind.

"If you feel cold, just lean on me and I can keep you warm."

Lu Yuan looked at the ugly plantain hut, and then at Tang Xiaoyu who was shielding her from the wind, and a new throbbing inexplicably surged in her heart.

A man who sheltered her from the wind and rain!

She really met it!

(End of this chapter)

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