The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 629 Fatal Mistakes

Chapter 629 Fatal Mistakes

If Wu Di is a super player who is best at snowballing to accumulate advantages among professional players, then equipment such as killing book or killing sword is the first choice for a team to make the snowball effect accumulate the fastest!
The killing books on Tidal Sea Spirit and Bomberman of Team King's have both reached more than ten floors. As a result, the attack power of these two mage heroes at this stage is already enough to cause headaches for Team Valkyrie.

Moreover, in team battles, the Valkyrie team was conflicted about the choice of fire targets.

The crocodile and the goddess of the moon on one's side will naturally rush to the opponent's back row to kill explorers and bombers, while the little murlocs on the other side will follow the weapon master and eternal nightmare to trouble the heroes in the back row of their own side.

The two heroes who made the killing book, one is in the front row and the other is in the back row. Such a position will naturally disperse the firepower output of the Valkyrie team.What's more, even if the Bomberman standing in the back row is a crispy hero, he can only be easily dropped if his skills are well connected, but there is still an explorer who undertakes the main output task standing beside him!

When you go to fight the bomber, the explorer will beat you up. When you go to the explorer, the bomber will throw a bunch of bombs in front of you, making you advance or retreat, and both the explorer and the bomber have displacement. Skills are also unlikely to be taken away by the goddess of the moon and the crocodile.

Therefore, the front row hero of the Valkyrie team fell into an embarrassing situation of a dilemma.On the other hand, the king team, their three major rushing heroes all have their own characteristics, and they all have their own single-target or group control skills. As long as the three of them rush in front of them, once the big move of Summoning Shameji is released, there will be a slight deviation , then Paladin's situation is precarious.In order to prevent the opponent's rush to take him away, the blind monk had to stay behind, ready to use [Dragon Tail] to kick the opponent away at any time, so that the Holy Gun Ranger can get enough output space.But it is precisely because the blind monk can't go up with his teammates to kill the opponent's back row, so the bomber and explorer can deal with their own side with ease.

After the last team battle, the members of King's Team had smiles on their faces. They knew that the general trend of this game was firmly under their control!

However, at this time, Wu Di said calmly:
"It's dangerous... They made another fatal mistake, otherwise, it would be very difficult for us to grasp such a big advantage."

All the team members were puzzled.The game has been played to this point, it is clear at a glance which is better, but why does his captain's tone reveal a kind of luck?Could it be that one of the opponent's nirvana tactics hasn't been used yet?In other words, in the last few team battles, our side had a lot of gaps and mistakes that could be exploited by the opponent?

At this time, Wei Xiaoxiao, another big-name player in the team, broke the secret with a single word.

"Our captain is not alarmist. The Valkyrie team did make a not-so-obvious but fatal mistake that determined the outcome of this match! They dare not trust their captain too much in this situation!

We made it clear that we want to fight against them and speed up the pace of the game infinitely, and we selected three dashing heroes with their own characteristics in this game, just to smash their back row.

However, under such an obvious situation, they did not dare to change their tactics. In other words, they still chose to believe that the Paladin Ranger controlled by their captain could turn things around. Therefore, during the team battle, their tactical choice was wrong! "

Wu Di nodded, and continued:

"Sister Xiaoxiao is right. If in a team battle, their blind monks don't protect their back row, but make up their minds to fight us to the end, then their number of rushing heroes will reach three!
The blind monk, the crocodile, and the goddess of the moon, these three heroes are combined, and it is impossible for the explorer and the bomber to have a good life.And they are the middle and upper reaches of the Super League team, with strong personal strength and team coordination ability. Using three rushing heroes to fight our two back row heroes can definitely complete the kill easily. "

Ye Qi, who was sitting next to Wu Di, immediately raised her own question when she heard this:

"Captain, even though that's the case, the number of heroes in their back row has become two, and wouldn't it be easier for our three rushing heroes to get the heads of their back row heroes? Besides, in the Valkyrie team, the biggest hero The best player is their captain Ren Xiao, as long as he kills the Holy Gun Ranger controlled by him, then the next thing will be much easier?"

Wu Di smiled and shook his head, and replied:
"The initial battle situation will indeed develop as you said, but what will happen next? Do you think about it?

Suppose, the opponent's blind monk joins the assault team, carries out an assault on our back row, and then gets the head of the bomber or explorer, and our assault hero also gets the Paladin or Tide Caller head...and then?Then what will become? "

Xia Jie, who hadn't spoken all this time, showed an expression of enlightenment, and said in surprise:
"I understand! Then it will become our three dashing heroes and the opponent's three dashing heroes to continue to clean up the mess of the team battle! And once my eternal nightmare and sister Xiaoxiao's tidal sea spirit have no ultimate moves, Then in the confrontation between our dashing heroes, their heroes are more flexible and durable, and our dashing heroes might lose the endgame of the team battle!"

Wu Di nodded and smiled:

"Yes, you are right. Tidal Sea Spirit relied heavily on ults before the layers of the book of murders rose, and your Eternal Nightmare is a hero who relies on ults to make a living. And in team battles, Even if the two sides have exchanged the heroes in the back row, they are obviously stronger in terms of their ability to clean up the mess. The crocodile can resist and fight, the goddess of the moon and the blind monk are also very flexible, and the cooldown time of their skills is relatively short. In a fight, it will be difficult for our advancing heroes to gain the upper hand.

That's why I said that they made another fatal mistake-that is, relying too much on their captain!
This is a potential psychological hint.Because Ren Xiao is the captain of the Valkyrie team, the captain who leads them to keep moving forward, and he controls the ADC that undertakes the core output task, so his hero must be well protected. This cognition is deeply instilled in their hearts. In the hearts of teammates.

It was based on this mentality that their blind monk did not dare to press easily, because his [Dragon Wagging Tail] is a magic skill to protect the back row.But this is also the case, so that we can deal with our opponents in team battles with ease, and use the characteristics of the lineup to gain the advantage in the final team battle! "

A moment later, Ren Xiao, who also realized that his side had made a third fatal mistake, made his teammates surrender with a gloomy face!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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