The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 657 Supersonic Dragon Turtleman!

Chapter 657 Supersonic Dragon Turtleman!

How fast can three ADC heroes push towers together?
It took only 1 minute for King's team to grind down the opponent's middle tower. From this, it can be seen that the speed of pushing the tower was so fast that everyone was terrified!

At this time, the bottom lane duo of the Agni team has a worry: should they quickly clear the line, and then continue to push down the opponent's bottom lane defense tower, or return to the middle lane in time to help teammates defend the second middle tower?

"Return to defense quickly! Come and defend the second tower in the middle! Don't lose the outer tower in the middle! The defense tower in the bottom lane is not as important as the defense tower in the middle lane. You all understand this truth!"

As soon as Zhao Yindi gave an order, the duo in the bottom lane quickly gave up on pushing the tower, and immediately went back to defend in the middle lane.

The situation on the field is indeed as Zhao Yindi said, if the opponent's three ADCs are allowed to continue to push, then the opponent may have already attacked the high ground before the duo pushes the opponent's second bot tower tower up!

And once the Highland Tower is destroyed by the opponent at this point in time, the rhythm of the game will be completely controlled by the opponent.

The four heroes of the Agni team finally returned to the defense, and temporarily suspended the speed push tactics of the king team.However, more than half of the blood volume of their second tower in the middle lane has been worn down. If they return to defense a little slower, the defensive tower will be destroyed.

Just when the fans and team members of the home team breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Kings would back off and give up their plans to speed push, their top laner Dragon Turtle staged a classic routine again!
First of all, under Wu Di's reminder, Jin Qiqi quickly cleared the line of troops, then retreated to a safe position and pressed the return button.

After returning to the city, Jin Qiqi asked Dragon Turtle to buy five-speed shoes and enchanted [Homeland Guard], which can increase a lot of movement speed... Then, she pressed the Q button to make Dragon Turtle start to spin quickly.

This is the Q skill of the dragon turtle, which can increase its movement speed during continuous rotation, and after touching an enemy unit, it will knock the target back a short distance.However, there is an upper limit to the rolling time of the dragon turtle.

When Dragon Turtle's Q skill was running a little more than halfway, its own movement speed, under the blessing of the five-speed shoes, [Homeland Guard] and Q skill, had reached a terrifying figure.

Immediately afterwards, it's ShowTime!

He pressed the shortcut key of [Teleport] and teleported directly to the grass next to the middle road!In that grass, there is no vision of the Agni team!
After the dragon tortoise landed, it immediately rushed to the front of the opponent's four heroes with its staggering movement speed!With a bang, several enemy heroes who could not dodge at all were knocked back half a step by the dragon turtle.

Immediately afterwards, before the opposing player could figure out what happened, Dragon Turtle immediately activated the taunting skill, dragging the most fragile ADC hero out of the crowd.

And the moment Dragon Turtle completed all the moves, the Ice Archer of King's Team made a decisive move!She retreated to a slightly back position, and then suddenly cast a cold arrow, and issued a big move [Magic Crystal Arrow] at the enemy crowd.

Before the mocked ADC hero had time to react, he was frozen in place by Ice's big move!
In the end, the ultimate move of the Ice Archer was also favored by the goddess of luck, and hit three enemy heroes at the same time, which slowed down their movement speed a lot.

The controlled ADC hero was quickly attacked by the three ADC heroes of the king team and fell to the field.And how could Wu Di miss such an excellent opportunity, he manipulated the Tauren chief to flash to the core of the battlefield, and then smashed heavily towards the ground, smashing another crispy mid laner hero into the air.

Then he made a detour behind him, and at the moment when the ADC hero had just fallen, he pushed the crispy mid-lane mage hero into his own attack range!
Without any suspense, this mid-lane mage hero fell into the crowd very quickly due to his poor development and lack of equipment.Shocked, he even made a mistake in flashing death.

In this way, the king's team relied on the surprise attack of [Supersonic Ninja Turtles], causing the opponent's ADC hero and AP hero to fall within a few seconds, completely catching the opponent by surprise!
Next, of course, the king team quickly pushed down the opponent's second tower in the middle without any danger, and made great strides all the way, directly hitting the opponent's highland tower.

Just before the mid laner and ADC of the Agni team were revived, they had already worn out more than half of the HP of the opponent's highland tower, and the speed of pushing the tower left everyone dumbfounded.

However, with their top laner returning to defense and the resurrection of the two main output heroes, the Agni team has the strength to fight the opponent again, so they are ready to fight the opponent.

At this time, the king team made another amazing move—they didn't turn around and leave, but desperately pulled out the opponent's mid-lane highland tower!

Although they paid the price of two heads, but compared to this defensive tower, the price is very small!
Just over ten minutes into the game, the Agni team lost the highland tower in the middle under the opponent's novel tactics one after another. This situation shocked everyone.

The highland tower in the middle lane was broken at this point, completely beyond everyone's expectations. Next, as long as the king's team comes again and pushes down the middle barracks, the rhythm of this game will basically be controlled by the king's team .

Zhao Yindi knew the seriousness of the situation, and also realized the purpose of the opponent's three-ADC lineup, but he and his team never expected that the opponent would use such a weird routine, so for a while, he also lost his mind. Proper.

After he stabilized his mood, he warned the team members: "Everyone, be careful, don't get confused, the opponent's tactic is very novel, so pay more attention, especially the teleportation of the dragon turtle, and the vision must be good. Alright... that's all for now."

However, Zhao Yindi said, but the situation on the court is still developing according to the expectations of the king team.

They took advantage of the ability of the three ADC heroes to push towers quickly, and forcibly pulled out all the outer towers of the opponent's top and bottom lanes.At this time, the game had only passed 10 minutes.

In the end, they took advantage of this huge advantage and let it last until the end.

In the second game, the King's team used the Supersonic Dragon Turtleman and three ADC speed push tactics to win back a victory!The King's team scored a point in the fierce e-sports stadium known as the home of hell!
(End of this chapter)

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