The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 640 Spear and Shield

Chapter 640 Spear and Shield

The game quickly entered the forbidden stage.

After Team Brilliant banned the three heroes, the veteran e-sports fans immediately widened their eyes in disbelief!

Because the three heroes they banned did not include the three heroes that Wu Di was best at and had the highest winning rate!Moreover, these fans who are well aware of the history of e-sports know that once the opponent releases the blind monk, Wu Di will definitely choose him, and his team will definitely win if he chooses!
This common sense applies not only to the domestic arena, but also to the international arena.No team dared to release Wu Di's blind monk in a head-to-head confrontation.Because although his blind monk didn't play many games, he still has the strongest history in the e-sports world - 100% winning rate!

All of a sudden, all the fans were discussing what Team Brilliant wanted to do.Even their team members didn't understand why the captain released the blind monk.And Lu Li replied blankly, which made his team members even more puzzled.

"Don't worry, even if the king team chooses the blind monk, that guy Wu Di won't use him. Because...he will fight me in the bottom lane!"

It wasn't until after the selection of the two sides that the members of Team Bright discovered that what the captain said was true.

Team King did get the blind monk, but the blind monk was handed over to an unknown rookie player, while Wu Di... chose Tuqi, the source of the plague, also known as the "rat" who appeared in the up the ADC bit!
When the source of the plague was officially confirmed by Wu Di, people who were familiar with Wu Di were even more surprised.

Plague Origin is a very special ADC.His appearance rate is quite high, but as an ADC, he has another fatal weakness-he has no displacement skills.

However, in order to make up for this shortcoming, the development company gave him another powerful skill-invisibility.Therefore, this ADC hero's appearance rate in official games is not low, and the group damage in team battles is extremely terrifying. If he is allowed to output for a few seconds, then basically all the heroes of the opponent are either half blood or residual blood.

His basic attack can give the opponent continuous additional damage, and he can use the ability of invisibility to appear in unexpected places of the opponent and cooperate with his teammates to kill.Another point is that within a few seconds after he appears in stealth, his attack speed will increase significantly.This way, he can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

At the same time, his weaknesses are also clear at a glance.

First, he has no movement skills.Although his stealth skill allows him to carry out sneak attacks on enemy heroes unexpectedly, but at the same time, once someone comes to gank him, if he can't find it in time, then he can easily be buried in the hands of the enemy.

Second, the life growth of the source of the plague is too low. When reaching the full level of level 18, it only has 1700 life points, which makes Tuqi as fragile as a piece of paper. Therefore, whether it is the laning period or the team battle period , he relies heavily on the cooperation of tanks in the team and his own powerful equipment support.Otherwise, it would be too easy for him to be instantly killed by the opponent's concentrated fire, and then he would not be able to deal that terrifying group damage.

After Wu Di took out this fragile ADC hero, all those who are familiar with him, whether fans or opponents, will of course be shocked.

Because the source of the plague is essentially an ADC hero who pays great attention to teamwork.Although his single-kill ability is very outstanding, as long as he is invisible and comes to his side, the ultimate move is activated, and the burst of skills and basic attacks is indeed easy to take away the crispy hero.However, since he has no movement skills, he needs the protection and cooperation of his teammates even more, so that he can find a comfortable position and timing to deal tons of damage.

As far as Wu Di is concerned, in the past five years of his professional career, although he claims to be proficient in all heroes, in actual games, he will never use heroes that rely too much on the team!

His personal ability is really outstanding, so he usually chooses a very strong offensive hero to dominate the game. By continuously taking kills, he makes the opponent frightened. This is the deepest impression he left on people before.

However, at this moment, he chose an ADC hero who is more dependent on the team, which is naturally a bit unbelievable in the eyes of everyone.

Moreover, after several versions of the game update, the role of ADC heroes has become less and less effective. With the same equipment, it is even difficult for him to single-handedly beat the aggressive top laner, or even the explosive mid laner and Jungle hero. In today's version, the role and deterrence of ADC heroes are not as good as before.

But even in such a situation, Wu Di still chose an ADC hero who relies on the team. What does this mean?
The same thought flashed through everyone's mind: He trusts his teammates!He believes that his teammates can definitely create an excellent output environment for his source of plague!
The opponent of the source of the plague controlled by Wu Di is Lu Li's Holy Gun Ranger!Anyone with a discerning eye can see the big drama that is about to be staged at a glance!Lu Li is the No. [-] ADC in China, and of course he will take the ADC position, while Wu Di claims to be good at all heroes and positions, and he also had a well-known title back then-the Terminator.The expert hero who ended all famous masters was his most glorious record of the year!

Wu Di deliberately chose the ADC hero, obviously to compete with Lu Li in the bottom lane!
After the fans realized this, whether they were the die-hard fans of Team Bright or the neutral audience, the blood in their hearts began to flow through their bodies. They knew that the direct dialogue between these two people would determine the outcome of this match to a large extent. The winner of the game!
And after Lu Li took out the current version of the strongest ADC Holy Gun Ranger, it naturally means that he will not underestimate Wu Di at all. These two brothers from the same discipline will conquer the fans with the performance of sparks hitting the earth in this game heart of.

In addition, when the selection of the two teams is over, the lineups of both teams have also been released.

In order to provide the greatest protection for Wu Di's source of the plague, the King's team dispatched four major control heroes besides the mouse!And with such a formation, as long as amateur players who know a little about League of Legends can see that the king team will use four guarantees and one tactic!

Top lane crocodile, mid lane clockwork monster, jungle blind monk, support tauren chief!
Each of these four heroes has control skills, which can protect the source of the plague to the greatest extent, especially the tauren chief. A group knock-up skill and a single-target knock-up skill can definitely ensure that the source of the plague is safe in team battles. Security Question!
However, as the champions of the two Super Leagues, Team Brilliant naturally wouldn't play a slow-paced game against their opponents. Therefore, after seeing the opponent's lineup, they also responded very well and selected four breakthrough heroes to break the opponent's four Guaranteed tactics!

The weapon master in the top lane, the murloc in the mid laner, the Eternal Nightmare in the jungle, the Aurora Goddess in the support, and the heroes in the other four positions of Team Brilliant, including the support position, are all aggressive heroes who can start a team first !Moreover, they also have a lot of control skills. If the opponent can't protect the source of the plague, then killing him in seconds is really in the blink of an eye!

The lineup of King's team looks like an indestructible shield, and the core of their battle is to protect the source of the plague; while the lineup of Team Brilliant looks like an invincible spear, and the core of their battle is to focus on Fire kills the source of the plague in seconds!

Wu Di, just using a small part of selection, let everyone and all opponents focus all their attention on him!In such a situation and atmosphere, any ordinary professional player might be timid before fighting.

However, the number one genius in the world, who has experienced a lot of hardships, is chatting with his teammates in a relaxed manner at this time.

"You all have to be careful, Team Bright, the defending champion of the Super League, no one can beat them in the league.

Qiqi, although your opponent is not as famous as Lu Li and Qin Rou, their strength should not be underestimated. Your main laning strategy is to be fierce in the early stage, wretched in the mid-term, and late... There will be no laning period, because everyone wants to fight. Participate in team battles;

Sister Xiaoxiao, Qin Rou is now the most popular candidate for the first mid laner in China, hehe, do you want to pull her name down personally?

Xia Jie, don't underestimate the jungler of the Cancan team, Xiao Li's analysis is not wrong, since he said that this jungler is the engine of Cancan's early stage, then you have to pay attention to dealing with him to the end;
Yiyi, do you know why I sent you here?In such an important game, don't feel pressured to be able to play.Am I talking nonsense... You can't be under pressure, and Lu Li on the opposite side is also your acquaintance.

The digression is over, Yiyi, you only need to do two things, and we have hope of victory!The first point is to use your powerful mental arithmetic ability to calculate the economic situation of both parties at each moment, and tell me.Also, the last point is also very simple, that is to do everything possible to protect the source of my plague, even if... you will sacrifice yourself. "

After Wu Di explained to all the team members, all the team members also deeply engraved his words in their hearts.

Then, after a short wait, the first match between Team King and Team Bright officially kicked off!
The King's team attacks from bottom to top, the blue side, and the Brilliant team attacks from top to bottom, the purple side.

As soon as he entered the official game screen, Wu Di immediately withdrew his relaxed smile, his expression was serious, and he commanded decisively:
"Invade their red BUFF area. If they are there, start a first-level team battle immediately. If they are not there, wait to take out their red BUFF! In this game, we must make full use of the blue team's geographical advantage!
However, they are a top team, so they will naturally understand how to break the blue team's geographical advantage, so... I estimate that they may come to the red buff area [-]% of the time! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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