The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 1 The Calculated Genius

Chapter 1 The Calculated Genius
August 2018, 8 at 18pm.

【King】e-sports arena in Los Angeles, USA.

[Radis, sister is so boring——

The finals of the League of Legends World Club Champions League, eagerly awaited by hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, has finally begun!

One of the participating parties is the [Brilliant] team from the southern region of Huaxia Kingdom, which holds the title of uncrowned king, and the other is the [Legend] team from the beautiful English Channel, which has dominated Europe for many years.

Although the Brilliant team is strong, they have never won the highest honor of the championship. They have reached the finals of the Champions League for three consecutive years!
In the previous two finals, they narrowly lost to today's opponent, the legendary team, allowing the opponent to achieve two consecutive championships!Today is the third time they have met the legendary team, and it is also the third time they have launched a final sprint for the championship!

In the previous battle, the brilliant team has achieved a huge advantage of 2::0!
Is the Brilliant team winning the championship in one go?Or will the legendary team come from behind and complete a shocking reversal?Achievement of the peerless feat of three consecutive championships?
Let us wait and see together to see who... is the final winner! 】

In the super-fast commentary of the commentator, the third game has already started for 5 minutes. The entire sky above the King of E-Sports Arena, which can accommodate 4 spectators.

The leader of the Brilliant Club is Wu Di, who has the title of "The World's No. 13 Talent". He was discovered by the club's scouts at the age of [-], and soon showed top talent beyond ordinary people. After a few years, he became famous. He became the hottest star in the LOL world.

Different from his predecessors, he didn't become famous only by one or two good heroes. What he is most admirable for is that he can play all the heroes with his own characteristics, and stand up to the best masters in the world!
Top laner, mid laner, jungler, ADC, support, he can do anything!

Among the opponents that the Brilliant team encountered, he would choose whatever position the opponent's biggest star played. In the laning and team battles, he firmly restricted the opponent's performance!
Fans gave him a veritable title - [Terminator].

It is Wu Di's ability to end all the heroes who are most proud of the famous masters, so that they cannot display the superb skills in the battle as shown in the TOP10 video.

However, not being jealous is not a talent.

Because of this, Wu Di's ability quickly made him a thorn in the eyes of the core players of major clubs in the world, but the more he was targeted at him, the more he could burst out with unimaginable potential. Super on-the-spot performance defuses the opponent's targeted strategy.

Gradually, Wu Di became invincible in the true sense, from [the world's number one genius] to [the world's number one powerhouse] when he debuted!
However, just because one person is the strongest does not mean that a team is the strongest.

Although the Brilliant Club has greatly increased in strength and performance after Wu Di joined, and even won the long-awaited title of annual champion of the Huaxia National League, but every time it enters the World Club Champions League, it will be due to various reasons. For various reasons, he missed the championship.

And the biggest reason for this is...Wu Di is just a teenager, his game performance is at the dominant level, but his heart is very naive, immature, he often can't stand the opponent's deliberate provocation , and then do things that damage the entire team.

Brilliant Club has entered the Champions League finals for three consecutive years, and this is the third time for Wu Di and his team to hit the world championship!
Wu Di, who has been famous in the professional league for several years, is already 18 years old this time, and he doesn't want to give up this opportunity. For the first time in this Champions League, he restrained his mind, stopped showing off, and stopped pointing fingers at the conductor and coach. , but concentrate on the competition, he knows that if he fails to win the championship this time, even if he has the title of [World’s No. A master, the professional league will only become his grave in the end!
More importantly, his family has already given him an ultimatum. If he still can't win the world championship this time, he must put everything down, go to the university to study in a proper manner, finish his studies, and embark on a path that he doesn't want. The willing way to go.

So... to win!Must win!

Time quietly passed by every minute and every second, and the game has entered a fever pitch.

Wu Di, who completely obeyed the command and formed a joint force with the team, became a nightmare for the legendary team. His extraordinary operations time after time had already wiped out the opponent team once, and at this time, only 13 minutes had passed in the game!
Players who have played LOL know that being wiped out by an opponent once in ten minutes is actually a harbinger of collapse. Many games that surrendered in 10 minutes came from the unfavorable team battles during this period.And there was a faint smile on Wu Di's face.

Right now...

The blond-haired and blue-eyed captain of the legendary team, Jones, took off his earphones, motioned for Edward, the player beside him, to also unplug the earphones, then showed a sly smile, and said softly into his ear:
"Edward, the time is almost up, and the plan can be implemented-abolish him!"


Edward looked up and looked across from him, and put his right hand into his pocket under the eyelids of the prosecutor at the scene.


League of Legends fans all over the world are staring at the super-large live screen of King of E-Sports, and the legendary team chose to pause after being wiped out this time!
"Referee! Referee! I suspect that the Brilliant team is cheating! Please check their computers! Especially Wu Di's computer!"

Edwardian is not amazing and endless.

The commentator of the live broadcast heard Edward's report, translated it immediately, and told hundreds of millions of viewers through the live broadcast. In an instant, all Huaxia fans and fans of the Brilliant team began to defend their idols on the Internet.

"If you can't win, you can't win! The mentality of these crooked people is really crooked!"

"Top 1st floor! Wu Di behaved very calmly this time, there is no solution for Wu Di like this! They must be jealous!"

"Of course, I knew I couldn't win, so I started to play tricks. A long time ago, I remembered that Huaxia's W team was inexplicably disconnected and ruined a few good times. I don't know if it was someone else behind the scenes good thing!"

There was an explosion on the Internet, but the participants of the Brilliant Club on the scene were indifferent, and did not take these trivial matters to the bottom of their hearts.

Wu Di put down his headphones, stood up, smiled, and signaled to the prosecutors who had already entered their game room to start checking their computers.

But at this fork, he suddenly felt a strange cold coming from his neck.

With a chill down his spine, he quickly turned around to take a look, but found that his vision was a little blurred, and he only felt a figure of an inspector who was a head taller than him swaying behind him.

The figure quickly inserted his right hand into his trouser pocket, walked to Wu Di's side with a wicked smile, lowered his head, and unexpectedly whispered in broken Chinese:

"Wu, this is the trouble you asked for. The prize money for the championship of this tournament is only 500 million US dollars. Our boss is willing to pay you 500 million US dollars directly in private as a reward for letting your team lose the game. It's a pity. It's a pity that you, a young boy, don't know the importance of money at all, so you rejected our boss's proposal because of those dispensable competitive spirits!
Then I'm sorry, you idiot from China, this is what you asked for!I've injected something funny into the back of your neck just now, and the next thing you're going to be dazzled and delirious, this is what our organization managed to get. Oh, it hasn't been opened yet.You are so lucky to be its first test subject! "

The inspector was wearing a pair of wide, deep black sunglasses. Wu Di couldn't see his face, but he could see the contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Wu Di only felt that his vision began to deviate, and he could no longer lock objects and people in his eyes, and a nauseating feeling rushed into his brain instantly.

The bloody Wu Di grabbed the inspector's skirt and shouted angrily, "Why? Why did you do this?!"

The inspector twitched at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and knocked off Wu Di's hand, who was already top-heavy, and continued to say in a voice that only he could hear:
"Because...our BOSS bet 1 million force you to lose!"

After finishing speaking, the inspector patted Wu Di on the shoulder pretentiously, and shouted in fluent English: "Hey, guys, there should be nothing wrong with the Brilliant team. I checked Wu Di's computer, and there is nothing wrong with it." It’s appropriate. Everyone must be waiting to appreciate the process of the birth of a new champion, then, we can go and let the game continue!”

After the man in sunglasses shouted, the rest of the inspectors had also finished their inspection, and indeed found nothing unusual, so they quickly left the room with him.

At this moment, Wu Di felt dizzy and dizzy more and more intensely. He wanted to hold on to the man in the sunglasses, but unexpectedly, his foot slipped, and with a thud, he fell in front of his competition computer.

What is unexpected is that from the moment the man in the sunglasses entered the field, the live broadcast of the game never broadcast the real situation of the players in the game room... So, the audience outside the field did not know that Wu Di had a major incident misfortune!

"Woo Di!"

Seeing this sudden change, the members of the Brilliant Team yelled in unison.

In their hearts, although they have been unwilling to admit Wu Di's importance to the team, they clearly know that once Wu Di falls, they will have no chance of winning!

"Team... Captain..., I've been tricked... I... I seem to... my eyes... are blurry, I can't hear... I can't hear clearly." Wu Di looked at the captain Wang Xiao and leaned over him in a daze. Fu Zheng said vaguely, which worried all the other team members even more.

"These bastards! They resorted to such indecent means! Let's go! Let's complain! Wu Di, can you beat me? If you can't beat me, I won't beat you! Go complain first!"

"Don't go!" Captain Wang Xiao yelled fiercely, stopping the team's abrupt behavior, "Think about it, we have no evidence, how can we conclude that someone else did something to Wu Di?
It's not that I don't trust Wu Di, it's that we were indeed calculated as Wu Di said!Moreover, we have no way, no way of verifying it!

Even if we yell and have Wu Di's current situation to testify, but...we don't have any evidence!I don't even know who is behind the scenes!If my deduction is correct, even the live broadcast must have been locked!
Even if things get serious, even if we get a chance for a rematch, then Wu Di...he will definitely not be able to participate in the rematch in this state, so what are our chances of winning? "

When the team members heard Wang Xiao's analysis, they immediately frowned and showed unwilling anger.

"Then captain, is there nothing we can do? Just give up the championship like this? Just let Wu Di suffer an injustice like this!?" Lu Tian, ​​who served as the support position in this game, said angrily. In this team, he and Wu Di has the best personal relationship.

At this time, everyone in the Brilliant team fell into silence—either give up here, or continue to fight to the end!

Wang Xiao calmed down and said solemnly:
"Comrades! Although we have been calculated, but...we can't just give up like this! Do you still remember the dream in our hearts? Do you remember the oath we made together? Do you remember that there are tens of thousands of fans behind us who are against us? What are our expectations? There is one more important thing... What we are doing now is to win glory for the people of our country!"

Wang Xiao paused for a moment, and seeing that the team members had regained their spirits under his encouragement, he turned to look at the weak Wu Di:
"Can you persist? Wu Di! We just wiped out them once, and the economy is several thousand gold coins ahead. As long as you can persist, the champion will be ours!" Wang Xiao anxiously responded to Wu Di's words, feeling uneasy.

"Legendary... The core of the Legendary team is the jungler I also chose the jungler, I suppressed his performance, so...we have a huge advantage in the early stage...the role of the jungler in team battles In other words, taking damage and disrupting the situation is actually not as important as other players... We have the advantage... When the time comes, I will try to destroy them again, and I can still... hold on for seven or eight minutes!"

Wu Di only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier, and everything around him was becoming more and more blurred, but the belief of being a champion supported him. He didn't want the efforts of himself and his teammates over the years to come to naught!
"Okay! Wu Di, let's change our tactics and push the tower directly in the middle! Force them! At that time, you just need to enter the field to disrupt the situation! I believe in your strength!" Wang Xiao pressed Wu Di's shoulder heavily, his eyes widened. Stock decision.

In the brilliant team, he is the oldest. He has turned 28 years old. In his own words, this is his last season. He hopes to leave a memorable moment for himself after he retires.

At this moment, you can't back down!
The five people stretched out their right hands, gathered together, and shouted heavily: "Come on! Let those plots go to hell!"


The suspension of the game was quickly lifted, and the two sides restarted the battle!

Wu Di's condition is getting worse and worse, he can hardly see the scene on the screen clearly, just like a drunk person, dimly and subconsciously manipulating his character.

"Guys! Give up the fight between the big dragons and the little dragons, and advance directly in the middle! Shorten the progress of the game, and the success or failure depends on it!"

Wang Xiao issued an order, and the brilliant five approached the middle in unison.

the other side.

After Edward saw that the action on the other side was more unified, he felt suspicious and couldn't help asking:
"Captain, why are the opponents desperate to advance in the middle? Our it effective? Judging from Wu's appearance, it doesn't seem to have much impact?"

Jones stared at the screen, and laughed without looking back: "There is an old saying in Huaxia, that is, the end of a crossbow is not to be feared. Don't worry, even if Wu Di has superpowers, he will fall soon! Just in the middle, fight them to the death!

remember!Absolutely do not take the initiative to attack! "

Ten people from both sides quickly gathered under the tower in the middle lane, the Brilliant team was the main attacker, and the Legendary team was the main defender.

The Brilliant team is eager to fight, but Legend just hides under the tower, unable to come out to fight with it, and the two sides form a stalemate.

Another 5 minutes passed by, and Wu Di felt that his upper and lower eyelids were extremely heavy. He knew that he could not last much longer.

"No, this won't work. The other party obviously knows about our change here, and wants to use delaying tactics to drag down Wu Di and drag us down! I made a deliberate mistake just now, and they didn't come up!"

Lu Tian said angrily to everyone that after the deliberate probing just now, he knew that the other party must know about the change in his side.

"Lutian, Xiaoying, prepare to attack! We can't afford it! Wu Di, if you can... remember to come in and disrupt the situation!"

"Okay..." Wu Di responded weakly, mustering up the last bit of strength, forcing himself to open his eyes wide, trying to see everything clearly.


As soon as Wang Xiao gave an order, the other four rushed under the tower immediately and launched the attack first!

But the hero controlled by Wu Di stopped in place at this critical moment!
Fans of the unknown Brilliant team outside the stadium saw this unimaginable scene and talked a lot.

"What is Wu Di doing? Now that we have the advantages of equipment and economy, even if we go to the tower, the chances of winning are very high. Why is he standing still?"

"Yeah, with such a good opportunity, it is entirely possible for the opponent to surrender within 10 minutes. Hurry up! Wu Di!"

"This kid won't have conflicts with the team members again. Damn, at such a critical moment, play a hammer temper, let me do it!"

The fans only saw on the big screen that the other four members of the Brilliant team rushed into the attacking range of the opponent's defense tower and took the lead in provoking a team battle, but Wu Di's jungler remained frozen in place.

League of Legends is a battle game that pays great attention to teamwork. If the overall strength of the two sides is similar, then there will never be a situation where four players defeat five players.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after the computers of the other four members of the Brilliant team turned into black and white, the jungler character controlled by Wu Di - Debang Manager Xin Zhao still froze in place, motionless.

Soon, Xin Zhao also fell to the ground.


Legendary team competition room.

"Hey, Captain, you really predicted the enemy before you. This damned Wu Di was abolished just like that. The champion is ours!"

Jones took off his earphones and said with a cold smile: "Oh! Edward, let me tell you another piece of good news. The champion of this competition is already in the bag. There is no doubt about it. In addition, we will ...and I will never meet Wu Di again!"

"Ah, why?" All the legendary players turned their heads and looked at Jones in amazement.

Wu Di is only 18 years old now, and he is at his peak. Even if his state will decline in the later years of his career, he will definitely be a player who will scare his opponents. Not to mention, at least Wu Di can still be in the history of LOL. Struggle for ten years.

And what Jones said obviously surprised everyone!
"Hehe, this is a secret, but it is also an indisputable fact, just wait and see.

This time... Except for the Chinese team that did not participate in this plan, all the other major clubs in Europe and America participated in it!Like us, they don't want to see the world of LOL, the world of that idiot alone! "


Brilliant team game room.

"What are you doing! Wu Di! Wu Di?"

In the battle just now, Wu Di dragged himself to the end and did not participate in the team battle, which made the team members very troubled, but when they turned their heads to look at Wu Di, they saw a scene that was enough to break their hearts—— Wu Di has already fainted in front of the computer!

Lu Tian was the first to react, and when everyone was still silent, he immediately shouted: "Call an ambulance, call an ambulance! The champion or something, is Wu Di's life important?"

Immediately, the Brilliant team made a move that made all fans desperate—they surrendered!

"What kind of plane are you doing? My friends and I have been humiliated by you!"

"The economy is still ahead by 1K, and the head count is about the same. Why surrender! Do you lose your fighting spirit so soon?"

"It must be internal strife! You see that Wu Di didn't move at all just now!"

"Yeah, this so-called number one genius in the world is really the biggest idiot! This is a team game, at this time, why are you still having a childish temper!"

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, shortly after, the loud siren of the ambulance rang over the entire e-sports arena.

Under the eyes of the [-] spectators present, the ambulance personnel carried the unconscious Wu Di onto a stretcher and sent him directly to the hospital.

Day two.

The headlines of major newspapers and magazines in the world have published a front-page news-"The first talented player in the League of Legends, Wu Di from Huaxia, fainted due to excessive pressure when participating in this year's Champions League finals, and is now active In the process of rescue. Syndra, the first brain expert in the United States who is in charge of Wu Di's treatment, announced to the public: Wu Di's current brain condition is very worrying. Even if he can wake up, he will definitely have intermittent amnesia symptoms! If Wu can wake up, I suggest him Don't touch the game League of Legends again, it is likely that his brain stimulation comes from this game.

If he is stimulated by this game again, then...his condition will undergo a sudden change. As for what will happen, I can't guarantee it. I can only say that the consequences will be disastrous! "

The news immediately spread everywhere, triggering discussions from all walks of life.

However, what saddens the Chinese people the most is that their favorite talented player just... fell?

(PS: This book is half realistic and half imaginative. In an environment where e-sports is not yet recognized by the world, I wrote this book with a bright future for e-sports. I don’t like to enter it carefully. This book will not appear Any names of people in the real e-sports world, because I respect them! In addition, the beginning is set in the future. In 2018, the writing method of overhead e-sports history is adopted to better show the spirit of e-sports in my opinion—— Be persistent and respectful.

I stick to my dream, and I hope to get your respect and support.

The book will introduce skills and tactics according to the current version of League of Legends.Nearly a hundred kinds of magical skills and strategies will help you change from a rookie to a great master, from a great master to a king!The nonsense is over, I hope you will like this book. )
 Although there is no fame, but the hard work often has.

  I don't have the mind to split the big chapter into several small chapters, I just ask God to reward my hard work, and gold and stone are the best.

  I hope that all book friends will support you, thank you Xiaoye. PS: It's not easy for newbies, ask for everything.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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