The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 597 Responsibilities

Chapter 597 Responsibilities
The scene was suddenly silent.

As loyal fans of Team Shinhwa, most of the audience present obviously would not celebrate their opponent's victory. Looking at Kevin and other team members who were already in tears during the game, they couldn't help shedding sad tears silently. The team and the idols came together to vent this unwilling failure.

In this last match, everyone thought that the Legendary team would eventually lose due to physical problems, but they never expected that the old players of the Mythological team would suffer from physical exhaustion first, and it was even more serious than their opponents!
Many people don't understand e-sports competitions, and think that this kind of competition is the best reason for a group of young people who are eager to play to find themselves addicted to games, but they don't know that to become a world champion, the hard work and sweat required are not inferior to traditional sports.

Team Shinhwa was defeated. They had worked hard for a year and still lost.After the fans adjusted their emotions, they looked at the Shinhwa team members who came out of the game room, and expressed their respect with the warmest applause.

There is only one champion!And there is only one mythical team they support!At this time, they knew that the players were feeling even more uncomfortable, so the fans should continue to support them with actions!
Team Shinhwa's captain Wei Wei didn't cry like her teammates, she just looked a little disappointed, and then patted each team member on the shoulder, motioning them to wave goodbye to the fans.

She took the microphone handed over by the host, and said in a low and firm voice: "We will come again! Please continue to support!"

The applause rose several times again. The famous Goddess Knife used her strength to win the respect of the fans and let them continue to have confidence in the Shinhwa team.

Then, Wei Wei led the team members to the exit channel, and Wu Di was waiting for her there early.

After the members of Team Shinhwa walked back to the lounge one by one, Wu Di and Wei Wei met each other's eyes. Just as they were about to open their mouths to comfort them, they found that two lines of crystal clear tears were flowing from the corners of Wei Wei's eyes uncontrollably.

She took three steps in parallel, threw herself into Wu Di's arms, leaned her head on his shoulder, and cried like a coquettish girl.Wu Di patted her on the back slowly, and for a while, he let her vent her emotions.

a long time.

Wei Wei had cried enough, raised her head, looked at Wu Di, and said softly:
"Brother, am I useless?"

Wu Di smiled lightly, and replied: "Silly girl, if you are useless, there will be no useful people in this e-sports world. Just try your best. This is the case in any competitive event. There is only one champion."

"But... I'm so unwilling! It's only half a step away from winning the championship trophy! We still fell on the last step. It would be great if... I could be stronger!"

Wu Di habitually scratched Wei Wei's nose and sighed: "You are already very strong. There are many things to compete in this final. In addition to strength and teamwork, you also compete with your opponents in willpower, physical strength, strategy and tactics. In the end, although you were defeated, it was only because of your physical strength."

Wei Wei lowered her head, continued to choke, raised her head again after a while and said:

"Brother, I want to join your team. Since I can't win the world championship on my own, then I will fight with you, okay?"

"Hey, you are the captain of the Shinhwa team. You have a heavy burden. Don't say such silly things. If you leave the team and come to me now, then you are evading your responsibilities. In the e-sports world, you don't like Such a guy." Wu Di touched Wei Wei's head lovingly, and explained.

"'re right. If I leave now, I won't be Wei Wei anymore. Well, thank you brother for giving me the shoulder, I'm much better now."

Weiwei straightened her body, wiped away her tears, and squeezed out a forced smile.

"Aren't you going to compete with me next year? Hehe, you have to cheer up, Lady Goddess Knife."

Afterwards, Wu Di sent Weiwei into the team's lounge, and just as he was about to leave the e-sports venue, he discovered that Jones did not attend the press conference, but was waiting for him at the door with an interpreter.

"Is something wrong?" Wu Di asked suspiciously, feeling very strange in his heart.According to common sense, he should hate this person who calculated against him and won the championship by defeating his junior sister, but in his heart he sincerely admired the collective willpower shown by the legendary team in the last match.

"Don't you want to congratulate me?" Jones smiled faintly, there was no arrogance and arrogance in his eyes, only the joy of winning the championship.

"Congratulations, forget it, you should know that I'm not someone who can do one thing to the other. You don't want me to say [Congratulations] to you with a smile on my face, and then turn my head and say [Bah] to you twice, right? "

"Hehe, Wu Di is Wu Di. I like your straight-forward style. I came to you just to make an agreement with you."

"What agreement?"

"Next year... next year's Champions League, I will play against you in the same position! And I will hand in all the criminal records of the [organization] that I can collect in a few months. How? It's very simple agreement?"

Without even thinking about it, Wu Di replied solemnly: "No problem. You have finally done something to make up for your sins, but I want to remind you that if you and I meet on the field next year, your life will not be easy. You don't need to say, I'll play the same position as you."

"Back then I really didn't adapt to your finisher style of play. Personally, I feel ashamed to be online. But next year you will see a different me. Thank you for agreeing to my promise, then... there will be a period later."

Jones turned to leave, but Wu Di suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Jones turned his head in bewilderment, but heard Wu Di say with a straight face:

"Jones, you won the championship this time very openly and fairly, but I want to warn you. No matter what you do in the future, I will remember the sins you committed in the past. Therefore, when you and I meet, it is not As kind as you imagined. I will do everything possible to make you pay for the past!"

"Heh, old grudges and new grudges? Okay, I'll wait for you. In addition, I also want to give you a word-it's too early to win the world championship with your group of grassroots players!"


After Wu Di and Jones parted ways, they took Lulu away from Team Shinhwa's e-sports base, and got on the plane back home.

Along the way, Wu Di was like a statue, motionless, not knowing what was going on in his mind.Lulu called him several times, but seeing that he couldn't be called, she sat beside him and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, when Lulu was woken up by someone, he realized that Wu Di hadn't closed his eyes for more than ten hours!
"Brother Wu Di, why don't you take a break? What have you been thinking along the way?"

With dark circles under his eyes, Wu Di smiled, and said calmly: "It's okay, I think about the harvest of my trip to Europe. After we go back, we have to work hard, otherwise, no matter who I am, I will only become a substitute for an era .”


After returning to Yangcheng, Wu Di and his teammates continued to conduct closed training together, preparing for the Super League that will start in a few months.During this period, many domestic business tycoons also came to their door to discuss cooperation matters with Team King. Within a few months, Team King's sponsorship fee has also exceeded the [-] million mark.

However, Wu Di suggested that the giants who came to sponsor King's team should not hold a press conference.At first the giants didn't understand, but Wu Di's explanation made them suddenly understand - if they don't make a sound, they have already become a blockbuster.

Time flies by, the refreshing autumn has long passed, and the severe cold is also inadvertently descending on the earth.After a heavy snowfall, all the members of King's team looked at the beautiful snow scene outside the window and were very excited.

The team members ran out in groups and had a snowball fight, but Ye Qi and Ye Wuhen's two cousins ​​found Wu Di alone.

"Captain, the new season of the Super League is about to begin. With the help of Uncle and Aunt Wan, we have collected detailed information on all the teams, and conducted a survey on their individual combat power index and team combat power index. statistics.

There is nothing unexpected... the team combat power index of our king team is the bottom of the eighteen teams.

Your personal combat power index is not officially counted, but an approximate number is given based on the two League One games you have participated in - 6000.

Hehe, our Kings team looks like a relegation team. "

Wu Di held a heavy document in his hand, flipped through it quickly, and said with a smile:
"This information is very good. Huaxia Kingdom's League of Legends Organizing Committee has given us a lot of face. Not only is the team's combat power index ranked last, but my personal combat power index is only ranked tenth. In this way, all teams They will all underestimate us."

Ye Wuhen put on a look of escape as always, and said with a smirk:
"I like this feeling of counterattack the most. I can't wait now. Although I don't underestimate the opponents in the Super League, I still hope that these opponents can sneer at us, and then I watch their faces. Swollen, this good!"

"Go away! I'm going to tell the captain something serious, what are you talking about? Don't be too optimistic! There are no underdogs in the Super League! You remember this sentence, if our Kings team wants to stage a reverse game for them in the first season A good show doesn't just rely on bragging!"

Wu Di restrained Ye Wuhen's urge to defend himself, and then asked:
"Official statistics are used to fool people, Senior Sister Ye Qi, have you done the team strength statistics I asked you to do?"

Ye Qi replied sternly: "It's done. Except for the captain whose personal combat power index is not easy to count, the other team members have already carried out statistics-everyone has more or less growth. In addition, in Uncle, Aunt Wan With the full help of team analyst Li Yunlong, our team's team strength index has also been calculated!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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