The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 415 Ranking Contest

Chapter 415 Ranking Contest
At this time, another worried voice came into the ears of the eavesdropping trio outside the door: "Is it going too far? If he bites us back, how will we deal with it?"

"Haha, this kid was completely drunk by us, and he is still in a daze until now. What are you afraid of? Hurry up and log in to the League of Legends with Yin Xueer's account in your hand, and then let this idiot sit in front of the computer, and you will help him up below." Then, I took a few photos of him with my mobile phone. With these photos, plus what happened tonight, even if he wants to deny it tomorrow, it will not help. As long as there are those freshmen as witnesses, plus With physical evidence like photos, he will definitely be expelled from the e-sports department! You are already a quasi-professional player. The crime will be serious! At that time, if someone really exposes your affairs, not only will you be expelled from the e-sports department, but your e-sports career will come to an end!"

"Okay...Cousin, you must help me. I was also forced to do nothing. I don't know where this kid found out that I was fighting for Yin Xueer, and threatened me! It seems that he will be kicked out of school. , so I can be safe."

"Well, it's good if you know. It's better to act first. I have a good relationship with the department leader. I can kick this fool away by adding oil and jealousy to the side. Oh, yes, after this matter is over, you But be vigilant, don’t know your mistakes and make mistakes again! Proxy playing is the most unbearable vice in the e-sports department. Not only do you proxy, but you also hack your account to proxy, and if people find out, you will be finished!"

"I know, but I just want to surprise Yin Xueer, cousin, you don't know, Yin Xueer is the lover of my dreams."

"Dream lover? What the hell do you think any beautiful girl is a dream lover! Speaking of which, let me remind you that Yin Xueer's status is very unusual. If you want to play, don't play with fire and set yourself on fire!

After a while, it will be the annual ranking contest of the e-sports department!Although you have obtained the qualification to become a professional player with the help of your family, but if you perform well in the ranking competition, you will be able to obtain a good position in the future team.During this period of time, you are not allowed to mess around, concentrate on practicing, and strive to get a good result in the ranking competition. "

"Cousin, don't you want to participate? Don't you belong yet? In terms of strength, you are much stronger than me."

"Heh, I'm not like you. I'm satisfied with just being a professional player. I want to become the top professional player! Those small teams, the teams in the secondary leagues, I don't like them at all! The rookie competition, I'm sure I will participate, and I will become No.1! After winning No.1 in the ranking competition, there will definitely be top teams looking for me..."

"But, your year-end ranking in the e-sports department is only in the top ten... There are so many masters above you."

"A master? In my eyes, only Lee Hyuk, the number one master in Korea, can be called a master! To tell you the truth, my strength is far more than that. Forget it, it's useless to talk to you, hurry up and get down to business... ..."

The three of Wu Di listened for a while, then tiptoed and quietly retreated from Cui Yonghe's door.After they returned to Wu Di's dormitory, Lulu started talking.She first translated the content of the conversation just now, and then said rather angrily:

"Brother Wu Di, the children of Cui Yonghe and Cui Mingxiu are really deceiving people! They framed that Li Xiangyuan like this, in fact, to avoid their own troubles! I think...they are right, we have to act first. , help Li Xiangyuan to clear up these unwarranted charges, and then expose the ugly faces of the two of them!"

After thinking quietly for a while, Wu Di calmly said:

"Since we ran into this incident, we can't stand idly by. We must help Li Xiangyuan, but there are two other questions I want to ask. First, who is that Yin Xueer? Second, e-sports What about the ranking contest?"

Lulu nodded and replied:

"I've been communicating with the freshmen here for a while. Yin Xue'er is a grade higher than us. She is known as the number one beauty in the e-sports department, and she is a flower-level beauty. I heard that her family is good, and her biological brother Yin Sang-tul is a traditional Korean. The main member of the strong team KKT, so this beautiful girl fell in love with e-sports under the influence of her brother, and wholeheartedly wanted to become a professional player through personal efforts. As for the Korean rookie competition, I wanted to wait We'll tell you after qualifying, but since you asked, I won't hide it.

That's right, there are so many rookies in South Korea who want to become professional players. You can see that our e-sports department has more than 100 players. Everyone wants to get involved in the e-sports circle.In order to highlight the important role of our e-sports department and improve our status in Korean e-sports, the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University will hold a ranking contest every year.Moreover, the rules of the ranking contest are very peculiar.

First of all, its participants are all the students of our e-sports department.Secondly, during the qualifying contest, all students will be randomly assigned to form a temporary five-person team, and after one game, they will be randomly assigned again until each student has played 100 games, and then Make statistics.If due to the number of students, it is not guaranteed that some students will play 100 games, then the department leaders will personally play and let these students play enough games.

Then, according to the scoring system of 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, the final ranking of all the students in the e-sports department will be ranked.

This ranking is the so-called [year-end ranking] of the e-sports department!
Because this competition will last for more than half a year, each student may only play two or three games a week. "

After Wu Di listened to it, he smiled softly and said: "I see. The e-sports department of Chung-Ang University, which pioneered e-sports, really has its unique features. Each student will be randomly assigned to a team, and they will change after the game. It is very good to exclude the luck factor and play a full 100 games. I am looking forward to this ranking competition. It's entirely possible for taller students to lose motivation when they hit the late game and turn heads on acquaintances."

Lulu quickly explained: "Impossible. First of all, the competition in the e-sports department is extremely fierce! Oh, it should be fierce! Any competition may change the final ranking of several students. Even those in the first echelon Students will not take any competition lightly. Here, the ranking is a symbol of strength, coupled with the existence of the last elimination system, so basically there will be no phenomenon of letting go..."

Wu Di suddenly thought of something, and interrupted: "Wait, before you said that Cui Yonghyuk was acting as a proxy for Yin Xueer in the public server qualifying match, just to surprise her? But since proxy playing is expressly prohibited by the e-sports department, he Why dare you risk yourself like this?"

"It's like this. If the students of the e-sports department want to successfully complete their studies and get a diploma, they must earn enough credits like other subjects. And as long as the students of the e-sports department can log in to any public server in their spare time The strongest group can get credits, which is also one of the special regulations of the e-sports department." Lulu explained.

Wu Di buried his head in thought, and suddenly laughed loudly:

"Ha, since we're here, it's better to get a diploma. I've decided, and now I'll start studying hard and working hard to see how long it takes me to earn enough credits for graduation. That's right Lulu, how many points can I apply for graduation?"

Lulu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Brother Wu Di, you made me laugh. I asked the freshmen, it seems to be more than 100 credits, but there are many extra points. Come on, I am optimistic about you. Anyway, I am I’m not planning to go back with my diploma.”

When the two were chatting happily, Mu Piao Piao coughed lightly and interrupted:

"You two, it seems that we are discussing how to deal with the incident just now, right? Do you want to graduate, and whether you want to get a diploma, please discuss it in private."

Lulu stuck out her tongue at Mu Piao Piao mischievously: "Okay, okay, then according to Sister Piao Piao, what should we do?"

Mu Piaopiao looked at Wu Di coldly as always, and said: "Listen to him, I have no idea."

Wu Di has long been accustomed to Mu Piao Piao's attitude, and he has already thought of a countermeasure:

"It's very simple. When the leaders come to investigate this matter tomorrow, Lulu, you will deny Li Xiangyuan's illegal actions, and say that you were in the house and heard someone knock on the door. After opening the door, you found him drunk and lying on the ground. Moreover, you have to say that you know him and that you are ordinary friends, so that you can get away with it and get him cleared of the charge of breaking into a girl's room without permission.

In addition, as for the photos, we have to thank our wood masters.Tomorrow you just need to have an accidental [passing by] with Cui Mingxiu, take away his cell phone, and delete those photos.It's okay to ask me to be an accomplice beside you, don't look at me with that murderous look.I know that you have a great ability to take other people's things. "

Indeed, as Wu Di said, Mu Piaopiao was a notorious "female snitch" before she became Wu Di's personal bodyguard.The things he has stolen are much, much more valuable than a mobile phone.

Mu Piaopiao snorted coldly, turned around and went back to his room without comment.Seeing this, Lulu thought she was unwilling, and was about to run after her, but was stopped by Wu Di: "Don't worry. She has a hot and cold personality, and she will definitely help. Well, it's decided like this, you Go back and rest."

The next morning.

Before Jin Huien was sent to deal with the Li Xiangyuan incident as a representative of the department leadership, Wu Di and the other three had perfectly executed their plan.After Jin Huien thoroughly investigated the matter, he naturally declared that Li Xiangyuan had no serious fault with [insufficient evidence].However, the fact that he got drunk and affected his classmates' rest was still recorded by Jin Huien as a [minor fault].

Cui Mingxiu gritted his teeth and watched Li Xiangyuan keep nodding his thanks to Lulu, and touched his pocket, wondering why the photos in it were emptied.But he has already discovered that this matter must be related to those three freshmen from Huaxia!

[Don't let me seize the opportunity, or the three of you will definitely have nothing to eat! 】

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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