The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 599 The opponents of the Super League

Chapter 599 The opponents of the Super League
Wei Xiaoxiao is a well-known mid laner in China, and her best hero is Ahri, the nine-tailed demon fox.That's why the fans call her "Demon Fox".And she joined the King's team, one is to save her younger brother, and the other is because of her love for e-sports.

Being able to be on the same team as Wu Di was the urgent wish of many professional players back then!
Wu Di is known as the world's number one genius, and his personal strength has reached the peak, so if he can cooperate with him, he is naturally the most hopeful to win the world championship trophy!

However, Wu Di said that he would be in the middle unit when facing a strong opponent in the Super League, which made the three people around him a little puzzled.If Wu Di comes to play the mid laner, where will Wei Xiaoxiao's position be placed?Put her on the bench?The king's team doesn't have such extravagant capital!
Facing the questioning of the three, Wu Di smiled lightly:
"Wei Xiaoxiao is much better than you imagined! How can Wei Xiaoxiao be an ordinary player who has been selected as an All-Star player for several consecutive times? To tell you the truth, after joining the Kings Team, she took the initiative to practice for two more position hero!

Now she is already competent for the ADC position or the support position.Moreover, the style of e-sports competitions is changing a lot now, even if she uses the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox as a support, maybe she will get a miraculous effect. "

The three of them showed an expression of "so it is so", then the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and ran outside with the large army to have a snowball fight.

Looking at his teammates who were having a good time, Wu Di smiled and shook his head, and began to study the opponents in the Super League by himself.

Last season, the brilliant team led by his tall, rich and handsome junior, Lu Li, the No. 65000 ADC in China, still won the league championship consecutively.Team Brilliant is strong, and another all-star player, heartthrob Qin Rou, sits in it, so their team power index has reached [-]!

Looking at the number at the top of the list, Wu Di couldn't help sighing.

【Heh, Gao Fushuai junior brother, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Bright team are not so strong. It seems that if you want to win the Super League championship, you must first pass your level. 】

Then, ranked second is the Agni team, which made their debut on the international stage not long ago.In the Raging Fire team, there is only Zhao Yindi, an all-star player, but this seemingly ordinary team can eliminate many strong Chinese teams and become one of the only three teams to go out for the country , it seems that the strength of the Agni team is underestimated...

Their team battle power index ranks second highest, just breaking through the 60000 mark. They are one of the only two teams in the Super League with an official team battle power index exceeding [-].

Wu Di took a look at Zhao Yindi's personal combat power index, and found that this former old opponent was already neck and neck with Lu Li in the official statistics, ranking first together!Both of them have a personal combat power index of 8000!

[Junior Brother Gao Fushuai has comprehended the kingly state for less than a year. If you only count his combat power after comprehending the state, it must have already exceeded ten thousand; but Zhao Yindi has not heard what state he comprehended, but he can reach this state The numbers are really unbelievable.It seems that Zhao Yindi has continued to improve in the past few years since I quit the professional league.This is really an opponent that people respect and fear...

Moreover, they actually reached the final eight in the Champions League where there are so many strong players. It seems that their team combat ability is also proud of the domestic leaders. 】

After carefully watching the top two opponents, the third name that caught Wu Di's eyes surprised him greatly.

Because the third-ranked team is neither the ghost team that owns [Ghost Yize] Feng Luo, nor the other teams that he knows the star players where he is familiar with, but a team called [Ice].

[Who is in this team?Why do I have no impression at all? 】

Wu Di thought suspiciously for a while, and found that there was no memory about this team in his mind, so he quickly checked the information about it, only to find that this team was actually a team that was promoted to the Super League the year before last. No wonder I didn't know it existed.

[This team...all the members are all-star players? !Moreover, its members are all composed of well-known players from other countries!This is an international team!
It seems that this is a strong team built by an overseas consortium beforehand.Oh, by the way, in the Champions League, I saw a team called GAG. At first I thought it was a foreign team, and all the players on the field were foreign players. It turned out that I was wrong!

This team called GAG is from our Super League!Heh, this is really an interesting opponent. Before the overseas consortium entered the Chinese e-sports market on a large scale this year, some consortia had already done so, and they still formed such a unique team!

This team...well deserves my attention! 】

After Wu Di silently recorded the information of these three top three teams last season, when he was curious to see what kind of figures the Fengyun team led by Danqing would be officially counted, he could not see it from the corner of his eye. The fourth-ranked team.

Team Sky!

This is a veteran team that existed just after the establishment of the Super League. Its history is as long as the Diablo team that came to Yangcheng not long ago to trouble the king team.It is one of the few veteran teams left in the Super League.

After seeing this name, Wu Di suddenly smiled.

"Hehe, I don't know if those old guys are still there?"

Then, he moved his gaze down and browsed through Team Sky's list of registered players.As a result, he smiled even more happily.

"Ha, you old guys are still here! Before I debuted, you have become famous. Now seven or eight years have passed, and you are still fighting in the e-sports world. It is indeed a symbol of spirit. I am here now. Some look forward to playing against you.

After three years, I don't know how you guys will treat me again. "

Wu Di recalled some past events in his mind:
When he first debuted, the well-known members of the sky team took turns to fight with him in full swing.

In Wu Di's previous five-year career, the Brilliant team could not take all three points from a certain team every year. Regardless of whether it was a home or away game, the two sides would draw 1:1 every year.This team is the Sky Team!Therefore, Wu Di had a deep impression on them.

"Hey, you didn't qualify to represent China in the Champions League, probably because the team is aging. You are legends of this era, and you deserve everyone's respect!
Time has passed, and I can't help being a little excited when I think we can meet again in the Super League..."

In the end, Wu Di's line of sight quickly slipped down, and he finally saw the name of his own King's team and the detailed information of another new army, Fengyun team.

According to official statistics, Team Fengyun's team strength index is only a little higher than Team King's, and they are also the bottom team among the top 4000 teams.In addition, Danqing's personal combat power index is only [-]. Of course, this is because he rarely plays.

Wu Di looked at their list of registered players again, and found that Xia Ninghan, Tang Hao, and the three rookies from Europe were all among them.

"Hey, if we meet with Team Fengyun at that time, I wonder if Sister Ninghan will calmly let us down?"

After a while, Wu Di put down the detailed information in his hand, and he was full of longing for the long-awaited Super League...

Three months later.

The midwinter quietly left the earth with severe cold, and the vibrant spring finally came.

Today is a special day.The king team will officially enter the Super League stage today and will play away games as the visiting team.Their opponent was none other than the Demon King team, which was ranked in the middle of the league last season!

The Yaohuang team is located in the coastal Fuzhou Province, and it was originally an old and strong team.But at the end of last season, because of Wei Xiaoxiao's insistence on leaving, they lost the right to participate in the Champions League qualifiers at the final stage of the league, which also made fans in the city hate Wei Xiaoxiao.

When King's Team got off the plane and arrived at the Yaohuang Team's e-sports base, Wei Xiaoxiao remained silent all the way, with a very indifferent expression.

The Demon King Team is the team where Wei Xiaoxiao grew up and became famous.She was born here, grew up here, and grew from an unknown rookie player to a well-known star player in the Yaohuang team.

If it wasn't for the Demon Emperor's team being invaded by an overseas consortium, and if it wasn't for her younger brother's life and death being uncertain, then it would be impossible for her to leave the team she has been fighting for.But... no ifs!
When the King's team wore uniform uniforms and walked into the Demon King's e-sports stadium, there were countless ear-piercing boos in the stadium.These boos were of course directed at Wei Xiaoxiao.

Wei Xiaoxiao was expressionless, she didn't wave to her fans who supported her in the past, she didn't hide in shame at the back of the line, she walked calmly at the front of the line, no one could see what she was thinking .

The boos at the scene became louder and harsher, and Wu Di turned his head worriedly, and found that Wei Xiaoxiao's expression seemed to be half frozen, without any change at all.

"Hey, are you okay? These fans..."

Wei Xiaoxiao was wearing a pair of huge sunglasses so that no one could see her eyes, but her face was as cold as frost.

"I'm fine, wait a minute... If I can't play, don't arrange for me to play. Of course, if the team needs it, I can still play."

Although Wei Xiaoxiao was thinking about the team, Wu Di had already thought about it before coming here, so he replied with a light smile: "Don't worry, we won't embarrass you. In these two away games, you Just sit on the bench obediently."

Wei Xiaoxiao was a little surprised when she heard the words, she turned her head to look at Wu Di, and after a while, finally squeezed out two words between her teeth: "Thank you!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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