Chapter 642 Bet!

No one in the grass?no one?Really no one!
Half a second later, all the members of the King's team who were about to make a big attack believed the fact in front of them—there was no one in the grass!
Did the captain make a mistake in his judgment?In fact, the other party will not send people here to install investigative guards?In other words, all five heroes of the enemy are in the blue BUFF area?

Just as the king team showed puzzled expressions, the audience from the perspective of God showed a smug smile.Most of the audience who came to the scene were loyal fans of Team Bright. Of course, they hoped to see the home team they supported win, and now...they saw that the home team could teach that team a hard lesson at the beginning of the game. The team led by the world's first talent!
Because, they saw, of course all five heroes of the home team were ambushing in the red buff area!It's just that they are not in the grass that Wu Di expected - they are collectively hiding in the high wall diagonally opposite the grass, which is the refresh point of the stone man above the wild area.Moreover, they set up reconnaissance guards in the two bushes in the red buff area early, so they can see all the movements of the enemy clearly.

Because of Wu Di's prudence, King's team let their teammates come from the mobs of the four-person group instead of going to the other side. Otherwise, Team Brilliant would have wiped out their opponents long ago!
The source of the plague's invisibility can last for a second or two, and the teammates are also at a loss at this time, not knowing what to do.Should he stay here and steal the opponent's red BUFF, or just turn around and leave, lest the opponent make a surprise attack on him from behind.

At this time, Wu Di suddenly controlled the source of the plague to retreat from the grass, and stood together with his teammates against the wall.

"Order a scouting guard in that bush, hurry up! Then, everyone and I should pay attention to everything above and below!"

After Xia Jie's blind monk clicked on a scout guard there, the five heroes of King's team stood still, which also made the fans of the home team sigh.

If the source of the plague stayed in that grass for a while longer, if the Kings team ran directly to that grass to squat, then what awaited them would be to be caught off guard by the home team!

However, that nasty mouse backed away, and everyone in the king's team was stuck in a blind spot in the field of vision, and the home team couldn't find them!
At the same time, the aces of the Kings and Bright teams whispered in their earphones:
"hold on!"

Lu Li asked his teammates to wait because he did not believe that the other party would not come to the red BUFF area to make a fuss; and Wu Di told his teammates to wait because he firmly believed that the other party would not ignore his red BUFF so hastily, even though they hadn't met yet. The first half of the enemy, but these unreasonable phenomena made him vigilant.

However, both sides seem to have taken a weight to make up their minds, and they are still stuck in the dead corners of their respective visions, refusing to take a step forward!
The players on both sides couldn't help but glanced at their captains out of the corners of their eyes, but after realizing that their respective captains were staring at the two bushes motionlessly, they quickly swallowed their doubts.

2 minutes into the game!

Just when the players on both sides lost their patience, Wu Di suddenly shouted: "Attention! They are coming!"

At this time, the five heroes of Team Bright came out from around the corner, and the mid laner hero started to rush to the line, but there was a little imperceptible flash of light at the bottom of the screen on the mini-map—it was the weapon of Team Bright The master is using the [Teleport] sign!

This small move immediately made Wu Di stunned, but he reacted immediately.

Just when he ordered his teammates to prepare to kill the little murloc who was about to enter the ambush circle, Wu Di already used super-fast tactics to type out a sentence in the fair: [Junior Gao Fushuai, you are immoral. Negative, but you used the tactics of changing lanes, you never tire of cheating! 】

When all members of Team Bright saw Wu Di's provocative words, they were shocked.And Lu Li reacted the fastest:

"Stop, Qin Rou, stop!"

Although Lu Li sensed a hint of danger, it was too late!

Before he finished speaking, Qin Rou's little murloc had already walked into the enemy's ambush circle!
The blind monk kicked the little murloc first to ensure that it could catch up immediately after using the flash, and the crocodile swung down the scythe, causing the little murloc to be charged on the spot!And other heroes also began to throw all their skills and basic attacks on the little murloc, causing its HP to drop by more than half!

However, Qin Rou is worthy of being a superstar player with high strength. Just as Lu Li reminded herself, she has decisively upgraded her E skill pole vault.And when the opponent's first round of basic attack and skills is finished, when the little murloc has less than 30 health points left, it has decisively dodged backwards, and immediately connected to its own E skill, allowing the enemy to The second round of offensives have failed!

Qin Rou is very confident.

Even if the little murloc would bleed if anyone touched it casually, she still didn't rush.Because she discovered early on that no one in the opponent's lineup carried the [ignite], the life-threatening summoner skill that snatches the initial head!
The crocodile brought [Teleportation], the Clockwork Demon also brought a [Barrier] to deal with the impact of the little murloc after level six, the source of the plague brought [Healing], and the Tauren chief brought a [ Weakness] to ensure the safety of their own ADC.

None of the heroes in the king's team carry [ignite]!
Qin Rou saw this, so she confidently thought that she could escape from being ambushed and handed over her first blood!
However, things are unpredictable!
This well-known all-star beauty player ignores the grassroots rookies in the opponent's lineup, especially the jungler Xia Jie whose basic quality in e-sports is far beyond ordinary people!

Xia Jie had already cast his Q skill when the crocodile held the little murloc, but after the little murloc flashed, he didn't use the second Q skill immediately because he knew the little murloc's The E skill can defeat the skills of most heroes!
Therefore, when the little murloc landed with the E skill, he had already flashed up, allowing the opponent to enter the casting range of his Q skill, and quickly pressed the Q key to play the second Q skill!
The little murloc was killed in the wild and surrendered his first blood. The blind monk used his brilliant operation to let the team get a head first!
At this time, the weapon master's [Teleportation] had already taken effect, and he also reached the bottom lane early and started to make up the knife.That is to say, there are only three heroes in the red buff wild area of ​​Team Brilliant!

Looking at the five ferocious heroes on the opposite side, Lu Li commanded calmly: "Retreat! Continue to implement the lane change tactics!"

The three heroes of Team Bright are still some distance away from the five heroes of the opposing team. Under normal circumstances, if Team Bright wants to escape, it is impossible for Team King to catch up with them.

However, Wei Xiaoxiao made a move at this moment - her Clockwork Demon has not upgraded her skills, but at this critical moment, she has decisively upgraded her W skills!
"Everyone follow me around or behind me, I have upgraded my W skill!"

The clockwork monster's W skill will grant a short acceleration BUFF to friendly heroes passing by!

The team members immediately understood the star mid laner's intentions, and Wu Di didn't say a word, and followed the Clockwork Demon directly in the direction of the enemy's retreat, and reminded the bull-headed chief next to him:
"Yiyi, the moment the acceleration effect ends, immediately use [Flash]! Let's bet again!"

Although Su Yiyi didn't know what her master and captain was going to bet on, she always obeyed Wu Di's words, so she rushed over immediately.

When Lu Li and his teammates were wondering why the other party would chase after them even when they were obviously unable to catch up, in the king's team, except for the blind monk who took the head of the little murloc, the other four heroes were in a flash. Get a BUFF to accelerate movement!

Lu Li understood instantly!This is the special effect of Clockwork Monster's W skill!
Depend on!Are these guys bloody?Do everything possible to still want the head?
And when the strong body of the Bull Chief came to the forefront, Lu Li and his teammates felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

The next moment, Su Yiyi strictly followed Wu Di's instructions, and directly pressed the shortcut key of [Flash] at the moment the acceleration buff ended!
This is Niutou's signature team-starting technique - [Flash Q]!
Just when Lu Li put his finger on the shortcut key of [Flash], and was about to evade the bull-headed chief's flying skill, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and gave up the idea of ​​using the flash to escape!
"Wait, wait! Don't use 【Flash】!"

However, our own jungle hero Eternal Nightmare and auxiliary Aurora Goddess have both performed flash operations.

After all, Su Yiyi's anti-gravity and hand speed can't be compared with the top players. He released the Q skill after the opponent flashed, but he missed none of them. The only Holy Spear Ranger who didn't flash just continued to retreat. Just avoid its Q skill.

When Su Yiyi was lamenting that her hand speed was really a drag on everyone, Wu Di smiled and said:

"Okay, this time the gamble has paid off again! The goal has been achieved. One flash of the bull chieftain has exchanged for two flashes of the other party. Especially the jungler has no flash. The blind monk knows what to do."

But during the game of Team Brilliant, Lu Li was questioning why his players didn't listen to his command.

"Why did you flash just now? Firstly, the opponent doesn't have [Ignite], and secondly, they only have Niutou to control them. You only need to keep backing away to avoid their pursuit!"

"We... we were a little bit intimidated to see that bull rushing so fiercely..."

(End of this chapter)

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