The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 601 Self-knowledge

Chapter 601 Self-knowledge
(Thank you book friends for reminding that the jungler in the King's lineup is a spider, and he became a blind monk yesterday, which has been modified)

Galen, the power of Demacia, is also known as Grass Lun, Pit Huo Lun, and Novice Lun.His appearance means that what you may see is a game with mostly rookies.

In League of Legends, there are three heroes that are permanently free.Galen, Ryze, and Ice Shooter are the three permanent free heroes specially set up by the game development company to give novice players a better gaming experience.

Among them, Garen is chosen to use the most times, because he almost needs no subtle operation at all.

His Q skill [Fatal Strike] allows him to gain acceleration in a short period of time, rush forward directly, silence the enemy hero and cause objective damage, and then activate the invincible beacon-like E skill [Judgment], The hero plays in front of him and rotates on the spot, and finally hangs the ignition according to the opponent's blood volume and uses the ultimate move [Demacia Justice], basically the crispy hero with residual blood will be taken away by Galen.

This is Galen's most mindless and effective attack routine, so it is especially suitable for novice players.But in the professional arena, almost no one will use him.And his shortcomings are also obvious: short legs, no control skills, easy to be controlled by the opponent.

Such a hero will not be favored by professional players, because in increasingly fierce professional games, it is not easy for a hero like Galen to perform too much in the game. On the contrary, his appearance will only Destroy the rhythm of one's own side and play a reverse role.

Fans of the Demon King team burst into laughter when they suddenly saw this hero who had never been on the professional stage being chosen by the King team. In their eyes, this move of the King team was exactly the classic saying: no Zuo no Die!
They then checked the lineup of the King of Kings team, and found that Galen was finally controlled by Wu Di, and he did not appear in the top unit that was most suitable for him. For a while, fans discussed it.

[I wipe!What on earth was the world's first genius doing?Pick a Galen?Are you treating our Demon Emperor team as an amateur team?Three years later, this kid is still so arrogant, which can be seen from his selection! 】

[That's right, who will choose Galen in the official game?It's okay to use it to abuse newcomers. In the professional arena, and it's still in the top Super League, he dared to play like this, it must be a bit too courageous. 】

【I think...that genius is setting off smoke bombs!Team King must have decided that they are not the opponent of our Demon King team, so they selected this weird hero, and then played casually, let us relax our vigilance, and then released their big move in the second game, which made some people feel paralyzed The players took it lightly, and finally scored 1:1 on the total score, and then successfully took away 1 point from our home court!
Well, it must be like this, otherwise there is no reason why Galen will appear! 】

【You make a lot of sense!The King's team has two veterans of e-sports, and they must know their own strength. Therefore, they released this smoke bomb in the first game to confuse their opponents, and voluntarily gave up the first game to save their strength for the second game.Hmph, the abacus was very loud, but we still saw it! 】

The analysis of these two fans immediately attracted the support of other fans.The team strength index of the King's team is at the end of the eighteen teams. Originally, if Wei Xiaoxiao played, then maybe they still had a chance of winning, but Wei Xiaoxiao was placed on the bench, so Wu Di alone, It is absolutely impossible to lead that group of grassroots rookies to victory!

There were a lot of media reporters present, and with their e-sports knowledge reserves, they all thought that what these fans said was quite reasonable.The game of League of Legends is most dependent on integrity, so even if the king team has selected a number of heroes with control skills, Galen's appearance will still drag the team down and make the integrity lose control.

In their eyes, Wu Di's Galen can only be equipped with defensive equipment, acting as a mobile fortress to take damage for his teammates. Apart from this, they really can't think of Galen's other functions.

After a short wait, the first game officially begins!
Because Wu Di played in the auxiliary position, he took the commanding responsibility as a matter of course on his shoulders.

"Our lineup is slightly more suitable for level [-] team battles than theirs, and there are too few hard control, so we don't invade their wild areas. Everyone guards the river in their own half of the area, and sees their movements. In addition... Qiqi , you have to pay special attention to whether there will be an opposite duo in your top lane area, I am worried that they will change lanes."

At the same time, Bai Wu, the current captain of the Yaohuang team, sneered directly after entering the game interface:
"Hmph, it seems that all the preparations before the match were in vain! That stinking genius actually chose Galen to come out!
Well, since this is the case, we will not use the lane change tactics we decided before the game, and we will line up with them normally. I don't believe that a bad guy can make a name for himself in the bottom lane.

Also, their lineup is more suitable for first-level team battles than ours, and they just need to keep their main points.You all be honest, don't underestimate the grassroots team led by that guy. Although their strength is at the bottom, that's just official statistics.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. I have fought against the stinky genius, and I know that even if he has not played for three years, he can still have a certain degree of competitiveness! "

Therefore, the two sides did not come up with any amazing first-level tactics, but each guarded the river and did not invade each other's wild area.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Wu is one of the powerful players that the Yaohuang team specially added to make up for Wei Xiaoxiao's departure this season. He mainly plays the ADC position, so when he saw Wu Di using Galen as a support, he was full of confidence. The pre-match targeting tactics were canceled and changed to normal laning.In this way, his No. 11 ADC in the top league can compete head-to-head with that stinky genius online!

He made this decision with his own selfishness, and it was also in line with the current situation-no one would think that Galen could perform amazingly in the top league, even if his manipulator was Wu Di!

More than two minutes later, the little soldiers came to the line, and the Demon Emperor and King's teams officially began to confront their opponents on the three routes. When Bai Wu manipulated the explorer to go to the bottom lane, he suddenly found Galen Didn't show up online!

Only Paladin stood there alone on the line.

Bai Wu sneered, and naturally understood that Galen had squatted in the grass, so he chuckled lightly and said, "Qin Nu, click your eyes in the grass."

The support player immediately planted a scout guard in the grass in the opponent's half area, and Galen's figure was fully exposed!
"Hmph! Still playing this trick of bullying newcomers with me? Think we will poke through the bushes like newcomers?
Wu Di, Wu Di, your strength has declined because you haven't played for many years, right?Dare to play with us like this? "

Then, Bai Wu took the time to check Galen's basic attributes while making up the knife, and found that Wu Di's Galen's starting outfit was a Dolan's sword and a bottle of red medicine!And the armor and magic resistance are not too much, but the attack power is much higher than normal. It seems that Galen is still equipped with attack runes and attack talents!

"Oh! You really think of us as novice players? This conceited genius! Qin Nu, find an opportunity to use skills and basic attacks to consume his blood volume! His legs are short, so he can't hit you, but you can hit him he!"

The support player is a veteran with three years of experience in professional competitions. Without Bai Wu's reminder, he has already done this!
Qin Nu took a step forward, and was about to use her Q skill and a general attack on Galen, but...Galen slipped away like a man like the wind!
"It's still very self-aware. Qin Nu, let's overwhelm them at the first level, and grab the second level first!"

Therefore, after forcing back Wu Di's Galen, the explorer and Qin Nu began to attack the minions with skills and basic attacks, trying to advance to the second level.

Whether the bottom lane is explosive or not, you will know at the second level.Although this famous saying cannot be used to describe the competition between professional players, as long as they are promoted to the second level before the opponent, the side that advances first can still gain a certain advantage.

The explorer and Qinnv, a bot lane combination that focuses on power consumption, is more dependent on levels, so their actions are understandable.

Will the opponent also grab the second level?

As soon as this question appeared in the minds of Bai Wu and his partner, they realized that they were wrong.

Galen, who could only beat opponents in close combat, retreated behind the pawn line early, and the Paladin Ranger didn't have any extra attacks, but patiently made the last general attack on the pawn - such a move, of course, he didn't want to Grab second class performance.

"I haven't seen him for many years, and he has become timid. His style of play has also changed. I thought he was going to rush up to us to fight for his life at the first level! It seems that this stinky genius is nothing more than that. Fight hard, Qin Nu, this Let us have a good fight over his head!"

Bai Wu was a little excited. He is a veteran player with five years of professional competition experience. When he debuted, Wu Di was already in full swing, and he played against him in his rookie season. Naturally, he has personally experienced his strength. Powerful, so when he faced Wu Di, he was still a little uncertain in his heart.

But now, after less than a minute of probing, he has already concluded that Wu Di has been out of battle for a long time, his strength has dropped sharply, and even his personal extremely strong offensive style of play has been lost, so he is no longer afraid of him in his heart !
After the explorer and the piano girl were promoted to the second level, they played more aggressively, directly overwhelming Lin Xiaoxiao's Holy Gun Ranger, who didn't even dare to make up for the soldiers.The appearance of this scene also made Bai Wu and his partner very excited!

Can suppress the world's number one talent online?How many people in the entire e-sports world can do it? !

And just when they were a little slack, Galen and Paladin also quietly reached the second level...

At this moment, Wu Di sneered in the earphone: "Go! The target Qin girl!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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