The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 652 The big event!

Chapter 652 The big event!
time flies.

In the blink of an eye, more than one-third of the Super League schedule has gone on.Eighteen teams fought against each other, feasting the eyes of fans.

And the Kings team, which has attracted the most attention from the outside world, has achieved an impressive record of eight wins and six draws after fourteen rounds of the league!They have won 36 league points, temporarily ranking fourth in the standings!

This result, for a new team that has just been promoted to the Super League this year, is already good and cannot be better.However, when the fans and media workers took another look at the standings, they immediately forgot all their attention on Team King!
The No. [-] ranking is still last season's league champions, the Brilliant team-everyone still thinks it is very normal;

The second place is still the Agni team, which won the runner-up last season and entered the world stage for the first time-all fans still think it is reasonable.

Ranked third is... the Fengyun team that was promoted to the Super League together with the Kings team this year!The new army known as the [International Team]—everyone felt incredible about this phenomenon!

If Wu Di's Kings team can temporarily rank fourth, and they can barely accept it, then Fengyun team, a new army that came out of nowhere, has seized the top three positions, which greatly surprised them.

All of a sudden, reports about the Fengyun team swept the entire Chinese e-sports circle, and many people also began to formally understand this new team.

Like the other three teams ranked in the top four, they have not lost to their opponents in the total score of the competition system, and their momentum is even better than that of the No. [-] team!

And just when everyone thought that Team Fengyun would continue in this excellent state and was ready to present an e-sports miracle to the world, in the No.15 round of the league, Team Fengyun and Team King, two highly regarded new teams, met on a narrow road. !
Which of the two new armies is the biggest dark horse?Will see the outcome in this league!

However, to everyone's surprise, before the official start of the match between the two teams, a dramatic change hit the headlines of all e-sports media the next day.

Xia Ninghan, the number one beauty player of the Fengyun team, who was already determined to run for the title of the best rookie of the season, had been exempted from the game before the start of the game!
Before the game, there were no unfavorable reports about this beautiful contestant, nor did she hear that there was any problem with her body, but she just abruptly declared that she would not play in the game against the Kings!
This change caught Fengyun team by surprise.Later, I heard that the team executives had a long interview with Xia Ninghan, but in the end they couldn't change her decision not to play!
In the end, due to the pressure within the team and the interference of public opinion, Team Fengyun imposed the heaviest fine in the history of e-sports - Xia Ninghan did not abide by the club's arrangements, made his own decisions and refused to listen to persuasion, and now punished him with 30 life coins as a warning Follow!

And it was precisely because she changed her mind temporarily before the game and did not play in the game, so the Fengyun team also messed up in this focus match, lost the battle, and was broken by the Kings team.

After the game, countless media flocked to the press conference. They all wanted to obtain first-hand information about Xia Ninghan's absence from the game, but in the end they all failed to get what they wanted.Xia Ninghan even left early when the match was still in progress.

No one knows what happened between Xia Ninghan, who is likely to be the best rookie of the year, and Team Fengyun, but Wu Di knows it well!
Long before the match between the two teams started, he received a text message from Xia Ninghan on an unfamiliar mobile phone:
Di, Danqing has already become suspicious of me, and it seems that my undercover career is over.For more than a year, I have been thinking about you all the time!This time, let me help you one more time before leaving Team Fengyun!

I will give you and King's team a great gift, and the end of this gift is that I will leave Fengyun team.

Of course, you are now the captain of the favorite team to win the championship, are you willing to take me in!If you are willing, you will have to pay 100 million liquidated damages for me.

Get your money ready, I'll be back with everyone, and with you soon...

After receiving this text message, Wu Di was naturally ecstatic.He secretly discussed everything with Ye Wuhen and made arrangements, including the liquidated damages mentioned by Xia Ninghan. Then, before the official start of the match between the two teams, he pretended that nothing happened and sternly Danqing was with the Fengyun team, which also made him very happy.

After the match, everyone didn't know where Xia Ninghan had gone, and an hour later, Mu Piao Piao brought Xia Ninghan to appear in the somewhat shabby e-sports base of King's Team!

"Hi everyone! I'm back!"

Xia Ninghan waved to all the team members who knew her and those who didn't know her. The feeling of reunion after a long absence made her sweet to the bottom of her heart!
And Wu Di happily took Xia Ninghan's hand, and announced to everyone like a naive child:
"This is my girlfriend, and this is the person I love the most. Now that she is back, she will fight side by side with us and work hard for the e-sports dream in our hearts!"

All members of King's Team started to applaud excitedly. With Xia Ninghan joining, they are naturally one step closer to that dream!What's more, Xia Ninghan's change of mind before the match caused Team Fengyun to lose without a fight, and lost points, which also caused their ranking to be topped by him!
Xia Ninghan has already played such an important role before even playing, if he fights side by side with Wu Di in the future, it will naturally help the team to victory.

At this time, as soon as Xia Ninghan returned to the familiar environment, she immediately returned to her true self as a queen.Pointing at Wu Di's nose, she pretended to be annoyed and said, "My boy, I know that after I left the King's team, you will mess around everywhere."

Wu Di looked innocent: "Where is it! Don't listen to those guys talking nonsense!"

"Hee hee, just kidding. Alright, the last step is left now. I have already submitted a transfer application to Team Fengyun. As long as you communicate with them during the rest period halfway through the season, and pay If I pay liquidated damages, I can return to the team in an upright manner! But...I'm afraid Danqing will not do what we want."

"Well, this is still a troublesome matter. The key is that you have blatantly teased Danqing, I don't know if he will let you go easily. Of course, Senior Wuhen and I have already asked about all the procedures. As long as you propose to transfer If you will apply and we are willing to pay liquidated damages, they will delay you for up to two weeks." Wu Di withdrew his smile and said seriously.

Ye Wuhen on the side also nodded, giving Xia Ninghan a reassurance.

"Sister Ninghan, you don't have to worry too much. I have prepared all the procedures and means, and you won't be able to run away when the time comes. Hehe, even if Danqing's lungs exploded, he wouldn't dare to do anything openly Something against the law."

Afterwards, after briefly reminiscing with old and new teammates, Xia Ninghan pulled Wu Di aside, and said solemnly:

"Wu Di, I thought I could find evidence of him and [organizing] crimes in the Fengyun team, but I found nothing. You don't blame me, do you?"

Wu Di smiled and said: "At the beginning I wanted to take you away, but you didn't listen, and insisted on guarding there. Now you know, in fact, it is said that my father is a very powerful character, and all countries The security departments in the country have all paid attention to the organization, and they are now unable to fly. As their last bastion, the Fengyun team will naturally not reveal any flaws for you to discover.

Well, everything is over, now you are ready to return to the king's team! "

The next day.

Although the mainstream e-sports media reported on Xia Ninghan's insistence not to participate in the competition, they were all superficial articles and did not mention the essence of the matter.And Team Fengyun seemed to have a countermeasure for this. Facing the media's doubts, they didn't mention whether Xia Ninghan would leave the team because of something different. They just said that they would deal with the matter as soon as possible.

Just a week after the Xia Ninghan incident caused an uproar, the Kings team had already ushered in the last strong opponent before the end of the half-time league——Team Raging Fire!
The collision between Wu Di and Zhao Yindi is absolutely no less than the collision between Wu Di and Lu Li!
Wu Di, Kevin, Wei Wei and Zhao Yindi were once praised by the e-sports media as the strongest four of the second generation at the beginning of their debut.But a few years passed by, and after time passed, Kevin came back after retiring to fight for the world championship together with the Shinhwa team; Weiwei once also lost the championship after the crucial battle closest to the world championship, and has not yet adjusted; Wu Di was persecuted by the [organization], not only lost the world championship, but also almost bid farewell to the e-sports world; among these four, although Zhao Yindi's achievements were not as high as the previous three, his situation But it is the best.

For so many years, this professional player with a fiery heart has never left his e-sports stage!

Even after Wu Di retired, he thought that no one in China could awaken his passion for e-sports, so that he played listlessly in professional leagues for several years, and his team never made it to the world stage.

But just last summer, he seemed to have a second spring. After learning that Wu Di would come back, he immediately rekindled his fighting spirit and led the Agni team to the top eight in the world!

This is an awe-inspiring professional player who truly lives for e-sports!In his eyes, there is no victory or defeat, no honor, no achievement, only enjoyment!He enjoys the strong sense of confrontation brought by powerful opponents, and enjoys the infinite happiness brought to him by e-sports.This is Zhao Yindi, who was once as famous as Wu Di and one of the strongest four of the second generation!

(End of this chapter)

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