Chapter 395

Naturally, the two Korean girls left disappointed.Lulu, who had succeeded in her tricks, suppressed the smile in her heart, and was about to leave the training room with Wu Dimu Piaopiao, but found that Jin Huien called Wu Di over alone again.

When he came in front of Jin Huien, Wu Di thought that his acting just now was not good, and he showed his flaws, so he said first:

"Excuse me, Instructor Jin, what's the matter?"

Jin Huien still had that signature smile, and said in fluent Chinese:

"You scored a lot in today's training subjects, and you are ranked No.3. I think you are a strong rookie with a lot of talent in e-sports. I don't know if you plan to stay in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University for two years. Will you finish your studies in [-], or will you leave in the middle?"

"Leaving in the middle? What do you mean, instructor Jin?" Wu Di responded with his mouth, but he said in his heart: I came here to restore all the memories. Once the memories are restored, I will naturally leave.I don't know how long it will be...

Jin Huien thought that Wu Di didn't understand what she meant, so she explained:
"A talented newcomer like you can easily attract the favor of major professional teams. And most of the students who are attracted by professional teams will give up their studies and join professional teams. In the history of our e-sports department In , such examples are not uncommon.

That's why I asked you, are you going to return to China after two years of study, or will you drop out of school and join a professional team when a team offers you an olive branch?The e-sports department is very special, unlike other traditional departments that do not have undergraduates and junior colleges. Although the study time is only two years, these two years are also the golden age of a professional player, so they cannot be wasted casually.Our e-sports department is very supportive of this approach. Many freshmen are willing to study in the e-sports department because it can get the attention of most professional teams. "

Wu Di thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out why Jin Huien would tell himself these facts for no reason. After weighing it up, he had to make a pretense: "I don't know, I love e-sports very much. Studying in Korea is also because I know that the e-sports atmosphere in Korea is very conducive to the growth of e-sports players."

Jin Huien narrowed his eyes slightly, and after staring at Wu Di for a while, he still couldn't see anything from his eyes.

"I've told you so much because I can stay in Korea and develop!"

"Stay in Korea and develop? Why? I'm just a rookie. Apart from a little bit of high e-sports quality, there are no bright spots to speak of. It's just luck to be able to rank third in personal points today."

Jin Huien withdrew her habitual smile and said solemnly:

"I can see that your potential is amazing! If you want to return to China to develop, then our Korean e-sports team will likely face a terrible opponent. That's why I want to ask you about your future here where to go.

If you insist on returning to China, I can't keep you, so naturally I won't invest too much energy in you; and if you are willing to stay in Korea to develop, then I will definitely devote all my resources to cultivate you!

You don't have to hide yourself anymore. Based on my knowledge of League of Legends and my experience in e-sports for so many years, you are indeed a genius. "

[Is it still revealing?Or... is this just a deliberate temptation by this beautiful instructor? 】

Wu Di made some calculations in his mind, but still had a flattered expression on his face.

"Ah? Am I really that potential? Instructor Jin, are you willing to train me yourself?"

"Of course, I is impossible for a rookie to score over 90 points in the e-sports basic quality test without professional training. In addition, you were in the five-on-five match just now. , although it is only used as a support position, and only some mage heroes are used, but... not every rookie can easily stack the killing book to the 20th floor! The game you lost, I will watch from the beginning In the end, although your performance was still the same as in other games, I always felt that something was wrong! After thinking about it carefully, it was [timing]!
In the game you won, every time you give your teammates a team battle timing is the most correct and perfect timing!And in that only losing game, you didn't remind your teammates to start the team battle at the most suitable time for the team battle!
I did it on purpose!Therefore, after I carefully analyzed your performance, I are either a peerless e-sports genius comparable to Li He, or you are a well-known e-sports player from a certain Huaxia country team!

In addition, you have been deliberately covering most of your face with a peaked cap, which makes me even more puzzled - if you are not afraid of being recognized by others, why do you pay so much attention to not being seen by others?
Let me tell you the truth, I have just passed your personal information to my acquaintances and friends.Although there are only ordinary information such as your name, height and weight, he has already investigated your background for me!You are an ordinary college student who studied at Tianfu University in Huaxia Kingdom, and once formed an e-sports team called [King], but this team was disbanded due to a poor record in the Huaxia National League B... …

All that said, I think you're a man with some kind of ambition!I admire this kind of man very much, no matter what your purpose of coming here is, maybe you want to escape from something, maybe you want to learn about the advantages and operating mechanism of our country's e-sports... these are not important, I can see , you will not be satisfied with being a stepping stone for others to become famous, you will definitely climb to the top of e-sports at all costs!
No matter what, I don't want to miss you, an extraordinary e-sports player!Well, consider my opinion.As long as you are willing to join the Korean team, I will guarantee to provide you with development space and opportunities beyond your imagination! "

What a smart woman!

Wu Di immediately looked at Jin Huien seriously in his heart again!This woman, with just one name, can get so much information about herself?Her network of relationships doesn't seem to be generally wide...

Wu Di was stunned, the feeling of being stared directly at the bottom of his heart by this beautiful woman made him a little unnatural.

Jin Huien glanced at him, and continued with a blank expression: "You must seriously consider my suggestion. From my personal wishes, of course I am willing to train you. But the premise is that you must stay in Korea and join the Korean TV show." Competition team!"

E-sports has been booming in recent years. Although there are also examples of people of different nationalities joining teams from other countries, China and South Korea, the two major e-sports countries, seem to be irreconcilable opponents since the birth of e-sports!

China's professional players would never join a Korean e-sports team, and Korean professional players have never thought of going abroad to join a team from another country, let alone join a rival team.

The e-sports matches between the national teams of the two countries are extremely hot in almost every game.The online forums of the two countries are also the main battleground for their fans to attack each other.Therefore, under such conditions, it is impossible for the professional players of the two countries to join the other country's team.

Although Wu Di has not recovered all his memories, he had already heard the general situation introduced by Xiao Li before coming to Korea, so he also had a deeper understanding of what Jin Huien said.

Either, turn yourself into a comrade in the trenches, or consider yourself an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf?Then in the daily life of the e-sports department, do you make things difficult for yourself?

Either a friend or an enemy?Heh, the position of this beautiful instructor is really clear.

Although Wu Di had no intention of arguing with Jin Enhui, the fact before him was...he had to make a choice!
After pondering for a while, Wu Di squeezed out a respectful smile and replied:
"Instructor Kim, I think... I already understand what you mean. Let me put it this way, if I were to say [I am willing to join the Korean team] against my will, and eager to get all your support, I would not be able to do it. Whether it is Whether it is the status quo of e-sports or my personal will, it is impossible for me to make behaviors that make people criticize.

So... I can only say that if I can become a professional player, the team I will join will only be a Chinese team, not a Korean team. "

Kim Hye-eun unexpectedly applauded, paying homage to Wu Di's words?
"Very well, although I feel very sorry for your decision, but you... Hehe, you are quite interesting. Go straight, don't hide, don't lie. Well, I know you must have made up your mind, right? It seems My solicitation was still too insincere and too unrealistic.

Well, I take back everything I said before. From now on, I hope, student Wu... you can continue your studies in the e-sports department smoothly! "

In the next three weeks, Wu Di completed all the training items in a satisfactory manner, and kept an eye on the freshman rankings, and finally won No.3 in this training camp as he expected.During this period of time, Jin Huien kept wearing small shoes for Wu Di and set up difficulties, but Wu Di resolved them one by one.Especially in the training of e-sports events, she will always put forward some requirements that can only be achieved by top players, but this is not difficult for Wu Di at all, because he is the top e-sports master!

Three weeks later.

Among the [-]-odd freshman team, due to the existence of the last elimination system, there are only a dozen or so people left, and among these ten or so people, Wu Di is ranked third, and naturally won the opportunity to compete with Korea's No. [-] team. A precious opportunity for star Lee Hyuk to communicate face to face!

In addition, what surprised Wu Di himself was that Lulu and Mu Piaopiao, two seemingly mediocre amateur players, did not return home in advance.On this point, Lulu just laughed without saying a word, and Mu Piaopiao was too lazy to elaborate too much with Wu Di...

And when the rest of the freshmen walked into the training room of the SOS team again under Jin Huien's signal, a well-proportioned figure with curly hair suddenly appeared in front of everyone...

This person is none other than Lee Hyuk, the Korean e-sports idol!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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