The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 613 God's Operation

Chapter 613 God's Operation

The refresh of the second dragon will naturally lead to the outbreak of the second official team battle.

The Yaohuang team lineup is more suitable for team battles, so of course they want to see such a situation happen.As long as the opponent dares to start a team battle with him, no matter whether he is the first to strike first or the second to counterattack, he can use the control skills of each hero to make the king's team swallow the bitter fruit of the team battle.

The single-target control skills of King's team are really helpful for them to instantly kill a single hero, but if it is in a team battle, such single-target control often cannot receive the desired effect.

Therefore, when the second little dragon appeared in the little dragon canyon brazenly, the Yaohuang team knew its specific refresh time, so they took a step ahead of the opponent and came to the vicinity of the canyon.

"Captain, should I ambush, or directly open the dragon?" The teammates asked with doubts in their hearts.

Bai Wu sneered, and replied: "Of course we should kill the little dragon first! They don't know when we killed the little dragon, so they can only estimate an approximate time, so it is the best strategy to kill the little dragon first. Wait until they wake up , When we came here, we suddenly went berserk, and we couldn't beat them with one move. Our lineup is very good for team battles, so as long as we see people, we can throw big moves, don't hesitate! "

As a result, the Demon Emperor's team assembled quickly, rushed to the Xiaolong Canyon without stopping, and directly attacked Xiaolong, trying to prevent the King's team from fighting back.

However, Bai Wu still underestimated Wu Di.

The former World No. [-] talent has surprised people time and time again in today's game.Although the home fans still hope that their team can win a game and get a league point, after seeing that Wu Dilian, who is known as the "King of Pit", Galen, can play superbly, the bottom of their hearts Deep down, I still hope that this genius can continue to maintain this excellent state.They don't do anything else, they just want Huaxia to have a leading figure on the world stage in the future!
Therefore, when the Demon Emperor's team started to kill the second dragon, they couldn't help thinking whether Wu Di would see through the opponent's intentions, and then responded.

The answer is yes.

Wu Di, who has outstanding personal strength, although he can't grasp the specific refresh time of the second dragon, he still estimates the opponent's behavior so far.

"They are fighting the little dragon, and at this moment, they are fighting very efficiently. It is estimated that after we set up the formation and gather in the Xiaolong Canyon, they have successfully obtained the little dragon...

If it's just luck, it would be too childish for the explorer or Han Bing to use the big move of super-view to snatch the little dragon.The opponent is not a fool, and the jungler is not an ordinary person. We should reject such an approach.

But, we can't let them get Xiaolong easily!Moreover, I'm sure that after they get the dragon, they will play steadily, gradually invade our jungle, and try to start a team fight with us.That being the case, then we will count on it! "

The teammates don't know what kind of deployment Wu Di will make, and they also know that their lineup is not suitable for team battles. Just when they wanted to ask out their doubts, Wu Di already smiled:
"We don't have any group control skills, but our explosive power is not inferior to them at all! So, this Xiaolong Canyon must be going. As for us, the only strategy we can use to deal with their strong team battles is One ha. Just use the three-guarantee-two tactic that we practiced in the joint training!"

Three guarantees and two tactics have never appeared in the past professional leagues!Because the major top teams will basically not use a crisp lineup like double ADC in the confrontation with powerful opponents.

As long as the opponent has more than two dashing heroes, no matter how you protect your core output heroes, the final result will be futile.Because the current version of League of Legends is extremely offensive, the rush heroes have been greatly strengthened. Whether it is skill attributes or equipment, the research and development company focuses on offense in this version. The main reason why the pace is getting faster and faster and the game is getting more and more exciting.

In the first away game of Kings, they actually used two ADC heroes in the second game. small potential hazard.

The three guarantees and two tactics are exactly the same as the four guarantees and one tactics: the front row heroes do not need to attack the opponent's back row heroes in team battles, but are responsible for protecting their own crispy back row in team battles!
In the king's team, with the super meat shield of Dragon Turtle and powerful single-control skills like Void Prophet, as long as the opponent dares to rush to the side, then the second person is also in the blink of an eye.What's more, when the crocodile makes two to three pieces of core defensive equipment, its resistance will also make the opponent feel tricky.

At this time, the Demon Emperor's team took advantage of a good time difference and started to beat Xiaolong.And their hitting speed is obviously much faster than it was 6 minutes ago.And just when Xiaolong was about to be captured by them, the five heroes of King's Team had already arrived outside Xiaolong Canyon, waiting for an opportunity.

What they can do, of course, is not to let the crocodile and keel run into the opponent's formation alone to disrupt the situation, regardless of the back row. The advantage of a longer distance to consume the opponent.

The king team is very smart, they don't put their minds on grabbing this little dragon at all, but deliberately let all the consumption skills hit the enemy hero.Although the opponent's equipment and level made it easy to kill Xiaolong at this time, their overall health still dropped a lot under the attack of Xiaolong and King's team.

If the opponent continued to consume like this, then the Demon King team would lose the qualification for team battles, but fortunately, Xiaolong had already been killed by them!At this time, it is also the best time for them to attack!
"Go! Go directly to their back row! Shuguang, Weapon Master, and Prince, the three of you are responsible for fighting their Ice and explorer. The explorer is more flexible, and kill Ice first if you can't catch up!
Hmph, you must let that stinking genius know—choose a crispy ADC hero without displacement skills to assist, this is the end of being killed in seconds! "

Just after the Goddess of Aurora activated her big move and locked down the opponent's two heroes, the weapon master also activated the stun skill to jump directly into the enemy's back row. The prince even took advantage of his teammates' initiative to start a team, and directly rushed to the second company with EQ The core of the battlefield, the next moment, of course he will release his big move at the right time!

At this critical moment, when the prince, the weapon master, and the Goddess of Dawn jumped into the enemy's back row one after another, preparing to kill the ice shooter and the void prophet first, they found a huge ice cube glowing white. The arrow just hit the three enemy heroes who jumped over in no particular order!

The time to release this big move of the ice shooter is just right!If it was earlier or later, it would be impossible to form the current favorable situation!However, it is also Wu Di, who is so powerful, who can see this fleeting gap and control this tiny mistake of the opponent's positioning!
Some neutral spectators outside the arena immediately applauded loudly. Although the Ice Archer did not hit the legendary performance of hitting five birds with one arrow, it is also extremely exciting to land three enemy heroes with one arrow!

Next, the explorers and the Void Prophet of the king team will certainly not miss this excellent output opportunity, and all their firepower is thrown on these three rushing heroes.

The health of the advancing trio of the Demon Emperor's team dropped sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when they regained their freedom of movement, there was no way to retreat!So, they went all out and prepared to use their big moves or rush skills to continue to put pressure on the back row of the king team.

At this time, the King's team played the most dazzling skill connection and cooperation today!
The moment the weapon master resumed his action, the Void Prophet continued to hold him in place with his big move; before the prince jumped up, the Dragon Turtle taunted him directly, so that the mighty and domineering Demacia prince had no choice but to move The spear pointed at the thick-skinned tortoise and blasted it; the goddess of dawn was not under control, but when she rushed to the back row of the king's team alone, she suddenly found that she was alone in the enemy's line. And there is also a special effect of the deceleration of the ice shooter on her body!

If ice shooters and explorers are fighting each other in an open area, they can use kite tactics to tease each other to death, but in team battles, there is no such opportunity for them to tease each other. What they have to do, they can do The only thing is to constantly fight and retreat, and make the best use of the walking and slashing skills.Among the two of them, the requirements for the Ice Archer are of course more difficult.

Wu Di deliberately stood where he was, let the goddess of dawn hit him, and let her come to his back row alone.Although the ice is fixed, the goddess of dawn is facing the unfavorable situation of one against two, not to mention, she is just a support hero with no attack power.

After a while, the Goddess of Dawn was the first to fall to the ground in a hurry. At this time, she was not enough to bear too much damage, and the weapon master also quickly fell to the ground under the combined force of the crocodile and the Void Prophet.Although the dragon turtle and the crocodile endured a set of outbreaks from the Dark Head of State and the Paladin Ranger, the most disgusting skill E of the Void Prophet has been transmitted to the prince who is also bloody with the fall of the weapon master!
The crocodile fell, but the prince also fell after taking two steps!

In this team battle, there were only four players left in the King's team, and the three heroes in the Demon King's team who could serve as the front row were all killed!

This unexpected scene caught Bai Wu off guard. He thought that his lineup was enough to crush the opponent, but he didn't expect that all of this would be used by that genius who could only use [God Control] To describe the performance, it was destroyed without a trace...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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