The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 605 Change the Situation!

Chapter 605 Change the Situation!

Double-roaming tactics usually refer to a traditional jungler leading a other hero with control to quickly support teammates on three routes, launch overwhelming GANK against enemy heroes, or collectively Invade the wild area and snatch the opponent's red and blue BUFF monsters, making the opponent's mid laner and jungler at a loss.

And no matter whether they reach the lane or invade the opponent's wild area, they will result in a situation where more players fight less. Even if the opponent's online hero has the life-saving skill of flash, it is still possible to lose them under the double-roaming tactics. Head and line advantage.

If the double-roaming tactic is used well, it is very likely that the opponent will give up the situation on the field after less than 20 minutes; In the team battle period after 20 minutes, the capital to fight against the opponent is lost.

Now that the game has just lasted seven or eight minutes, it is difficult for Kings to gain an advantage in all routes except for the bottom lane.Wu Di saw this exactly, so he took the risk to give instructions to use the double roaming tactic.

After all, the Yaohuang team is a veteran team in the Super League. If the normal match-up continues, the game will be very stalemate, and the king's team has little chance of winning.The double-play tactic is Wu Di's strange move, and only by making a surprise can he win!

Galen disappeared.Although the explorer and Qinnv on the bottom road were a little puzzled, they still reminded their teammates in the earphones.

"Attention! The auxiliary Garen on the opposite side is gone. Be careful in all routes. Of course, he may just go back to the city to replenish supplies and buy equipment. But be careful to sail for ten thousand years, and you should all keep your spirits up." Bai Bai Wu reminded his teammates in the earphones.

And just as he expected, Galen did go back to the city to resupply, but after he set off from the base again, his goal was to go on the road!
At the same time, Xia Jie's spider was rushing towards the road. It seemed that the King's team was preparing to encircle the road with three people.

When top laners are laning, they are accustomed to inserting scouting guards in the river or the bushes at Sanchakou. In this way, if the enemy jungler comes from the river, or goes around and outflanks, they can be seen clearly Chu.

The top laner of the Monster King team is an experienced player. He saw the spider through the scouting guard inserted by his mid laner hero in the river early on, so he concluded that the opponent's jungler would definitely come to take care of him.Then he naturally began to pay attention to controlling the line of soldiers, and did not fight head-on with the opponent.

The scouting guard he was carrying was in the bushes at Sanchakou, and the scouting guard just discovered the behavior of the spider lurking here a few seconds later!

The weapon master he controls has the stun skill. As long as this skill is not easily handed over, he is not afraid of the opponent's gank, and now he is standing in front of the defense tower just in case, and he is not willing to go forward to make up the knife.

Such a situation would naturally give the spider nothing to take advantage of!
However, just when the top laner thought that the spider might leave the top lane after a short wait, a burly figure was already out of his sight and quietly slipped into the grass on the top lane!
Wu Di took advantage of the space where the opponent's top laner focused all his attention on the spider, and successfully sneaked into the grass!

Grass Lun, only in the grass can it exert its greatest power!This point, whether it is a fledgling rookie player or a professional player who has experienced many battles, is well aware of it.

But the decisive factor that determines whether Galen can exert its greatest power is that there are no enemy scout guards in this grass!
The spider made an offensive move, and it took a few steps forward. Seeing this, the weapon master immediately took a few steps back, always on guard against the opponent's every move.Because at this time, if the opponent wants to jump over the tower and kill, the chances are still relatively high.

But the top laner of the Demon King team knows very well that with his own experience and strength, he can completely change one under the tower!If the opponent dared to jump over the tower to kill, he would definitely make effective operations so that he would not sacrifice in vain.

However, the spider just turned around in front of the defense tower, and after finding that there were no particularly good opportunities, it withdrew from the weapon master's vision, which made the top laner heave a sigh of relief.

However, he never expected that this behavior of the spider, which seemed to be a return of no success, was actually a cover-up for Galen to lurk into the grass closest to the defense tower!It intentionally distracted the weapon master, causing Galen to take another few steps forward.

At the same time, after the princes of the Demon Emperor's team sensed that the situation on the road was not right, they also rushed here non-stop.The prince made five-speed shoes, and he ran quite fast before entering the battle. After a while, he was about to enter the range of the defense tower on the road.

"I'm going to play a role. The spider must be in the grass on the lower right of the defense tower and is going to ambush me. I will go up and fight this crocodile right now. As soon as the spider appears, you will follow closely and fight for it." Take the heads of both of them in one fell swoop!

We have fought against them just now, although both of us have lost [Flash], but neither of them has [Flash].As long as we show our normal level, it will be easy to clean them up! "

The reason why the player who controlled the weapon master was so confident that he didn't pay attention to Jin Qiqi's crocodile at all was because he already knew the strength of this crocodile after these few minutes of competition!Although the basic operations and attack routines are very proficient, there is still a gap between the handling of some details and the first-tier professional players. The top laner of this King's team is at best the level of a second-tier professional player.

That's why he dared to take the initiative to provoke the crocodile after knowing that the spider was in ambush.

"Well, you go, I can hold the spider, and then you go to be a crocodile alone, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? These grassroots rookies, that's all." Said the jungler, and the two showed contempt for the king team. , it can be seen from this.

The world is impermanent, just when the two players of the Demon King team started a massive attack with the goal of gaining two heads... nothing unusual happened on the field...

The weapon master activated the stun skill, and started a head-to-head fight with the crocodile online. The spider wanted to support his teammates, but was left in the wild by the prince's EQ second company.Top laner vs. top laner, jungler vs. jungler, the four heroes began to fight, and Wu Di's Galen was still squatting in the grass, motionless? !

Team King's teammates have more confidence in Wu Di than anyone else. Of course they know that Wu Di is not moving at this time. He is actually waiting for the stun effect of the weapon master to end. When the duration of his powerful skill ends, Galen immediately Raise the sword and rush out from the grass!
Galen's skill upgrade sequence is the main E and second Q. The E skill is his invincible beacon wheel, which is his main output skill. Of course, it needs to be upgraded to the full level first.However, the Q skill increases as the skill level increases, and the longer the acceleration effect of Galen lasts.

At this time, Galen's Q skill is only level one, so after it is activated, his acceleration effect can only last for 1 seconds. It is for this reason that Wu Di has been reluctant to make a move. On the one hand, it is due to the stun skill of the weapon master , on the other hand, because he only has one chance to use the Q skill to get close to the opponent, so no mistakes are allowed!

When Galen's giant sword hit the weapon master, a sign of being silenced also appeared on the weapon master's body, and the W immobilization skill that the crocodile had been holding in his hand also hit the weapon master with the basic attack.The weapon master is set on the field, which naturally gives Galen the best output opportunity!

Crocodile and Galen, the two strong and strong heroes, caused massive damage to the weapon master in just two seconds, and his HP quickly dropped by more than half.

After regaining his freedom, the weapon master without 【Flash】of course didn't dare to fight here for a long time. He immediately retreated quickly, trying to avoid the opponent's pursuit.At this time, in his heart, he was very afraid of Galen's ultimate move [Demacia Justice].

If his blood volume drops a little more, then Galen's signature magic skill can naturally take his life away in one fell swoop.

However, he obviously didn't know that Galen's ultimate move hadn't cooled down yet, so he just stepped back with lingering fear, and focused most of his attention on Galen, fearing that he would raise his hand at any time and release the powerful sword of justice .

The spider's web appeared in good time in front of the weapon master, and he couldn't dodge it in time, charged on the way back to the defense tower.

It turned out that the spider stopped by the prince hadn't handed over any skills at all, but had been putting all his thoughts on the weapon master.When Xia Jie found out that the weapon master ran away in a panic because of Galen's appearance, he naturally used his accurate prediction and hand speed to leave the weapon master in front of the defense tower!

Next, the weapon master fell under his defense tower without any suspense, his head was taken by the crocodile, and the prince who found Galen appearing on the road had long since lost his love for fighting. He turned his head and left early, unwilling to become the second victim.

After getting the head of the weapon master, the pawn line just arrived under the opponent's tower. Of course, the king's team will not let go of such an opportunity to push the tower. Therefore, with the joint efforts of the crocodile, spider, and Galen, the demon king's top lane defense The tower soon became a heap of waste.

The first tower on the top road was destroyed at 10 minutes into the game. This situation is actually very unfavorable for the Yaohuang team.

In the early stage of the game, the strategic role of the top road is actually very important.Unless it is in the lane-changing tactic, the top tower can be used to replace the opponent's bottom tower. In other cases, if one side's top defense tower is destroyed prematurely, it will seriously affect one's own strategy and tactics.

Galen, using this gank opportunity, successfully changed the situation on the field!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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